Losev, Leonid Leonidovich

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Total publications: 47
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Abstract pages:7967
Full texts:4008
Head Scientist Researcher
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2003)
Speciality: 01.04.21 (Laser physics)
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A. V. Konyashchenko, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk, “SRS of ultrashort laser pulses with nonlinear phase modulation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 51:3 (2021),  217–221  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 51:3 (2021), 217–221  isi  scopus] 6
2. N. V. Didenko, A. V. Konyashchenko, L. L. Losev, “Decreasing the amplitude of macroscopic quantum fluctuations in the case of transient SRS”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 50:9 (2020),  834–837  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 50:9 (2020), 834–837  isi  scopus] 5
3. A. V. Konyashchenko, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk, “SRS converter – compressor of femtosecond ytterbium laser pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 49:9 (2019),  845–849  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 49:9 (2019), 845–849  isi  scopus] 5
4. N. V. Didenko, A. V. Konyashchenko, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk, “Compressor of femtosecond laser pulses based on supercritical xenon”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 48:7 (2018),  621–624  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 48:7 (2018), 621–624  isi  scopus] 3
5. N. V. Didenko, A. V. Konyashchenko, L. L. Losev, A. V. Tausenev, S. Yu. Tenyakov, “Compression of femtosecond ytterbium fibre laser pulses using nonlinear processes in silica fibre”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 48:5 (2018),  476–480  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 48:5 (2018), 476–480  isi  scopus] 4
6. A. V. Konyashchenko, P. V. Kostryukov, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk, “Minimum possible laser pulse duration for SRS”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 47:7 (2017),  593–596  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 47:7 (2017), 593–596  isi  scopus] 16
7. A. V. Konyashchenko, P. V. Kostryukov, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk, “Femtosecond compressed-nitrogen Raman laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 47:1 (2017),  1–4  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 47:1 (2017), 1–4  isi  scopus] 6
8. N. V. Didenko, A. V. Konyashchenko, P. V. Kostryukov, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk, S. Yu. Tenyakov, V. V. Bryukhanov, “Temporal compression of pulses from a 100-KHz-repetiton-rate femtosecond ytterbium laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:8 (2016),  675–678  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 46:8 (2016), 675–678  isi  scopus] 4
9. N. V. Didenko, A. V. Konyashchenko, P. V. Kostryukov, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk, S. Yu. Tenyakov, “1-kHz-repetition-rate femtosecond Raman laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:7 (2016),  581–585  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 46:7 (2016), 581–585  isi  scopus] 1
10. N. V. Didenko, A. V. Konyashchenko, P. V. Kostryukov, L. L. Losev, V. S. Pazyuk, S. Yu. Tenyakov, V. Ya. Molchanov, S. I. Chizhikov, K. B. Yushkov, “40-fs hydrogen Raman laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 45:12 (2015),  1101–1104  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 45:12 (2015), 1101–1104  isi  scopus] 34
11. A. V. Konyashchenko, P. V. Kostryukov, L. L. Losev, S. Yu. Tenyakov, “Capillary compressor of femtosecond laser pulses with nonlinear rotation of polarisation ellipse”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 42:3 (2012),  231–234  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 42:3 (2012), 231–234  isi  scopus] 7
12. A. V. Konyashchenko, P. V. Kostryukov, L. L. Losev, S. Yu. Tenyakov, “Degree of compression and energy efficiency of a capillary compressor of femtosecond laser pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:11 (2011),  989–992  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 41:11 (2011), 989–992  isi  scopus] 12
13. N. V. Didenko, A. V. Konyashchenko, P. V. Kostryukov, L. L. Losev, S. Yu. Tenyakov, “Second harmonic generation of spectrally broadened femtosecond ytterbium laser radiation in a gas-filled capillary”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:9 (2011),  804–808  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 41:9 (2011), 804–808  isi  scopus] 3
14. A. V. Konyashchenko, L. L. Losev, S. Yu. Tenyakov, “Efficient compression of the femtosecond pulses of an ytterbium laser in a gas-filled capillary”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:7 (2011),  606–609  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 41:7 (2011), 606–609  isi  scopus] 4
15. A. V. Konyashchenko, L. L. Losev, S. Yu. Tenyakov, “Second Stokes component generation in the SRS of chirped laser pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 41:5 (2011),  459–464  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 41:5 (2011), 459–464  isi  scopus] 4
16. A. V. Konyashchenko, L. L. Losev, S. Yu. Tenyakov, “Generation of sub-100-fs Stokes pulses upon SRS in a barium nitrate crystal”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 40:8 (2010),  700–703  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 40:8 (2010), 700–703  isi  scopus] 7
17. L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “Mechanism of radiation absorption by condensed targets irradiated by subpicosecond highly contrast laser pulses with an intensity of up to 3×10<sup>16</sup> W cm<sup>–2</sup>”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 30:10 (2000),  901–904  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 30:10 (2000), 901–904  isi]
18. L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “Generation of the second and third harmonics of the radiation of a subpicosecond neodymium laser with a 10<sup>12</sup> contrast on a metal target”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:5 (1998),  467–470  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 28:5 (1998), 454–457  isi] 4
19. A. Z. Grasyuk, S. V. Kurbasov, L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, A. A. Kaminskii, V. B. Semenov, “Determination of the Raman gain coefficient in leucosapphire”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:2 (1998),  170–174  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 28:2 (1998), 162–166  isi] 14
20. A. A. Antipov, A. Z. Grasyuk, S. V. Efimovskii, S. V. Kurbasov, L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “Increase in the temperature of a laser plasma formed by two-frequency UV — IR irradiation of metal targets”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 25:1 (1998),  31–35  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 28:1 (1998), 29–32  isi] 1
21. L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “Production of a plasma with a temperature of 1 keV by the action of a subpicosecond laser pulse with a 10<sup>12</sup> contrast on a solid”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 24:7 (1997),  579–580  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 27:7 (1997), 563–564  isi]
22. L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “Subpicosecond neodymium laser with a contrast ratio in excess of 10<sup>12</sup>”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 22:6 (1995),  531–532  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 25:6 (1995), 505–506  isi] 3
23. A. A. Antipov, L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “Generation of current pulses during polarisation of air ionised by ultraviolet laser radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 21:10 (1994),  978–980  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 24:10 (1994), 912–914  isi]
24. L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, “Systems for generating broadband radiation by rotational stimulated Raman scattering in atmospheric nitrogen”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 21:10 (1994),  965–967  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 24:10 (1994), 900–902  isi] 1
25. L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, “Parametric Raman laser with a discrete output spectrum equal in width to the pump frequency”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 20:11 (1993),  1054–1062  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 23:11 (1993), 919–926  isi] 23
26. L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, “Stimulated-Raman pulse peaker for terawatt femtosecond laser systems”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 20:4 (1993),  387–389  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 23:4 (1993), 332–334  isi] 1
27. I. G. Zubarev, L. L. Losev, S. I. Mikhailov, Yu. V. Senatsky, V. G. Smirnov, “Possibility for increasing the efficiency and emission brightness of high-power lasers through nonlinear summation of a train of nanosecond pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 20:2 (1993),  172–174  mathnet [Quantum Electron., 23:2 (1993), 146–147  isi]
28. L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “MECHANISM OF SPARK DISCHARGE INITIATED BY UV LASER-EMISSION”, Pisma v Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 18:17 (1992),  76–79  mathnet
29. L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “A 300-fs stimulated-Raman laser oscillator for the Ti:sapphire laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 19:11 (1992),  1058–1061  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 22:11 (1992), 983–985  isi] 2
30. A. A. Antipov, A. Z. Grasyuk, A. K. Zhigalkin, L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “DISTRIBUTION OF IONIZATION (STREAMER) WAVE ON CHANNEL INITIATED BY UV LASER-EMISSION IN THE AIR”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 61:4 (1991),  200–204  mathnet
31. L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, S. N. Sazonov, “Feasibility of constructing a picosecond terawatt neodymium laser with a contrast ratio  10<sup>13</sup>”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:5 (1991),  534–535  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 21:5 (1991), 484–485  isi] 6
32. A. Z. Grasyuk, L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, S. N. Sazonov, “Parametric Raman anti-Stokes laser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:10 (1990),  1245–1247  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 20:10 (1990), 1153–1155  isi] 13
33. L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, S. N. Sazonov, “Efficient parametric generation of higher stimulated Raman scattering components with diffraction-limited divergence”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:8 (1990),  960  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 20:8 (1990), 878–879  isi] 10
34. A. A. Antipov, A. Z. Grasyuk, L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “Microwave generation in an optical breakdown plasma created by modulated laser radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:6 (1990),  741–744  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 20:6 (1990), 664–666  isi] 2
35. A. Z. Grasyuk, L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, S. N. Sazonov, “Raman parametric generation of anti-Stokes radiation under conditions of amplification of an external Stokes signal”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 17:5 (1990),  599–602  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 20:5 (1990), 529–532  isi] 5
36. A. Z. Grasyuk, L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, S. N. Sazonov, “Compression of light pulses by stimulated Raman scattering without a frequency shift”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 16:8 (1989),  1623–1625  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 19:8 (1989), 1045–1046  isi] 1
37. L. L. Losev, V. I. Soskov, “Characteristic features of the ionization of air by ultrashort ultraviolet laser pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 16:1 (1989),  73–78  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 19:1 (1989), 46–49  isi] 4
38. A. Z. Grasyuk, L. L. Losev, A. P. Lutsenko, “Raman laser utilizing rotational levels of hydrogen with a ring resonator”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15:10 (1988),  2042–2044  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 18:10 (1988), 1280–1282  isi] 2
39. A. A. Antipov, L. L. Losev, E. A. Meshalkin, “Increase in the amplitude of hf currents during exposure of a neutral target to microsecond CO<sub>2</sub> laser pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 15:9 (1988),  1867–1875  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 18:9 (1988), 1165–1170  isi]
40. L. L. Losev, E. A. Meshalkin, “AIR IONIZATION BY THE LASER PLASMA EMISSION”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 57:3 (1987),  446–453  mathnet
41. B. I. Vasil'ev, A. Z. Grasyuk, L. L. Losev, E. A. Meshalkin, “DYNAMICS OF THE CHARGED TARGET POTENTIAL CHANGE DURING THE LASER PLASMA EFFECT”, Zhurnal Tekhnicheskoi Fiziki, 56:5 (1986),  873–877  mathnet
42. A. Z. Grasyuk, L. L. Losev, D. N. Nikogosyan, A. A. Oraevskiĭ, “Generation of single picosecond pulses of up to 0.6 mJ energy and of 9.2 μ wavelength by stimulated Raman scattering”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 11:9 (1984),  1872–1874  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 14:9 (1984), 1257–1258  isi] 3
43. A. Z. Grasyuk, Yu. I. Karev, L. L. Losev, “Determination of the rotational relaxation time of compressed hydrogen”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 9:1 (1982),  174–176  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 12:1 (1982), 114–115  isi]
44. A. Z. Grasyuk, Yu. I. Karev, L. L. Losev, V. G. Smirnov, “Regenerative Raman amplifier utilizing rotational transitions in orthohydrogen”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 8:8 (1981),  1715–1720  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 11:8 (1981), 1036–1039  isi]
45. A. Z. Grasyuk, Yu. I. Karev, L. L. Losev, V. G. Smirnov, “Hydrogen Raman laser based on rotational transitions with longitudinal nonaxial pumping by $Nd$ laser radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 7:12 (1980),  2637–2639  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 10:12 (1980), 1542–1543  isi] 2
46. Yu. I. Karev, L. L. Losev, V. G. Smirnov, “Changes in the gain of stimulated Raman scattering of neodymium laser radiation by rotational levels of gaseous hydrogen”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 6:10 (1979),  2274–2277  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 9:10 (1979), 1339–1341] 3
47. N. G. Basov, A. Z. Grasiuk, Yu. I. Karev, L. L. Losev, V. G. Smirnov, “Hydrogen Raman laser for efficient coherent summation of nanosecond optical pulses”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 6:6 (1979),  1329–1331  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 9:6 (1979), 780–781] 16

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