Valueva, Elena Petrovna

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Total publications: 31
Scientific articles: 31

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Abstract pages:4939
Full texts:3746
Doctor of technical sciences (1999)
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. Теплообмен на начальном гидродинамическом участке плоского канала с граничными условиями второго рода при ламинарном пульсирующем течении

TVT, Forthcoming paper
2. E. P. Valueva, V. S. Zukin, “Ламинарное пульсирующее течение на начальном участке плоского канала”, TVT, 61:5 (2023),  723–729  mathnet
3. E. P. Valueva, V. S. Zukin, “Heat transfer in the initial hydrodynamic section of a flat channel with boundary conditions of the first kind on the walls in laminar pulsating flow”, TVT, 60:1 (2022),  56–62  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 60:1 (2022), 50–55 1
4. E. P. Valueva, “Laminar mixed convection in a vertical flat channel with a constant wall heat flux”, TVT, 57:3 (2019),  408–415  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 57:3 (2019), 372–378  isi  scopus 3
5. E. P. Valueva, M. Purdin, “An investigation of heat transfer for a pulsating laminar flow in rectangular channels with a boundary condition of the second kind”, TVT, 56:1 (2018),  148–151  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 56:1 (2018), 149–152  isi  scopus 2
6. E. P. Valueva, M. S. Purdin, “An investigation into heat transfer for a pulsating laminar flow in a rectangular channel with a boundary condition of the first kind”, TVT, 55:4 (2017),  638–641  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 55:4 (2017), 622–626  isi  scopus 6
7. E. P. Valueva, “The Effect of density pulsations in the field of a buoyancy force on heat transfer and turbulent fluid flow in a vertical pipe at supercritical pressures”, TVT, 53:3 (2015),  403–411  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 53:3 (2015), 387–395  isi  elib  scopus 2
8. E. P. Valueva, “Numerical simulation of heat transfer and turbulant liquid flow in a pipe under supercritical pressure with allowance for the joint effect of density pulsations and thermal acceleration on turbulent transfer”, TVT, 52:6 (2014),  899–906  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 52:6 (2014), 873–880  isi  elib  scopus 5
9. E. P. Valueva, “Numerical modeling of heat exchange and turbulent flow of fluid within tubes at supercritical pressure”, TVT, 50:2 (2012),  298–306  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 50:2 (2012), 278–285  isi  elib  scopus 7
10. E. P. Valueva, “Heat transfer under conditions of turbulent pipe flow of electrically conducting liquid in longitudinal magnetic field in the region of hydrodynamic stabilization”, TVT, 47:6 (2009),  884–890  mathnet; High Temperature, 47:6 (2009), 849–855  isi  scopus
11. E. P. Valueva, “Turbulent pipe flow of electrically conducting liquid in longitudinal magnetic field in the region of hydrodynamic stabilization”, TVT, 47:4 (2009),  568–574  mathnet; High Temperature, 47:4 (2009), 538–544  isi  scopus
12. E. P. Valueva, “The calculation of heat transfer and resistance under conditions of stabilized turbulent pipe flow of electrically conducting liquid in longitudinal magnetic field”, TVT, 47:1 (2009),  101–107  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 47:1 (2009), 95–101  isi  elib  scopus
13. E. P. Valueva, “Integral methods of calculation of heat transfer and drag under conditions of turbulent pipe flow of liquid of variable properties: Pulsating high-frequency flow”, TVT, 45:4 (2007),  557–564  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 45:4 (2007), 502–508  isi  elib  scopus 4
14. E. P. Valueva, “Integral methods of calculation of heat transfer and drag under conditions of turbulent pipe flow of liquid of variable properties: Steady-state and quasi-steady-state flows in a round pipe with constant temperature on the wall”, TVT, 45:3 (2007),  384–391  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 45:3 (2007), 339–346  isi  elib  scopus 1
15. E. P. Valueva, “Integral methods of calculation of heat transfer and drag under conditions of turbulent pipe flow of liquid of variable properties: Steady-state and quasi-steady-state flows in a round pipe with constant density of heat flux to the wall”, TVT, 45:1 (2007),  56–65  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 45:1 (2007), 49–57  isi  elib  scopus 2
16. E. P. Valueva, “Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in pulsating turbulent flow of gas in a heated pipe”, TVT, 44:1 (2006),  118–126  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 44:1 (2006), 120–128  elib  scopus 4
17. E. P. Valueva, “Hydrodynamics and Heat Transfer in Pulsating Turbulent Pipe Flow of a Liquid of Variable Properties”, TVT, 43:6 (2005),  888–896  mathnet; High Temperature, 43:6 (2005), 890–899 4
18. E. P. Valueva, “Hydrodynamics and heat transfer in turbulent pipe flow of liquid under conditions of monotonic time variation of the flow rate”, TVT, 43:2 (2005),  212–222  mathnet; High Temperature, 43:2 (2005), 203–213 4
19. E. P. Valueva, A. A. Kulik, “The damping coefficient of a pressure wave under conditions of pulsating turbulent flow of gas in a channel”, TVT, 41:4 (2003),  554–560  mathnet; High Temperature, 41:4 (2003), 486–491 1
20. E. P. Valueva, A. A. Kulik, “The dynamic characteristics of a pulsating turbulent flow of compressible gas in a pipe under the effect of time-average flow”, TVT, 41:3 (2003),  415–421  mathnet; High Temperature, 41:3 (2003), 360–366 1
21. E. P. Valueva, “Heat Transfer in a Turbulent Flow of Gas in a Tube under Conditions of Resonance Oscillation of the Flow Rate”, TVT, 40:3 (2002),  442–448  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 40:3 (2002), 405–410  isi  scopus 2
22. E. P. Valueva, “Pulsating Turbulent Flow of Gas in a Round Pipe”, TVT, 40:1 (2002),  77–85  mathnet  elib; High Temperature, 40:1 (2002), 70–77  isi  scopus
23. E. P. Valueva, “Heat transfer in turbulent pipe flow of liquid under conditions of resonance pulsations of flow rate”, TVT, 37:6 (1999),  912–919  mathnet; High Temperature, 37:6 (1999), 880–886  isi
24. E. P. Valueva, “Heat transfer and resistance under conditions of pulsating turbulent flow of liquid in a round pipe”, TVT, 37:5 (1999),  750–757  mathnet; High Temperature, 37:5 (1999), 720–727  isi
25. E. P. Valueva, V. N. Popov, “Numerical simulation of the process of nonstationary conjugate heat transfer in turbulent flows of liquid in channels”, TVT, 35:6 (1997),  917–925  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:6 (1997), 904–912  isi  scopus
26. E. P. Valueva, V. N. Popov, “Numerical simulation of heat transfer and hydrodynamic processes with the flow rate of liquid decreasing in time”, TVT, 35:2 (1997),  249–256  mathnet; High Temperature, 35:2 (1997), 247–254  isi
27. E. P. Valueva, V. N. Popov, S. Yu. Romanova, “Numerical simulation of processes of heat transfer and hydrodynamics under conditions of liquid flow rate increasing with time”, TVT, 34:4 (1996),  551–559  mathnet; High Temperature, 34:4 (1996), 546–554  isi
28. E. P. Valueva, V. N. Popov, “Heat transfer and friction resistance at the turbulent flow in a flat curvilinear channel”, TVT, 33:3 (1995),  410–421  mathnet; High Temperature, 33:3 (1995), 410–420  isi
29. E. P. Valueva, V. N. Popov, “Mathematical simulation of pulsing turbulent flow in a pipe”, Dokl. Akad. Nauk, 332:1 (1993),  44–47  mathnet
30. V. N. Popov, V. M. Belyaev, E. P. Valueva, “Расчет теплоотдачи и сопротивления при турбулентном режиме течения в круглой трубе гелия при сверхкритическом давлении”, TVT, 16:5 (1978),  1018–1027  mathnet 2
31. V. N. Popov, V. M. Belyaev, E. P. Valueva, “Calculation of heat exchange and resistance under conditions of turbulent flow in a round pipe of liquid with various types of dependence of physical properties on the temperature”, TVT, 15:6 (1977),  1220–1229  mathnet; High Temperature, 15:6 (1977), 1043–1052  isi  scopus 3

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