Список публикаций:
Цитирования (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
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S. Glebov, O. Kiselev, N. Tarkhanov, “Forced nonlinear resonance in a system of coupled oscillators”, Chaos, 21:2 (2011), 023109 , 7 pp. |
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S. Glebov, O. Kiselev, N. Tarkhanov, “Weakly nonlinear dispersive waves under parametric resonance perturbation”, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 124:1 (2010), 19–37
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S. Glebov, O. Kiselev, N. Tarkhanov, “Autoresonance in a dissipative system”, Journal Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, 43:21 (2010), 215203 , 16 pp.
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С. Г. Глебов, О. М. Киселев, В. А. Лазарев, “Порог авторезонанса в системе слабо связанных осцилляторов”, Тр. ИММ УрО РАН, 13, № 2, 2007, 43–54 ; S. G. Glebov, O. M. Kiselev, V. A. Lazarev, “The autoresonance threshold in a system of weakly coupled oscillators”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 259, suppl. 2 (2007), S111–S123
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O. M. Kiselev, S. G. Glebov, “The capture into parametric autoresonance”, Nonlinear Dynamics, 48:1–2 (2007), 217–230
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N. Gorbatova, O. Kiselev, S. Glebov, “Resonant excitation of nonlinear waves”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 834:1 (2006), 196–205
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S. Glebov, O. Kiselev, “The stimulated scattering of solitons on a resonance”, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 12:3 (2005), 330–341
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S. Glebov, O. Kiselev, V. Lazarev, “Slow passage through resonance for a weakly nonlinear dispersive wave”, SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 65:6 (2005), 2158–2177
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S. Glebov, O. Kiselev, “The slow passage through the resonances and wave packets with the different carriers”, Dynamics of Partial Differential Equations, 2:3 (2005), 261–280
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С. Г. Глебов, О. М. Киселев, В. А. Лазарев, “Рождение солитонов при прохождении через локальный резонанс”, Асимптотические разложения. Теория приближений. Топология, Сборник статей, Тр. ИММ УрО РАН, 9, № 1, 2003, 64–70 ; S. G. Glebov, O. M. Kiselev, V. A. Lazarev, “Birth of solitons during passage through local resonance”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math. (Suppl.), 2003no. , suppl. 1, S84–S90
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O. M. Kiselev, S. G. Glebov, “An asymptotic solution slowly crossing the separatrix near a saddle–centre bifurcation point”, Nonlinearity, 16:1 (2003), 327–362
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S. G. Glebov, O. M. Kiselev, “Applicability of the WKB method in the perturbation problem for the equation of principal resonance”, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 9:1 (2002), 60–83 |
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С. Г. Глебов, “Резонансные слои в задачах о взаимодействии быстроосциллирующих волновых полей”, ТМФ, 118:3 (1999), 375–382 ; S. G. Glebov, “Resonance layers in the interactions of rapidly oscillating wave fields”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 118:3 (1999), 295–300 |
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С. Г. Глебов, “Об одной слабонелинейной задаче с локальными резонансами”, Дифференц. уравнения, 31:8 (1995), 1402–1408 ; S. G. Glebov, “On a weakly nonlinear problem with local resonances”, Differential Equations, 31:8 (1995), 1354–1361
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Л. А. Калякин, С. Г. Глебов, “О разрешимости нелинейного уравнения типа Шрëдингера в классе быстро осциллирующих функций”, Матем. заметки, 56:1 (1994), 32–40 ; L. A. Kalyakin, S. G. Glebov, “On the solvability of nonlinear equations of Shrödinger type in the class of rapidly oscillating functions”, Math. Notes, 56:1 (1994), 673–678
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S. G. Glebov, O. M. Kiselev, N. N. Tarkhanov, Nonlinear Equations with Small Parameter, v. 2, De Gruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 23/2, Waves and boundary problems, De Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2018 (to appear) , 402 pp. www.degruyter.com/view/product/485040 |
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S. G. Glebov, O. M. Kiselev, N. N. Tarkhanov, Nonlinear Equations with Small Parameter, v. 1, De Gruyter Series in Nonlinear Analysis and Applications, 23/1, Oscillations and resonances, De Gruyter, Berlin, New York, 2017 (to appear) , 361 pp. www.degruyter.com/view/product/211477 |
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S. Glebov, N. Tarkhanov, System of nonlinear oscillators with dissipation. Initial interval of autoresonance, 2013 , 12 pp., arXiv: 1301.4792 |
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O. Kiselev, S. Glebov, Autoresonant germ in dissipative system, 2009 , 6 pp., arXiv: 0902.4595 |
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S. Glebov, O. Kiselev, N. Tarkhanov, Autoresonance in a Dissipative System, 2009 , 22 pp., arXiv: 0912.0133 |
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S. Glebov, O. Kiselev, N. Tarkhanov, Slow passage through parametric resonance for a weakly nonlinear dispersive wave, 2008 , 20 pp., arXiv: 0806.3338 |
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O. Kiselev, Yu. Bagderina, S. Glebov, Scattering problem for the local parametric resonance equation, 2008 , 5 pp., arXiv: 0802.2849 |
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O. M. Kiselev, S. G. Glebov, V. A. Lazarev, Resonant pumping in nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation and solitary packets of waves, 2004 , 21 pp., arXiv: math-ph/0410041 |
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O. M. Kiselev, S. G. Glebov, Scattering of solitons on resonance, 2004 , 10 pp., arXiv: math-ph/0403038 |
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O. M. Kiselev, G. G. Glebov, Asymptotic description of nonlinear resonance, 2001 , 48 pp., arXiv: math/0105011 |