Хоц Борис Соломонович

Публикаций: 14 (14)
в MathSciNet: 2 (2)
в zbMATH: 2 (2)
Цитированных статей: 1
Цитирований: 2

Статистика просмотров:
Эта страница:484
Страницы публикаций:714
Полные тексты:298
Списки литературы:31
Основные публикации:
  1. B. Khots, D. Khots, N. Khots, Elements of Observer's Mathematics, KURS Publishing House, 2021, 112 pp.
  2. B. Khots, Observability and Mathematics: Fluid Mechanics, Solutions of Navier-Stokes Equations, and Modeling, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, A Chapman & Hall Book, 2021, 228 pp.
  3. B. Khots, D. Khots, Electrodynamics and Thermodynamics from Observer's Mathematics point of view, KURS Publishing House, 2017, 144 pp.
  4. Б. Хоц, Д. Хоц, Математика наблюдателей и ее приложения к квантовой механике, теории относительности и классической математике, ООО “КУРС”, 2017, 160 pp.
  5. B. Khots, D. Khots, Special and General Relativity theory and Gravitation from Observer's Mathematics point of view, KURS Publishing House, 2016, 116 pp.

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Цитирования (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. Б. С. Хоц, “О группе локальных аналитических гомеоморфизмов прямой и $P$-группах”, УМН, 33:3(201) (1978), 189–190  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; B. S. Khots, “The group of local analytic homeomorphisms of the line, and $P$-groups”, Russian Math. Surveys, 33:3 (1978), 163–164  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa 2
2. B. Khots, Observability and Mathematics: Quantum Yang-Mills Theory and Modeling, De Gruyter GmbH, Berlin–Boston, 2024, 248 pp.
3. B. Khots, D. Khots, Electrodynamics and Thermodynamics from Observer's Mathematics point of view, KURS Publishing House, 2017, 144 pp.
4. Б. Хоц, Д. Хоц, Математика наблюдателей и ее приложения к квантовой механике, теории относительности и классической математике, ООО “КУРС”, 2017, 160 с.
5. B. Khots, D. Khots, Special and General Relativity theory and Gravitation from Observer's Mathematics point of view, KURS Publishing House, 2016, 116 pp.
6. B. Khots, D. Khots, Quantum Mechanics from Observer’s Mathematics point of view, Academic Publications, 2015, 132 pp. https://acadpubl.eu/ap/sites/default/files/books/acadpublmon2015007.pdf
7. B. Khots, D. Khots, “Classical and Quantum Mechanics aspects from Observer’s Mathematics point of view”, Talk at International Congress of Mathematicians, Proceedings of ICM2014 (Seoul 2014), 2014
8. B. Khots, D. Khots, “Observer's mathematics applications to number theory, geometry, analysis, classical and quantum mechanics”, Физико-математические науки, Учен. зап. Казан. ун-та. Сер. Физ.-матем. науки, 153, № 3, Изд-во Казанского ун-та, Казань, 2011, 196–203  mathnet
9. B. Khots, D. Khots, “Analogy of Hilbert’s ten problem in Observer’s Mathematics”, Talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Proceedings of ICM2010 (Hyderabad 2010), 2010
10. B. Khots, D. Khots, “An introduction to mathematics of relativity”, Lecture Notes in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics, 7, ed. A. Aminova, Kazan State University, Kazan, 2006, 269-306
11. B. Khots, D. Khots, “Analogy of Fermat’s last problem in Observer’s Mathematics - Mathematics of Relativity”, Talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Proceedings of ICM2006 (Madrid 2006), 2006
12. B. Khots, D. Khots, “Fifth Hilbert problem and Genetic data”, Talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians (Beijing, China, 2002), 2002
13. B. Khots, D. Khots, “Fifth Hilbert problem and infinite-dimensional P-groups”, Talk at the International Congress of Mathematicians (Berlin, Germany, 1998), 1998
14. Б. С. Хоц, “О локально банаховых группах”, Матем. заметки, 13:3 (1973), 411–418  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; B. S. Khots, “On locally Banach groups”, Math. Notes, 13:3 (1973), 248–252  crossref  mathscinet  zmath
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