E. M. Bronshtein, “The construction of a production function from the restriction to the simplex”, Izv. Vyssh. Uchebn. Zaved. Mat., 2019, no. 11, 3–9; Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 63:11 (2019), 1–6
E. M. Bronshtein, E. V. Gindullina, R. V. Gindullin, “Formalization of pickup and delivery problem”, Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. Mekh. Fiz., 9:1 (2017), 13–21
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E. M. Bronshtein, P. A. Zelyov, “About optimum delivery of freights by the vehicle taking into account dependence of cost of transportations on loading of vehicles on several cyclic routes”, Inform. Primen., 8:4 (2014), 53–57
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E. M. Bronshtein, R. V. Gindullin, “Exact solutions of some optimization problems of transport logistics”, Matem. Mod., 25:11 (2013), 121–127; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 6:3 (2014), 332–336
E. M. Bronshtein, T. A. Zaiko, “Deterministic optimizational problems of transportation logistics”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2010, no. 10, 133–147; Autom. Remote Control, 71:10 (2010), 2132–2144
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E. M. Bronshtein, “Extreme Points of Convex Compact Sets in the Hilbert Cube”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 30:4 (1996), 65–68; Funct. Anal. Appl., 30:4 (1996), 273–275
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E. M. Bronshtein, “Topological properties of extremal boundaries of convex compact sets in $I^2$”, Funktsional. Anal. i Prilozhen., 19:1 (1985), 60–61; Funct. Anal. Appl., 19:1 (1985), 49–50
E. M. Bronshtein, L. D. Ivanov, “The approximation of convex sets by polyhedra”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 16:5 (1975), 1110–1112; Siberian Math. J., 16:5 (1975), 852–853
N. M. Tsirelman, E. M. Bronshtein, “Variational solution of the third boundary-value problem for heat exchange during flow of a liquid in a channel”, TVT, 13:5 (1975), 1003–1008; High Temperature, 13:5 (1975), 920–924
E. Bronshtein, “Экстремальные выпуклые фигуры”, Kvant, 2007, no. 4, 32–33
E. M. Bronshtein, “Математические соревнования имени Уильяма Лоуэлла Путнама”, Mat. Pros., Ser. 3, 5 (2001), 192–204