Amanbaev, Tulegen Rakhmanovich

Total publications: 50 (50)
in MathSciNet: 1 (1)
in zbMATH: 5 (5)
in Web of Science: 20 (20)
in Scopus: 25 (25)
Cited articles: 22
Citations: 54

Number of views:
This page:277
Abstract pages:1986
Full texts:875
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1998)
Speciality: 01.02.05 (Mechanics of fluids, gases and plasmas)
Keywords: wave processes, physicochemical transformations, dispersed medium, sedimentation, diffusion processes, boundary layer, nanosuspension, fractal cluster, filtration, deposition formation, flotation, coagulation, phase transformations
UDC: 532.529


mechanics of multiphase media, mathematical modeling, computational mechanics, theoretical foundations of chemical technology, mathematical models of population biology


In 1978 he graduated from the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University with a degree in Mechanics. In 1985 he graduated from the postgraduate study of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics of Lomonosov Moscow State University. In 1985 he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the Dissertation Council at Lomonosov Moscow State University (01.02.05 - mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma). In 1998 he defended his thesis for a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (01.02.05 - mechanics of liquid, gas and plasma). Scientific supervisors: Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Nigmatulin R.I., Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Ivandaev A.I.

Main publications:
  1. Nigmatulin R.I., Ivandaev A.I., Amanbaev T.R., “Method for calculating the flow around bodies by two-phase gas flows with droplets in the presence of fragmentation and evaporation”, Applied mechanics and technical physics, 1988, no. 6, 126-133
  2. Ivandaev A.I., Amanbaev T.R., “Investigation of the influence of the processes of crushing and evaporation of drops on a two-phase flow around a body”, High Temperature, 26:6 (1988), 1189-1194
  3. Ivandaev A.I., Amanbaev T.R., “Influence of phase transformations on the structure of shock waves in a vapor-droplet mixture”, Moscow State University Bulletin. Ser. Mathematics, mechanics., 1988, no. 3, 122-128
  4. Amanbaev T.R., “Dynamics and heat transfer of a droplet in a dusty gas in the presence of phase transformations and dust collection”, High Temperature, 42:5 (2004), 780-787
  5. Amanbaev T.R., “Modeling and calculation of nanofluid flows in the boundary layer”, Technical Physics, 88:11 (2018), 1635-1641
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. T. R. Amanbaev, Zh. D. Iztaev, G. E. Tilleuov, N. A. Abdusaliev, “Modeling and calculation of dispersed media flows in a channel with rapid expansion in the presence of nucleation, coagulation and phase transitions”, Izv. Sarat. Univ. Physics, 24:2 (2024), 102–113  mathnet  crossref
2. T. R. Amanbaev, “Transversally flowing fluid in a laminary boundary layer on a permeable surface”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 64:4 (2023), 599–609  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib
3. T. R. Amanbaev, “The influence of particle deposition and coagulation on the parameters of nanoaerosols flowing through a duct”, Technical Physics, 91:3 (2021), 384-390  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
4. T. R. Amanbaev, G. E. Tilleuov, A. Zuparbekova, “Mathematical modeling of dispersed media flows in the presence of nucleation, coagulation and phase transitions”, Karaganda University Bulletin. Physics series, 2021, no. 2, 14-24  crossref  isi 1
5. S. J. Antony, B. Arowosola, L. Richter, T. Amanbayev, T. Barakat, B. Pullithadathil, “Modeling the Flow Characteristics of Granular Materials under Low Gravity Environments Using Discrete Element Method”, Earth and Space 2021: Space Exploration, Utilization, Engineering, and Construction in Extreme Environments, eds. Paul J. van Susante, Alaina Dickason Roberts, 2021, 12-21  crossref  scopus 1
6. T. R. Amanbaev, S. J. Antony, “Development of mathematical epidemic models taking into account the effects of isolating individuals in a population”, Math. Models Comput. Simul., 14:3 (2022), 466–479  mathnet  crossref  crossref
7. T. R. Amanbaev, “Flow of a two-phase vapor-droplet mixture in a variable cross section channel with phase transitions”, High Temperature, 58:2 (2020), 255–265  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
8. T. R. Amanbaev, “Simulation and Calculation of Time-dependent Filtration of a Suspension in Dead-end and Open Channels with Regard to Dispersed Particles Diffusion and Deposit Formation”, Fluid Dynamics, 54:3 (2019), 361-373  crossref  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
9. T. R. Amanbaev, “Modeling and Calculation of Nanofluid Flows in a Boundary Layer”, Technical Physics, 63:11 (2018), 1582-1589  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
10. T. R. Amanbaev, “The drift velocity of a fractal cluster”, Colloid Journal, 80:4 (2018), 359-363  crossref  crossref  isi  scopus
11. T. R. Amanbaev, “Simulation of Hindered Sedimentation of the Coarse Fraction of a Bidisperse Suspension in the Presence of Interfractional Coagulation”, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 52:4 (2018), 534-544  crossref  crossref  isi  scopus
12. T. R. Amanbaev, “Calculating the Parameters of the Fractal Aggregates Formed in a Bidisperse Suspension”, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 52:5 (2018), 846-852  crossref  crossref  isi  scopus
13. T. R. Amanbaev, “Effect of sediment formation on the filtration of a liquid from suspension”, Technical Physics, 62:5 (2017), 691-700  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
14. S .J. Antony, B. Arowosola, L. Richter, T. Amanbayev, T. Barakat, “Flow behavior of grains through the dosing station of spacecraft under low-gravity environments”, J. Aerospace Engineering, 2017, no. 6, 04017078  crossref  isi  scopus 2
15. Amanbayev, T.R., “Modeling of particles migration and nanofluid flows in boundary layer”, World Congress on Engineering. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science (London, UK, 5-7 July 2017), 2229, Newswood Limited, 2017, 84-89
16. T. R. Amanbaev, “Dynamics of a Suspension in the Presence of Liquid Filtration, Disperse Phase Sedimentation, and Precipitate Formation Processes”, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 50:2 (2016), 303-315  crossref  crossref  isi  scopus
17. T. Amanbaev, G. Tilleuov, B. Tulegenova, “Modelling and calculation of flotation process in one-dimensional formulation”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1759, AIP, 2016, 020113  crossref  isi  scopus
18. S .J. Antony, B. Arowosola, L. Richter, T. Amanbayev, T. Barakat, “Modelling the Flow Behaviour of Granular Media through the Dosing Station of a Spacecraft under Low Gravitational Environments”, Earth and Space 2016: Engineering for Extreme Environments - Proceedings of the 15th Biennial International Conference on Engineering, Science, Construction, and Operations in Challenging Environments, 2016, 154-162  crossref  scopus 1
19. T. R. Amanbaev, “Effect of the fine-dispersed fraction on the motion of the large particle in the suspension”, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 49:2 (2015), 207-211  crossref  scopus
20. T. R. Amanbaev, “Modeling of flotation process in dispersed systems”, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 48:2 (2014), 188-198  crossref  scopus
21. T. R. Amanbaev, “Modeling sedimentation dispersed particles in suspension at available liquid filtration”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1611, AIP, 2014, 333-335  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
22. T. R. Amanbaev, S. D. Antony, “Modeling of Bubble Rise in a Liquid Subject to Surface Mineralization”, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 45:6 (2011), 876-884  crossref  scopus
23. Amanbayev, T., Okeke, G., Afzal, M., Antony, S.J., “Modelling of bacterial growth in nano liquids”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology (Spain, 15-22 September 2010.), 2010
24. T. R. Amanbaev, “First integrals of equations of motion of a droplet in the presence of mass transfer to the carrier medium”, High Temperature, 47:4 (2009), 580–588  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
25. T. R. Amanbaev, “Method for computing the coefficient of particle capture by a drop moving in a dust-laden gas”, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 2008, no. 3, 324-330  crossref  scopus
26. T. R. Amanbaev, G. R. Kalkhabai, “Calculation of the Coefficient of Particle Capture by Polidisperse Drops”, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 40:6 (2006), 666-669  crossref  scopus
27. T. R. Amanbaev, “The dynamics and heat transfer of a droplet in a dusty gas in the presence of phase transformations and dust catching”, High Temperature, 42:5 (2004), 785–793  mathnet  crossref
28. T. R. Amanbaev, “Lifting of Disperse Particles from a Cavity Behind the Front of an Unsteady Shock Wave with a Triangular Velocity Profile”, Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 44:5 (2003), 634-639  crossref  zmath  adsnasa
29. T. R. Amanbaev, “Lifting of disperse particles from a cavity behind the front of an unsteady shock wave with a triangular velocity profile”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 44:5 (2003), 634–639  mathnet  crossref  elib
30. T. R. Amanbaev, “Dynamics and heat transfer of a droplet in a dust-laden gas”, High Temperature, 35:1 (1997), 77–82  mathnet  isi
31. T. R. Amanbaev, “Influence of dust collection on the motion of a droplet in a dusty gas”, Theoretical Foundations of Chemical Engineering, 30:5 (1996), 123-130  crossref  isi  scopus
32. T. R. Amanbaev, “Numerical investigation of the effect of unsteady shock waves on a plate in the presence of a shielding layer of particles”, High Temperature, 33:5 (1995), 767–775  mathnet  isi
33. T. R. Amanbaev, “The peculiarities of interaction of stationary shock waves with a plate in the presence of a cloud of disperse particles before the plate”, High Temperature, 33:1 (1995), 83–87  mathnet  mathscinet  isi
34. A. I. Ivandaev, T. R. Amanbaev, E. B. Shametov, “Propagation of nonstationary shock waves in two-phase gas-dust-droplet mixtures”, High Temperature, 32:5 (1994), 685–690  mathnet  isi
35. T. R. Amanbaev, “Singularities of gas flow behind a shock wave in the presence of a longitudinal layer of particles”, High Temperature, 32:2 (1994), 267–270  mathnet  isi
36. A. I. Ivandaev, T. R. Amanbaev, “Influence of collisions of small particles with large particles on the propagation of shock waves in two-phase, two-fraction aerosols”, Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 34:5 (1993), 629-634  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  scopus
37. T. R. Amanbaev, A. I. Ivandaev, “Influence of collisions of small particles with large particles on the propagation of shock waves in two-phase, two-fraction aerosols”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 34:5 (1993), 629–634  mathnet  crossref
38. A. I. Ivandaev, T. R. Amanbaev, “Shock wave structure in a gas suspension of liquid drops and fine solid particles”, High Temperature, 29:6 (1991), 972–977  mathnet  isi
39. A. I. Ivandaev, T. R. Amanbaev, “Wave propagation in three-phase mixtures of a gas with particles and liquid drops”, Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 32:4 (1991), 534-540  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
40. T. R. Amanbaev, A. I. Ivandaev, “Wave propagation in three-phase mixtures of a gas with particles and liquid drops”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 32:4 (1991), 534–540  mathnet  crossref
41. A. I. Ivandaev, T. R. Amanbaev, “Influence of the breakup and evaporation of drops on $2$-phase flow around a body”, High Temperature, 26:6 (1988), 928–933  mathnet  isi
42. A. I. Ivandaev, T. R. Amanbaev, “Effect of phase transitions on shock wave structure in a vapor-drop mix”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 1988, no. 3, 81–85  mathnet  zmath
43. A. I. Ivandaev, T. R. Amanbaev, “Structure of shock waves in two-phase mixtures of gas with liquid droplets”, Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 29:2 (1988), 253-259  crossref  adsnasa  adsnasa  scopus
44. À. I. Ivandaev, Ò. R. Amanbaev, “Results of a study of the effect of drop fragmentation on the structure of shock waves in gas-drop mixtures”, Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 29:3 (1988), 357-362  crossref  adsnasa  adsnasa  scopus
45. R. I. Nigmatulin, A. I. Ivandaev, T. R. Amanbaev, “Method of calculating the flow of a vapor-drop mixture about bodies in the presence of fragmentation and vaporization effects”, Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 29:6 (1988), 882-888  crossref  adsnasa  adsnasa  scopus
46. T. R. Amanbaev, A. I. Ivandaev, “Results of a study of the effect of drop fragmentation on the structure of shock waves in gas-drop mixtures”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 29:3 (1988), 357–362  mathnet  crossref
47. T. R. Amanbaev, A. I. Ivandaev, “Structure of shock waves in two-phase mixtures of a gas with fluid drops”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 29:2 (1988), 253–259  mathnet  crossref
48. T. R. Amanbaev, A. I. Ivandaev, R. I. Nigmatulin, “Method of calculating the flow of a vapor-drop mixture about bodies in the presence of fragmentation and vaporization effects”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 29:6 (1988), 882–888  mathnet  crossref
49. N. N. Smirnov, T. Amanbaev, “The expansion of reaction products and formation of secondary waves inside the tube during detonation in gas-film systems”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 1987, no. 1, 34–39  mathnet  zmath
50. T. R. Amanbaev, “The effect of vaporization on the cross flow of vapor with water droplets around a plate”, Vestnik Moskov. Univ. Ser. 1. Mat. Mekh., 1985, no. 3, 61–65  mathnet

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