Список публикаций:
Цитирования (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
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А. В. Кудинов, “Топологическое произведение модальных логик с аксиомой Mаккинси”, Докл. РАН. Матем., информ., проц. упр., 515 (2024), 84–91 ; A. V. Kudinov, “Topological product of modal logics with the McKinsey axiom”, Dokl. Math., 515:1 (2024), 66–72 |
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Andrey Kudinov, “On neighbourhood product of some Horn axiomatizable logics”, Log. J. IGPL, 26:3 (2018), 316–338 , arXiv: 1609.03232
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А. В. Кудинов, И. Б. Шапировский, “О разбиениях шкал Крипке конечной высоты”, Изв. РАН. Сер. матем., 81:3 (2017), 134–159 ; A. V. Kudinov, I. B. Shapirovsky, “Partitioning Kripke frames of finite height”, Izv. Math., 81:3 (2017), 592–617
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А. В. Кудинов, И. Б. Шапировский, “О финитной аппроксимируемости модальных логик конечной глубины”, УМН, 71:1(427) (2016), 175–176 ; A. Kudinov, I. Shapirovsky, “Finite model property of modal logics of finite depth”, Russian Math. Surveys, 71:1 (2016), 164–166 |
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Andrey Kudinov, Valentin Shehtman, “Derivational modal logics with the difference modality”, Leo Esakia on duality in modal and intuitionistic logics, Outst. Contrib. Log., 4, Springer, Dordrecht, 2014, 291–334
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Andrey Kudinov, “Neighbourhood frame product $K\times K$”, Proceedings of the 10th conference (AiML 2014), Groningen, Netherlands, August 5–8, 2014, Advances in Modal Logic, 10, College Publications, London, 2014, 373–386 |
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Philippe Balbiani, Hans van Ditmarsch, Andrey Kudinov, “Subset space logic with arbitrary announcements”, Indian Conference on Logic and Its Applications (ICLA 2013), Chennai, India, January 10–12, 2013, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 7750, Springer, Berlin, 2013, 233–244
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Andrey Kudinov, Ilya Shapirovsky, Valentin Shehtman, “On modal logics of Hamming spaces”, Proceedings of the 9th conference (AiML 2012), Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22–25, Advances in Modal Logic, 9, College Publications, London, 2012, 395–410 |
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A. V. Kudinov, “Modal logic of some products of neighborhood frames”, Advances in Modal Logic, 9, 2012, 386–394 |
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А. В. Кудинов, “О топологической модальной логике $\mathbb R$ с неравенством”, УМН, 63:1(379) (2008), 163–164 ; A. V. Kudinov, “Topological modal logic of $\mathbb R$ with inequality”, Russian Math. Surveys, 63:1 (2008), 163–165