Suraka Bhattacharjee, Ranjan Chaudhury, “Calculation of
generalized spin
stiffness constant of
strongly correlated
doped quantum
antiferromagnet on
lattice and it.s
application to
effective exchange
constant for semi-itinerant
systems”, Physica B, 500 (2016), 133-141
Suraka Bhattacharjee, Ranjan Chaudhury, “Effective Interaction
in a non-Fermi
liquid conductor and
spin correlations in
cuprates”, JLTP, 193 (2018), 21-38
Suraka Bhattacharjee, Ranjan Chaudhury, “Investigation of the
magnetic behaviour
of doped quantum
antiferromagnets on
low-dimensional lattices”, J.Mat.Sc .Eng.