Kudryavtseva, Elena Alexandrovna

Total publications: 77 (76)
in MathSciNet: 59 (59)
in zbMATH: 52 (52)
in Web of Science: 30 (30)
in Scopus: 42 (42)
Cited articles: 49
Citations: 402
Presentations: 40

Number of views:
This page:5795
Abstract pages:12426
Full texts:4630
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2016)
Speciality: 01.01.04 (Geometry and topology)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: dynamical systems, Hamiltonian systems, topological conjugacy of Hamiltonian systems, periodic solutions, low-dimensional topology, coincidence theory on surfaces, parametric Morse theory.
Main publications:
  1. D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “Roots of mappings on nonorientable surfaces and equations in free groups”, Manuscripta Math., 107:3 (2002), 311–341  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  2. C. Hayat-Legrand, E. A. Kudryavtseva, S. Wang, H. Zieschang, “Degrees of self-mappings of Seifert manifolds with finite fundamental groups”, Rendiconti Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste, 32:1 (2001), 131–147  mathscinet  zmath
  3. D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “Intersection index of curves on surfaces and applications to quadratic equations in free groups”, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, IL (2001), 339–400  mathscinet  zmath
  4. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Realization of smooth functions on surfaces as height functions”, Sb. Math., 190:3 (1999), 349–405  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  5. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Generalization of geometric Poincaré theorem for small perturbations”, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 3:2 (1998), 46–66  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus

List of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. E. A. Kudryavtseva, I. M. Nikonov, A. T. Fomenko, “Maximally symmetric cell decompositions of surfaces and their coverings”, Sb. Math., 199:9 (2008), 1263–1353  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
2. E. A. Kudryavtseva, A. T. Fomenko, “Symmetries groups of nice Morse functions on surfaces”, Doklady Mathematics, 86:2 (2012), 691–693  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  elib  scopus
3. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Realization of smooth functions on surfaces as height functions”, Sb. Math., 190:3 (1999), 349–405  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
4. O. A. Zagryadskii, E. A. Kudryavtseva, D. A. Fedoseev, “A generalization of Bertrand's theorem to surfaces of revolution”, Sb. Math., 203:8 (2012), 1112–1150  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
5. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “The Topology of Spaces of Morse Functions on Surfaces”, Math. Notes, 92:2 (2012), 219–236  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
6. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “On the homotopy type of spaces of Morse functions on surfaces”, Sb. Math., 204:1 (2013), 75–113  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
7. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Helicity is the Only Invariant of Incompressible Flows whose Derivative is Continuous in the $C^1$ Topology”, Math. Notes, 99:4 (2016), 611–615 math.DS/1511.03746  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
8. E. A. Kudryavtseva, N. N. Nekhoroshev, “Periodicheskie traektorii, ostayuschiesya posle raspada semeistv takikh traektorii pri vozmuschenii sistem obyknovennykh differentsialnykh uravnenii”, Sovmestnye zasedaniya seminara im. I. G. Petrovskogo i Moskovskogo matematicheskogo obschestva (XIX sessiya) (Moskva, 20–24 yanv. 1998), Uspekhi mat. nauk, 53, no. 4, 1998, 206–207  mathnet 15
9. Alexey Bolsinov, Lorenzo Guglielmi, Elena Kudryavtseva, “Symplectic invariants for parabolic orbits and cusp singularities of integrable systems”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 376:2131 (2018), 20170424 , 29 pp., arXiv: 1802.09910  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 14
10. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Conjugation Invariants on the Group of Area-Preserving Diffeomorphisms of the Disk”, Math. Notes, 95:6 (2014), 877–880  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  elib  scopus
11. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Special framed Morse functions on surfaces”, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 67:4 (2012), 151–157  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  elib  scopus
12. A. T. Fomenko, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Each finite group is a symmetry group of some map (an “atom”–bifurcation)”, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 68:3 (2013), 148–155  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib
13. S. A. Bogatyi, D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “Realization of primitive branched coverings over closed surfaces following the Hurwitz approach”, Central Europ. J. of Math., 1:2 (2003), 184–197 (electronic)  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 10
14. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “An analogue of the Liouville theorem for integrable Hamiltonian systems with incomplete flows”, Doklady Mathematics, 86:1 (2012), 527–529 , arXiv: math.DG/1203.5455  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  elib  elib  scopus
15. E. A. Kudryavtseva, D. A. Permyakov, “Framed Morse functions on surfaces”, Sb. Math., 201:4 (2010), 501–567  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
16. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Liouville integrable generalized billiard flows and Poncelet type theorems”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 225:4 (2017), 611–638  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
17. D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “Roots of mappings on nonorientable surfaces and equations in free groups”, Manuscripta Math., 107:3 (2002), 311–341  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 8
18. E. Kudryavtseva, N. Martynchuk, “Existence of a smooth Hamiltonian circle action near parabolic orbits and cuspidal tori”, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 26:6 (2021), 732–741 , arXiv: 2106.04838  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  scopus 7
19. E. A. Kudryavtseva, D. A. Fedoseev, “Mechanical systems with closed orbits on manifolds of revolution”, Sb. Math., 206:5 (2015), 718–737  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
20. E. A. Kudryavtseva, T. A. Lepskii, “The topology of Lagrangian foliations of integrable systems with hyperelliptic Hamiltonian”, Sb. Math., 202:3 (2011), 373–411  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
21. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Hidden toric symmetry and structural stability of singularities in integrable systems”, Published online 25 October 2021, European Journal of Mathematics, 8 (2022), 1487–1549, arXiv: 2008.01067  crossref  isi  scopus 6
22. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Uniform Morse lemma and isotope Morse functions on surfaces”, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 64:4 (2009), 150–158  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  elib  scopus
23. O. V. Bogopolski, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “Simple curves on surfaces and an analog of a theorem of Magnus for surface groups”, Math. Z., 247:3 (2004), 595–609  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 6
24. Yu. A. Brailov, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Stable topological nonconjugacy of Hamiltonian systems on two-dimensional surfaces”, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 54:2 (1999), 20–27  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
25. E. A. Kudryavtseva, A. A. Oshemkov, “Bifurkatsii integriruemykh mekhanicheskikh sistem s magnitnym polem na poverkhnostyakh vrascheniya”, Chebyshevskii sbornik, 21:2 (2020), 244–265  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 5
26. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Stable conjugation invariants of Hamiltonian systems on two-dimensional surfaces”, Soviet Math. Dokl., 58:1 (1998), 67–70  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib
27. M. L. Gerver, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “A universal sequence in the classical travel-time inversion problem”, Sb. Math., 188:4 (1997), 483–536  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
28. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Topology of the spaces of functions with prescribed singularities on surfaces”, Doklady Mathematics, 93:3 (2016), 264–266 math.GT/1601.02283  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
29. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Connected components of spaces of Morse functions with fixed critical points”, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 67:1 (2012), 1–10  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  elib  scopus
30. D. Andrica, L. Funar, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “On the minimal number of critical points of smooth maps between closed manifolds”, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 16:3 (2009), 363–370  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 4
31. S. A. Bogatyi, D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “Minimal Number of Preimages Under Maps of Surfaces”, Math. Notes, 75:1 (2004), 13–18  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
32. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Canonical form of Reeb graph for Morse functions on surfaces. Inversion of 2-sphere in 3-space”, International Journal of Shape Modeling, 5:1 (1999), 69–80  crossref  mathscinet 4
33. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Generalization of geometric Poincaré theorem for small perturbations”, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 3:2 (1998), 46–66  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 4
34. E. A. Kudryavtseva, A. A. Oshemkov, “Structurally stable nondegenerate singularities of integrable systems”, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 29:1 (2022), 57–75, arXiv: 2112.00130  crossref  isi  scopus 3
35. D. A. Fedoseev, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “On Bertrands manifolds with equators”, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 71:1 (2016), 23–26  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
36. S. A. Bogatyi, J. Fricke, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “On multiplicity of mappings between surfaces”, The Zieschang Gedenkschrift, Geometry and Topology Monographs, 14, ed. M. Boileau et al., Geometry & Topology Publications, Coventry, 2008, 49–62 , arXiv: math.GT/0904.1197  crossref  mathscinet  zmath 3
37. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Reduction of Morse functions on surfaces to canonical form by smooth deformation”, Regular and Chaotic Dynamics, 4:3 (1999), 53–60  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 3
38. M. L. Gerver, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “A new proof of theorems on a universal sequence and extremal properties of discrete measures”, Russian Math. Surveys, 52:6 (1997), 1298–1299  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  scopus
39. M. L. Gerver, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “A theorem on order relations generated by totally positive kernels”, Sb. Math., 186:9 (1995), 1241–1269  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
40. E. A. Kudryavtseva, D. A. Fedoseev, “Superintegrable Bertrand natural mechanical systems”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 248:4 (2020), 409–429  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
41. S. A. Bogatyi, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “On the Coincidence Points of Mappings of the Torus into a Surface”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 247 (2004), 9–27  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
42. M. L. Gerver, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Extremal properties of wave quides with a finite number of layers in inverse travel-time problems”, Dokl. Math., 56:2 (1997), 777–780  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
43. E. A. Kudryavtseva, S. A. Podlipaev, “Superintegrable Bertrand magnetic geodesic flows”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 259:5 (2021), 689–698, arXiv: 2001.05067  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
44. Natalia A. Viana Bedoya, Daciberg Lima Gonçalves, Elena A. Kudryavtseva, “Indecomposable branched coverings over the projective plane by surfaces M with χ(M)≤0”, Journal of Knot Theory and Its Ramifications, 27:5 (2018), 1850030 , 23 pp., arXiv: 1702.01822  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 1
45. S. I. Bogataya, S. A. Bogatyi, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “An inverse theorem on ‘economic’ maps”, Sb. Math., 203:4 (2012), 554–568  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
46. S. A. Bogatyi, D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “On the Wecken property for the root problem of mappings between surfaces”, Mosc. Math. J., 3:4 (2003), 1223–1245  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi 1
47. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Periodic motions of a planetary system with double planets. The generalized Hill problem”, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 54:4 (1999), 39–41  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
48. M. L. Gerver, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Extremal properties of discrete measures, the universal sequence, and the duality principle”, Sb. Math., 189:11 (1998), 1587–1610  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
49. M. L. Gerver, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “On the solution set boundary in the travel-time inversion problem”, Transl. Dokl. Russian Acad. Sci. Earth Sci. Sect., 347:2 (1996), 262–264  mathnet
50. A. Yu. Konyaev, E. A. Kudryavtseva, V. I. Sidelnikov, “Geometriya i topologiya dvumernykh simplekticheskikh mnogoobrazii s osobennostyami obschego polozheniya i gamiltonovykh sistem na nikh”, Vestn. Mosk. un-ta. Matem. Mekhan., 2024, no. 5, 22-33
51. E. A. Kudryavtseva, M. V. Onufrienko, “Classification of singularities of smooth functions with a finite cyclic symmetry group”, Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics, 30:1 (2023), 76–94  crossref
52. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Continuous orbital invariants of integrable Hamiltonian systems”, Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics, 38:6 (2017), 1027–1041  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
53. P. M. Akhmet'ev, E. A. Kudryavtseva, A. Yu. Smirnov, “A generalization of the Arnol'd inequality in MHD”, Magnetohydrodynamics, 52:1 (2016), 5–14  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
54. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Multipliers of periodic Hill solutions in the theory of moon motion and an averaging method”, Moscow Univ. Math. Bull., 70:4 (2015), 160–170  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
55. S. A. Bogatyi, E. A. Kudryavtseva, Kh. Tsishang, “O peresecheniyakh zamknutykh krivykh na poverkhnostyakh”, Trudy Sem. vekt. tenz. analizu, XXVIII, 2012, 86–118 , arXiv: math.GT/1111.5277
56. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “On the topology of the spaces of Morse functions on surfaces”, International conference “Differential equations and related topics” dedicated to Ivan G. Petrovskii. XXIII joint session of Petrovskii Seminar and Moscow Math. Soc. Book of abstracts (Moscow, May 30 – June 4, 2011), M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, 2011, 69–71
57. E. A. Kudryavtseva, T. A. Lepskii, “Integriruemye gamiltonovy sistemy s nepolnymi potokami i mnogougolniki Nyutona”, Sovrem. Probl. Matem. Mekhan., VI:3 (2011), 42–55 , arXiv: math.DG/1107.1911
58. E. A. Kudryavtseva, T. A. Lepskii, “Topologiya sloeniya i teorema Liuvillya dlya integriruemykh sistem s nepolnymi potokami”, Trudy Sem. vekt. tenz. analizu, XXVII, 2011, 106–149
59. E. A. Kudryavtseva, I. M. Nikonov, A. T. Fomenko, “Symmetric and irreducible abstract polyhedra”, V. A. Sadovnichiy Anniv. Coll. Articles, Contemporary Problems of Mathematics and Mechanics, III, no. 2, 2009, 58–97 (Russian)
60. D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “Some quadratic equations in the free group of rank 2”, The Zieschang Gedenkschrift, Geometry and Topology Monographs, 14, ed. M. Boileau et al., Geometry & Topology Publications, Coventry, 2008, 219–294 , arXiv: math.GR/0904.1421  mathscinet  zmath
61. E. A. Kudryavtseva, K. Varadarajan, P. Zvengrowski, “Stable inverses of vector bundles and $K$-theory”, JP J. Geom. Top., 8:2 (2008), 129–150  mathscinet  zmath
62. E. A. Kudryavtseva, I. M. Nikonov, A. T. Fomenko, “Maksimalno simmetrichnye kletochnye razbieniya poverkhnostei i ikh nakrytiya”, Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya «Differentsialnye uravneniya i topologiya», posvyaschennaya 100-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya Lva Semenovicha Pontryagina, Tezisy dokladov (Moskva, 17–22 iyunya 2008 g.), Matematicheskii in-t im. V. A. Steklova RAN, Moskovskii gosudarstvennyi universitet im. M. V. Lomonosova, 2008, 471  mathscinet
63. E. A. Kudryavtseva, E. L. Lakshtanov, “Classification of singularities and bifurcations of critical points of even functions”, Topological Methods in the Theory of Integrable Systems, eds. A. V. Bolsinov, A. T. Fomenko, A. A. Oshemkov, Cambridge Scientific Publishers, Cambridge, 2006, 173–214 math.DG/1212.4302  mathscinet
64. D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “An algorithm for minimal number of intersection points of curves on surfaces”, Proc. Seminar on Vector and Tensor Analysis, 26, 2005, 139–167  zmath
65. E. A. Kudryavtseva, F. Saidak, P. Zvengrowski, “Riemann and his zeta function”, Morfismos, 9:2 (2005), 1–48
66. S. A. Bogatyi, D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “Realization of primitive branched coverings over closed surfaces”, Advances in Topological Quantum Field Theory, NATO Sci. Ser. II Math. Phys. Chem., 179, ed. J. M. Bryden, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2004, 297–316  mathscinet  zmath
67. E. A. Kudryavtseva, R. Weidmann, H. Zieschang, “Quadratic equations in free groups and topological applications”, Recent advances in group theory and low-dimensional topology (Pusan, 2000), Research and exposition in mathematics, 27, eds. J. Mennike and Jung Rae Cho, Heldermann, Lemgo, 2003, 83–122  mathscinet  zmath
68. C. Hayat-Legrand, E. A. Kudryavtseva, S. Wang, H. Zieschang, “Degrees of self-mappings of Seifert manifolds with finite fundamental groups”, Rendiconti Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste, 32:1 (2001), 131–147  mathscinet  zmath
69. D. L. Gonçalves, E. A. Kudryavtseva, H. Zieschang, “Intersection index of curves on surfaces and applications to quadratic equations in free groups”, Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena, IL (2001), 339–400  mathscinet  zmath
70. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Periodic solutions of the $N$-body problem and applications to planet systems with satellites”, International conference “Differential equations and related topics” dedicated to the Centenary Anniv. of Ivan G. Petrovskii. XX joint session of Petrovskii Seminar and Moscow Math. Soc. Book of abstracts. (Moscow, May 22–27, 2001), Moscow M. V. Lomonosov State University, V. A. Steklov Mathematical Institute RAS, 2001, 221–222  mathscinet
71. M. L. Gerver, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Extremal properties of discrete measures, a universal sequence, and the duality principle”, Dokl. Math., 58:3 (1998), 436–439  mathnet  mathscinet  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
72. E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Ustoichivye topologicheskie i gladkie invarianty sopryazhennosti gamiltonovykh sistem na poverkhnostyakh”, Topologicheskie metody v teorii gamiltonovykh sistem, eds. A. T. Fomenko, A. V. Bolsinov, Faktorial, M., 1998, 147–202
73. M. L. Gerver, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “On the boundary of the set of solutions in travel time inversion and on extremal properties of waveguides with a finite number of layers”, IUGG XXI General Assembly. Abstracts. Week B (Boulder, Colorado. July 2–14), 1995, B10 (UB31B-7)
74. E. A. Kudryavtseva, M. L. Gerver, “An Algorithm Yielding the Universal Sequence $U$ in travel Time Inversion”, IUGG XXI General Assembly. Abstracts. Week B (Boulder, Colorado. July 2–14), 1995, B11 (UB31B-13)
75. M. L. Gerver, E. A. Kudryavtseva, “Klassifikatsiya perestanovok uslovno skhodyaschikhsya ryadov”, Shestaya letnyaya konferentsiya turnira gorodov, ITsTG, M., 1994, 20–25, 57–65
76. E. A. Kudryavtseva, L. M. Lerman, “Bifurcations in integrable systems with three degrees of freedom — I”, Mathematical Aspects of Mechanics, Collected papers. Dedicated to Dmitry Valerevich Treschev on the occasion of his 60th birthday and to Sergey Vladimirovich Bolotin on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Trudy Mat. Inst. Steklova, 327, Steklov Math. Inst., Moscow, 2024 (to appear)  mathnet
77. A. Bolsinov, N. Dobrovol'skii, A. Ivanov, E. Kudryavtseva, A. Oshemkov, F. Popelenskii, A. Tuzhilin, V. Chubarikov, A. Shafarevich, Chebyshevskii Sb., 21:2 (2020), 5–7  mathnet

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1. Преобразование Лежандра невыпуклых функций и структурно устойчивые вырожденные особенности интегрируемых гамильтоновых систем
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
September 11, 2024 18:30
2. Algebraic Morse functions and the arrangement of ovals of plane algebraic curves
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Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar)
February 21, 2024 16:45
3. Классификация двумерных симплектических многообразий с особенностями общего положения и гамильтоновых систем на них
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Modern geometry methods
December 13, 2023 18:30
4. Алгебраические функции Морса и реализуемость расположений овалов на плоскости в виде алгебраических кривых
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
October 25, 2023 18:30
5. Алгебраические функции Морса и реализуемость любого расположения овалов на плоскости в виде алгебраической кривой
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Differential geometry and applications
May 15, 2023 16:45
6. Реализуемость любого расположения $k$ овалов на плоскости в виде множества нулей многочлена степени $2k$
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
May 3, 2023 19:00
7. Topology of spaces of gradient-like incompressible flows with given singularities on surfaces
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Geometric Topology Seminar
February 10, 2023 17:00   
8. Топологическая классификация интегрируемых гамильтоновых систем на 4-мерных многообразиях
E. A. Kudryavtseva

November 10, 2022 11:00   
9. Топологическая классификация интегрируемых гамильтоновых систем на 4-мерных многообразиях (часть 2)
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
October 26, 2022 18:30
10. Топологическая классификация интегрируемых гамильтоновых систем на 4-мерных многообразиях
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
October 5, 2022 18:30
11. Топология невырожденных интегрируемых систем на 4-мерных многообразиях
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
May 11, 2022 19:00
12. Структурно устойчивые особенности интегрируемых гамильтоновых систем
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Differential geometry and applications
April 18, 2022 16:45
13. Глобальные топологические инварианты интегрируемых гамильтоновых систем
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Differential geometry and applications
February 28, 2022 16:45
14. Symplectic classification of structurally stable nondegenerate semilocal singularities
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
November 29, 2021 16:10   
15. Структурная устойчивость и симплектическая классификация полулокальных особенностей интегрируемых систем
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Differential geometry and applications
October 11, 2021 16:45
16. Топология пространств градиентоподобных потоков на поверхностях
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
September 15, 2021 19:00
17. Топология пространств градиентоподобных потоков на поверхностях
E. A. Kudryavtseva

August 10, 2021 14:30
18. О приведении гладкой функции к нормальной форме вблизи критической точки
E. A. Kudryavtseva, A. S. Orevkova
Modern geometry methods
April 28, 2021 19:00
19. Структурно устойчивые особенности интегрируемых систем
E. A. Kudryavtseva, M. V. Onufrienko
Modern geometry methods
April 28, 2021 19:00
20. Combinatorics of Morse functions on the $2$-dimensional torus
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Geometric Topology Seminar
January 15, 2021 17:00   
21. Topology of integrable systems on 4-manifolds
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Beijing–Moscow Mathematics Colloquium
May 15, 2020 16:00   
22. Структурно устойчивые особенности и бифуркации интегрируемых систем
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
October 16, 2019 18:30
23. Симплектические инварианты особенностей интегрируемых гамильтоновых систем
E. A. Kudryavtseva

November 15, 2018 18:30   
24. Symplectic invariants for cusp singularities of integrable systems
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Seminar "Complex analysis in several variables" (Vitushkin Seminar)
October 25, 2017 16:45
25. Superintegrable Bertrand natural mechanical systems (proof of classification)
E. A. Kudryavtseva, D. A. Fedoseev
Modern geometry methods
March 15, 2017 18:30
26. Суперинтегрируемые бертрановы натуральные механические системы
E. A. Kudryavtseva, D. A. Fedoseev
Differential geometry and applications
February 20, 2017 16:45
27. Топологические инварианты 3-мерных бездивергентных полей (произвольных и интегрируемых)
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Differential geometry and applications
May 16, 2016 16:45
28. Topological invariants of 3D divergence-free fields (general and integrable)
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Riemann surfaces, Lie algebras and mathematical physics
May 13, 2016 17:00
29. Топология пространств функций Морса и инварианты $3$-мерных бездивергентных полей
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Differential geometry and applications
April 25, 2016 16:45
30. Непрерывные траекторные инварианты интегрируемых гамильтоновых систем с двумя степенями свободы
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
October 21, 2015 18:30
31. Integrable billiards, geodesic flows on partial-smooth Riemannian manifolds, and Poncelet theorem
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Differential geometry and applications
December 1, 2014 16:45
32. Integrable billiards and new proof of the Poncelet theorem
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Modern geometry methods
October 8, 2014 18:30
33. Topology and stratification of spaces of smooth functions with prescribed singularities on surfaces
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Geometric Topology Seminar
August 3, 2012 14:00
34. Conjugacy invariants for measure preserving diffeomorphisms of surfaces
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Differential geometry and applications
May 14, 2012 16:45
35. Обобщенная теорема Лиувилля для интегрируемых систем с неполными потоками
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Hamiltonian systems and statistical mechanics
April 2, 2012
36. Integrable systems with incomplete flows and Newton's polygons
Elena Kudryavtseva
Russian–German conference on Several Complex Variables
March 2, 2012 15:30   
37. Топология пространств функций Морса на поверхностях
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Riemann surfaces, Lie algebras and mathematical physics
February 10, 2012 17:00
38. Complexes of Morse's functions and topological invariants of spaces of Morse's functions
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Knots and Representation Theory
November 1, 2011 18:30
39. Homotopy type of the space of Morse functions on surfaces. Part 2 (Complexes of Morse functions; examples; idea of proof; a description of the cohomology ring)
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Geometric Topology Seminar
May 31, 2011 15:00
40. Homotopy type of the space of Morse functions on surfaces
E. A. Kudryavtseva
Geometric Topology Seminar
May 24, 2011 15:00

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