2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences, ICMMAS’19
August 22, 2019 11:30–11:50, Belgorod, Belgorod State University
Integrable Dissipative Dynamical Systems: Approach and Applications
M. V. Shamolin Lomonosov Moscow State University
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We study nonconservative systems for which the usual methods of the study, e.g.,
Hamiltonian systems, are inapplicable. Thus, for such systems, we must “directly” integrate
the main equation of dynamics. We generalize previously known cases and obtain new cases
of the complete integrability in transcendental functions of the equation of dynamics of a
rigid body of different dimensions in a nonconservative force field.
dissipative dynamical system, integrability, transcendental first integral.
Supplementary materials:
abstract.pdf (417.1 Kb)
Language: English