01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
categories, biregular automorphisms.
Algebraic geometry.
Born in Moscow 27.05.1971,
study in Moscow State University 1988–1995, postgraduete course in Moscow State University 1995–1998, since 1998 in Institute of Information and Transmission Problems of Russian Academy of Sciences.
Main publications:
Factoring of birational maps of rational surfaces over the field of real numbers // Fundamental and Applied Mathematics 3,2 (1997), 519–547.
The categories P_d and S_d of two-dimensional d-log-terminal pairs // Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 54,4 (1999), 179–180.
Further properties of the categories P_d and S_d // Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 54,5 (1999), 171–172.
Categories of log-terminal pairs and automorphisms of surfaces // VINITI RAN, (2005), #596-B2005, 60 pp.
Yu. M. Polyakova, “A family of categories of log terminal pairs and automorphisms of surfaces”, Izv. RAN. Ser. Mat., 74:3 (2010), 103–156; Izv. Math., 74:3 (2010), 541–593