Обиход Татьяна Викторовна

Статистика просмотров:
Эта страница:36
старший научный сотрудник
кандидат физико-математических наук (1996)
Специальность ВАК: 01.04.16 (физика атомного ядра и элементарных частиц)
Ключевые слова: алгебраическая геометрия, топология, суперсимметрия, бозон Хиггса, теория D-бран.
Коды УДК: 539.12

Основные темы научной работы

физика высоких энергий (теория, феноменология), математическая физика

Научная биография:

1986-1992 – education at Kiev’s State University 1992-1995 – postgraduate study at Institute for Nuclear Research NAS of Ukraine 1996 - defence of a dissertation (candidate of phys.-math. sciences), Kiev, Institute for Nuclear Research NAS of Ukraine 1996-2014 - senior staff scientist of high energy physics department at Institute for Nuclear Research NAS of Ukraine 2002-2004 – grant of Ukrainian President During this time the cycle of papers devoted to D-brane and superstring theory was performed . This theory was applied to investigations of expected new physics beyond the Standard Model: • Superpartners, • Kaluza-Klein partners, • Micro black holes. These investigations were realized by methods of derived categories. Predicted results are important from experimental point of view since they are connected with searches of exotic particles at the LHC. From 2009 – member of CMS Collaboration.

Основные публикации:
  1. T.V. Obikhod, E.O. Petrenko, “The study of the properties of the extended Higgs Boson sector within hMSSM Model”, Prob.Atomic Sci.Technol., 2019, no. 3, 3-10
  2. T.V. Obikhod, E.O. Petrenko, “K-group identification of supergravity solutions”, IOSR Journal of Applied Physics (IOSR-JAP), 11:II (2019), 77-81  crossref
  3. T.V. Obikhod, E.O. Petrenko, “Searches for Massive Graviton Resonances at the LHC”, Adv.High Energy Phys., 2018, 9 pp.  crossref
  4. T.V. Obikhod, “Central charge and topological invariant of Calabi-Yau manifolds”, Bulletin (of Donetsk National University), Series A, Natural Sciences, 2019, no. 1-2, 58-65
  5. T.V. Obikhod, E.O. Petrenko, “Mass reconstruction of MSSM Higgs boson”, Ukr.J.Phys., 64:8 (2019), 714  crossref

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