Основные публикации: |
H.D. Fattayev, “About some differential-geometric structures on the coframe bundle”, J. of Qafqaz University, 29 (2010), 103-107
Г.Д. Фаттаев, С.Ф. Кязимова, “Риманова метрика в расслоении тензоров типа (1,2) над римановым многообразием”, Вестник Бакинского Университета, серия физико-математических наук, 2017, № 4, 58-65
H.D. Fattayev, “Transfer of some differential-geometric structures from (1,1)-tensor bundle to the (0,2)-tensor bundle over a Riemannian manifold”, Transactions of NAS of Azerbaican, Issue Mathematics, Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences, 38:1 (2018), 37-46
A.A. Salimov, H.D. Fattayev, “On a new class of lifts in the coframe bundle”, Comptes rendus de l'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 71:6 (2018), 743-750
A.A.Salimov, H.D.Fattayev, “Coframe bundle and problems of lifts on its cross-sections”, Turk J Math, 42 (2018), 2035-2044