Публикации в базе данных Math-Net.Ru |
Цитирования |
2017 |
1. |
Gleb Arutyunov, Martin Heinze, Daniel Medina-Rincon, “Superintegrability of geodesic motion on the sausage model”, J. Phys. A, 50:24 (2017), 244002, 29 стр. |
2. |
Gleb Arutyunov, Martin Heinze, Daniel Medina-Rincon, “Integrability of the $\eta$-deformed Neumann–Rosochatius model”, J. Phys. A, 50:3 (2017), 35401, 23 стр. |
2014 |
3. |
S. Frolov, M. Heinze, G. Jorjadze, J. Plefka, “Static gauge and energy spectrum of single-mode strings in $\mathrm{AdS_5\times S^5}$”, J. Phys. A, 47:8 (2014), 85401, 20 стр. |