01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
Hammerstein type nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations,
Caratheodory condition,
asymptotic behavior of solutions,
one-parameter family of positive solutions.
Research questions of solvability of nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations with noncompact operators Hammerstein and Hammerstein–Nemytskii.
2001 ASPU after Kh. Abovyan, Mathematical department (diploma with honours).
2001 entered graduate school ASPU after Kh. Abovyan (specialty 01.01.02 Differential Equation).
In 2013, in a special council of 053 defended her thesis on the topic "Questions of solvability of nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations with noncompact operators and their discrete analogs" . (specialty 01.01.02- Differential Equations ),
scientific director Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences Kh.A. Khachatryan, official opponents: Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, prof. L.G. Arabajyan, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Sciences, associate prof. V.M. Kahktsyan, Lead organization: Yerevan State University.
Since 2004 has been working in the department of Higher Mathematics and theory. Mechanics in the Armenian National Agrarian University.
Research Grants: SCS13-1A068 (2013-2015), 13YR-1A0003 (2013-2015).
Main publications:
Kh.A. Khachatryan, M.F. Broyan, “Odnoparametricheskoe semeistvo polozhitelnykh reshenii dlya odnogo klassa nelineinykh beskonechnykh algebraicheskikh sistem s matritsami tipa Teplitsa–Gankelya”, Izvestiya NAN Armenii, Matematika, 48:5 (2013), 63–78
M.F. Broyan, “O nekotorykh nelineinykh beskonechnykh sistemakh algebraicheskikh uravnenii s matritsami tipa Teplitsa–Gankelya”, Matem. v vysshei shkole, 8:3 (2012), 17–24
M.F. Broyan, “Suschestvovanie polozhitelnogo resheniya dlya odnoi sistemy nelineinykh integralnykh uravnenii s nekompaktnym operatorom Gammershteina”, Matem. v vysshei shkole, 10:1 (2014), 23–29
Kh.A. Khachatryan, M.F.Broyan, H.O. Azizyan, “On Solvability of a Class of NonlinearSecond Order Integro-Differential Equations in the Space W1,2(R+)”, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis, 50:5 (2015), 209–217
Kh. A. Khachatryan, Ts. E. Terjyan, M. F. Broyan, “On solvability of a Hammerstein–Voltera type nonlinear system of integral equations in critical case”, Vladikavkaz. Mat. Zh., 18:4 (2016), 71–79
M. F. Broyan, Kh. A. Khachatryan, “On some nonlinear integral and integro-differential equations with noncompact operators on positive half-line”, Ufimsk. Mat. Zh., 5:2 (2013), 31–42; Ufa Math. J., 5:2 (2013), 31–42