Stepan Yu. Orevkov, “Homomorphisms of commutator subgroups of braid groups with small number of strings”, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse. Math., 33:1 (2024), 105–121;
Burak Ozbagci, Stepan Orevkov, “A characterization of quasipositive two-bridge knots”, Int. J. Math., 35:5 (2024), 2450015 , 12 pp. ;
S. Yu. Orevkov, “$\mathbb C$-Boundary Links up to Six Crossings”, Mosc. Math. J., 24:3 (2024), 427–440;
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Dvumernye diffuzionnye ortogonalnye mnogochleny, uporyadochennye po vzveshennoi stepeni”, Funkts. analiz i ego pril., 57:3 (2023), 39–73;
M. D. Kovalev, S. Yu. Orevkov, “Complete bipartite graphs flexible in the plane”, Sb. Math., 214:10 (2023), 1390–1414
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Diffusion orthogonal polynomials in 3-dimensional domains bounded by developable surfaces”, J. Geom. Phys., 191 (2023), 104882 , 22 pp. ;
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Arrangements of a plane $M$-sextic with respect to a line”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 34:1 (2023), 93–107
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Counting lattice triangulations: Fredholm equations in combinatorics”, Sb. Math., 213:11 (2022), 1530–1558
N. G. Kruzhilin, S. Yu. Orevkov, “Plane algebraic curves in fancy balls”, Izv. Math., 85:3 (2021), 407–420
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Multivariate Signatures of Iterated Torus Links”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 55:1 (2021), 59–74
S. Fiedler-Le Touzé, S. Orevkov, E. Shustin, “Corrigendum to "A flexible affine $M$-sextic which is algebraically unrealizable"”, J. Algebraic Geom., 29:1 (2020), 109–121
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Quasipositive links and connected sums”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 54:1 (2020), 64–67
V. I. Zvonilov, S. Yu. Orevkov, “A cell structure of the space of branched coverings of the two-dimensional sphere”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 32:5 (2021), 885–904
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Products of conjugacy classes in $\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})$”, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 80 (2019), 73–81
Grigory Mikhalkin, Stepan Orevkov, “On Osculating Framing of Real Algebraic Links”, Arnold Math. J., 5 (2019), 393–399;
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Irreducibility of lemniscates”, Russian Math. Surveys, 73:3 (2018), 543–545
G. B. Mikhalkin, S. Yu. Orevkov, “Topology of maximally writhed real algebraic knots”, Dokl. Math., 97:1 (2018), 28–31
S. Yu. Orevkov, “On the Hyberbolicity Locus of a Real Curve”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 52:2 (2018), 151–153
Patrick M. Gilmer, Stepan Yu. Orevkov, “Signatures of real algebraic curves via plumbing diagrams”, J. Knot. Theor. Ramif., 27:3 (2018), 1840003 , 33 pp.
A. I. Aptekarev, V. K. Beloshapka, V. I. Buslaev, V. V. Goryainov, V. N. Dubinin, V. A. Zorich, N. G. Kruzhilin, S. Yu. Nemirovski, S. Yu. Orevkov, P. V. Paramonov, S. I. Pinchuk, A. S. Sadullaev, A. G. Sergeev, S. P. Suetin, A. B. Sukhov, K. Yu. Fedorovskiy, A. K. Tsikh, “Evgenii Mikhailovich Chirka (on his 75th birthday)”, Russian Math. Surveys, 73:6 (2018), 1137–1144
V. I. Zvonilov, S. Yu. Orevkov, “Compactification of the Space of Branched Coverings of the Two-Dimensional Sphere”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 298 (2017), 118–128
Yu. Orevkov, “Automorphism group of the commutator subgroup of the braid group”, Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques, Sér. 6, 26:5 (2017), 1137–1161
S. Yu. Orevkov, E. I. Shustin, “Real algebraic and pseudoholomorphic curves on the quadratic cone and smoothings of singularity $X_{21}$”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 28:2 (2017), 225–257
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Markov traces on the Funar algebra”, Comm. Math. Phys., 344:2 (2016), 371–396
Grigory Mikhalkin, Stepan Orevkov, “Real algebraic knots and links of small degree”, J. Knot. Theor. Ramif., 25:12 (2016), 1642010 , 34 pp.
A. V. Parusnikova, O. S. Ogneva, V. A. Bykovskii, A. A. Vedenov, D. O. Golovin, Yu. O. Golovin, V. M. Zaitsev, B. K. Zuev, E. Yu. Zueva, K. M. Efimov, A. V. Ivanov, V. S. Isaev, A. S. Karyagina, A. L. Kolosov, S. P. Konovalov, P. A. Kornilov, V. V. Lavrov, V. A. Lavrova, A. A. Letunov, I. E. Letunova, V. D. Maiorov, A. B. Merkov, Yu. I. Ozhigov, S. Yu. Orevkov, O. A. Presnyakova, D. V. Reut, A. V. Skaraev, V. N. Sorokin, P. N. Sorokin, P. G. Sushilin, E. V. Fokina, N. N. Chentsova, T. I. Shvarts, A. S. Zibrov, S. V. Liskina, T. F. Nikiforova, E. G. Orevkova, M. L. Shvarts, “V. I. Parusnikov. Obituary”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 17:1 (2016), 284–285
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Algorithmic recognition of quasipositive braids of algebraic length two”, J. Algebra, 423 (2015), 1080–1108
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Basic nets in the projective plane”, Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse: Mathématiques, Ser. 6, 24:1 (2015), 205–226 \href{}
S. Yu. Orevkov, “On modular computation of Gröbner bases with integer coefficients”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 200:6 (2014), 722–724
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Cubic Hecke algebras and invariants of transversal links”, Dokl. Math., 89:1 (2014), 115–118
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Products of conjugacy classes in finite unitary groups $GU(3,q^2)$ and $SU(3,q^2)$”, Annales de la Faculté des sciences de Toulouse: Mathématiques, Ser. 6, 22:2 (2013), 219–251
S. Yu. Orevkov, “On commutator subgroups of Artin groups”, Dokl. Math., 85:1 (2012), 117–119
Stepan Yu. Orevkov, “Some Examples of Real Algebraic and Real Pseudoholomorphic Curves”: I. Itenberg, B. Jöricke, M. Passare (eds), Perspectives in Analysis, Geometry, and Topology, Progress in Mathematics, 296, Birkhäuser \publaadr Boston, MA, 2012
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Complex orientation formulas for $M$-curves of degree $4d+1$ with 4 nests”, Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse Math. (6), 19:1 (2010), 13–26
S. Yu. Orevkov, Yu. P. Orevkov, “The Agnihotri–Woodward–Belkale Polytope and Klyachko Cones”, Math. Notes, 87:1 (2010), 96–101
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Proper analytic embedding of $\mathbb{CP}^1$ minus a Cantor set into $\mathbb C^2$”, Russian Math. Surveys, 63:1 (2008), 168–169
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Arrangements of an $M$-quintic with respect to a conic that maximally intersects its odd branch”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 19:4 (2008), 625–674
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Sharpness of Risler's upper bound for the total curvature of an affine real algebraic hypersurface”, Russian Math. Surveys, 62:2 (2007), 393–394
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Algebraic Curve in the Unit Ball in $\mathbb C^2$ That Passes through the Origin and All of Whose Boundary Components Are Arbitrarily Short”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 253 (2006), 123–143
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Plane real algebraic curves of odd degree with a deep nest”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 14:4 (2005), 497–522
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Solution of the word problem in the singular braid group”, Turkish J. Math., 28:1 (2004), 95–100
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Quasipositivity problem for 3-braids”, Turkish J. Math., 28:1 (2004), 89–93
V. M. Kharlamov, S. Yu. Orevkov, “The number of trees half of whose vertices are leaves and asymptotic enumeration of plane real algebraic curves”, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 105:1 (2004), 127–142
S. Yu. Orevkov, E. I. Shustin, “Flexible, algebraically unrealizable curves: rehabilitation of Hilbert-Rohn-Gudkov approach”, J. Reine Angew. Math., 551 (2002), 145–172
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Petrovskiĭ-Oleĭnik inequalities and the combinatorics of Viro $T$-hypersurfaces”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 14:1 (2002), 101–118
S. Yu. Orevkov, “New $M$-Curve of Degree 8”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 36:3 (2002), 247–249
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Erratum to: “Link theory and oval arrangements of real algebraic curves” [Topology 38 (1999), no. 4, 779–810]”, Topology, 41:1 (2002), 211–212
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Quasipositivity test via unitary representations of braid groups and its applications to real algebraic curves”, J. Knot Theory Ramifications, 10:7 (2001), 1005–1023
M. Boileau, S. Orevkov, “Quasi-positivité d'une courbe analytique dans une boule pseudo-convexe”, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math., 332:9 (2001), 825–830
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Link Theory and New Restrictions for $M$-Curves of Degree Nine”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 34:3 (2000), 229–231
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Strong Positivity in Right-Invariant Order on Braid Groups and Quasipositivity”, Math. Notes, 68:5 (2000), 588–593
S. Yu. Orevkov, “When a chain of blowups defines an automorphism of $\mathbb C^2$”, Math. Notes, 67:4 (2000), 541–543
S. Yu. Orevkov, V. M. Kharlamov, “The growth rate of the number of classes of real plane algebraic curves with the growth of the degree”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 113:5 (2003), 666–674
V. M. Kharlamov, S. Yu. Orevkov, E.`I. Shustin, “Singularity which has no $M$-smoothing”, The Arnoldfest (Toronto, ON, 1997), Fields Inst. Commun., 24, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999, 273–309
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Asymptotic number of triangulations with vertices in ${\mathbf Z}^2$”, J. Combin. Theory Ser. A, 86:1 (1999), 200–203
S. Yu. Orevkov, G. M. Polotovsky, “Projective $M$-cubics and $M$-quartics in general position with a maximally intersecting pair of ovals”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 11:5 (2000), 837–852
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Potential at Infinity of a Polynomial Image of the Disk”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 33:4 (1999), 307–309
S. Yu. Orevkov, “Prospective conics and $M$-quintics in general position with a maximally intersecting pair of ovals”, Math. Notes, 65:4 (1999), 528–532
S. Yu. Orevkov, “The volume of the Newton polytope of a discriminant”, Russian Math. Surveys, 54:5 (1999), 1033–1034
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S. Yu. Orevkov, “A New Affine $M$-Sextic”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 32:2 (1998), 141–143
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Real algebraic and real pseudoholomorphic curves S. Yu. Orevkov International Conference on Complex Analysis Dedicated to the Memory of Andrei Gonchar and Anatoliy Vitushkin October 11, 2021 15:00
Maximally writhed real algebraic links S. Yu. Orevkov Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2019 November 20, 2019 11:00
Real algebraic knots and links S. Yu. Orevkov Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar) September 27, 2017 16:45
Markov trace on cubic Hecke algebras S. Yu. Orevkov Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2016 November 16, 2016 14:45
Memorial meeting (conference room 9th floor) E. M. Chirka, S. Yu. Orevkov, A. G. Sergeev, V. M. Buchstaber, M. S. Mel'nikov, A. B. Zhizhchenko International Conference on Complex Analysis Dedicated to the memory of Andrei Gonchar and Anatoliy Vitushkin October 10, 2016 18:00
Вокруг гипотезы о якобиане S. Yu. Orevkov One-day conference "Complex Analysis and Geometry" dedicated to the memory of A. G. Vituskin October 7, 2014 15:40