Nagornov, Iurii

Total publications: 56 (56)
in Web of Science: 17 (17)
in Scopus: 12 (12)
Cited articles: 15
Citations: 55

Number of views:
This page:4647
Abstract pages:243
Full texts:222
Nagornov, Iurii
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2001)
Speciality: 01.04.10 (Physcics of semiconductors)
Keywords: Cellular automata, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics methods, intercellular interaction, structure of the membrane, intracellular pressure.
UDC: 51-76


Simulation of phase transitions in nanocrystals and solid state, beta-voltaic effect, radiation-induced processes in porous silicon. Simulation of dynamics of intercellular interaction, modeling the properties of the cell membrane according to atomic force microscopy. Molecular dynamics simulation and modeling by Monte-Carlo method.

Grants under my supervision:
2014–2015 — Development of technology and software measurement of intracellular pressure of cell according to atomic force microscopy. FTP "Research and development on priority directions of scientific-technological complex of Russia for 2014-2020"
2011–2013 — Molecular dynamic engineering uranium oxide nanocrystals. RFBR 11-01-00311a.
2012 — Developing on-line services based on flash-technology for broadband systems on an example of virtual physics laboratory. State contract 14.B37.21.2089 from November 14, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2012 — Development online simulators scanning electron and atomic force microscopes. State contract 14.B37.21.2046 from November 14, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2012 — Development foundations of the theory of elasticity cells in relation with the data of atomic force microscopy. State contract 14.B37.21.0228 from July 23, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2012 — Numerical methods for simulation of nanocrystals properties. State contract 14.B37.21.0222 from July 23, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
2012 — Simulation in Materials Science and Nanotechnology: Research and cognitive aspects. State contract 14.B37.21.0127 from July 20, 2012. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Grants in which I'm executive head:
2011 — Development of resource base for research in the field of knowledge 08: development of laboratory atomic force microscopy Ulyanovsk State University. 11-08-05056-b. Russian Foundation of Basic Research.
2010–2012 — Design and creation of a new source of gamma radiation processing technologies for materials and products. State contract 296P from May 4, 2010. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
2010–2012 — Design, development and research of pulsed radiation-stimulated current source based on the radionuclide nickel-63. State contract 625P from May 5, 2010. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
2009–2011 — Modeling and study of radiation-induced current generation in silicon structures. State contract P2091 from November 3, 2009. Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
2010 — Simulation and research structures of radiation- stimulated batteries. 10-08-97001- r_povolzhe_a. Russian Foundation of Basic Research
2009 — Development of the material base for research in the field of knowledge 02 : Empowering the laboratory probe microscopy. 09-02-05070b. Russian Foundation of Basic Research.
2008–2009 — Modelling of the formation of radiation characteristics evropiysoderzhaschih elements of nuclear reactors in the rationale for developing a new type of gamma-ray source. 08-08-99082-R_ofi. Russian Foundation of Basic Research
2008–2009 — Modeling , creation and study of radiation-stimulated supply. 08-08-99068-R_ofi. Russian Foundation of Basic Research.


2016 – University of Tokyo, researcher, simulation of phase transitions by Molecular dynamics and Metadynamics.
2012 – 2016 Togliatti State University. Senior researcher, Head of Supercomputer Lab, supervisor of grants. – Computer simulation, guide to studies and grants
2007 – 2011; Ulyanovsk State University. Senior researcher, Head of AFM Lab, Deputy rector for Innovations. – Scientific work
2002 – 2007; Ulyanovsk State University. Docent in the pulpits "Physics and technologies integral microcircuits" and "Telecommunications and networks" – To teach the courses of "Quantum mechanics", "Physics of active elements", "Logic and hardware of digital technique" and "The basis of real time systems". My research work includes computer and numeric simulation, the analysis and approximation of experimental spectra, the roentgen fluorescence spectra measurements.
1998 – 2001; Ulyanovsk State University. Post graduate student. – The computer and numeric simulation, the Auger spectra measurements, the analyses, computer simulation, approximation of experimental spectra, the automation of the measurements.

Main publications:
  1. Nagornov Yu.S., Murashev V.N., “Simulation of the $\beta$-voltaic effect in silicon pin structures irradiated with electrons from a nickel-63 $\beta$ source”, Semiconductors, 50:1 (2016), 16–21
  2. Nagornov Yu.S., “Thermodynamics of a phase transition of silicon nanoparticles at the annealing and carbonization of porous silicon”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 121:6 (2015), 1042–1051
  3. Nagornov Yu.S., “Thermodynamics of Silicon Carbide Nucleation during the Carbonization of Nanoporous Silicon”, Technical physics. The Russian journal of applied physics, 60:5 (2015), 700–709
  4. Nagornov Yu.S., “Thermodynamics of Annealing of Nanoporous Silicon”, Technical Physics Letters, 41:6 (2015), 532–536
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. I. Nagornov, V. N. Murashev, “Simulation of the $\beta$-voltaic effect in silicon pin structures irradiated with electrons from a nickel-63 $\beta$ source”, Semiconductors, 50:1 (2016), 16–21  mathnet  crossref  elib
2. Yu. S. Nagornov, “Thermodynamics of Annealing of Nanoporous Silicon”, Technical Physics Letters, 41:6 (2015), 532–536  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 4
3. Yu. S. Nagornov, “Thermodynamics of Silicon Carbide Nucleation during the Carbonization of Nanoporous Silicon”, Technical Physics. The Russian journal of applied physics, 60:5 (2015), 700–709  crossref  isi  scopus 5
4. Nagornov Yu., Katz A., “Parametrically Temperature-Dependent Potential for Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Uranium Dioxide Properties”, International Journal of Computational and Theoretical Chemistry, 1:3 (2013), 18–26  crossref 2
5. Nagornov Yu.S., Modelirovanie uprugikh svoistv kletok krovi, monografiya, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2013 , 108 pp.
6. Nagornov Yu.S., Kostishko B.M., Pchelintseva E.S., Radiatsionno-stimulirovannye istochniki toka, monografiya, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2013 , 116 pp.
7. Nagornov Yu.S., Katz A.V., “Calculation of phase transitions of uranium dioxide using structure factor in molecular dynamics”, International Journal of Materials Science and Applications, 2:6 (2013), 228–232  crossref
8. Nagornov Yu.S., “Ob odnom algoritme optimizatsii raschetov metodom Monte-Karlo pri modelirovanii rosta kristallov”, Stokhasticheskaya optimizatsiya v informatike, 9:2 (2013), 96–107  elib
9. Nagornov Yu.S., “Metod Monte-Karlo, v kotorom veroyatnosti perekhodov opredelyayutsya mezhatomnym potentsialom vzaimodeistviya”, Stokhasticheskaya optimizatsiya v informatike, 9:2 (2013), 88–95  elib
10. Nagornov Yu.S., Zhilyaev I.V., “Optimizatsiya formy eritrotsita v sootvetstvii s dannymi atomno-silovoi mikroskopii”, Matematicheskaya morfologiya. Elektronnyi matematicheskii i mediko-biologicheskii zhurnal, 12:1 (2013)
11. Nagornov Yu.S., “Modelirovanie morfologii i zhestkosti membrany eritrotsitov posle femtosekundnogo lazernogo oblucheniya”, Rossiiskii zhurnal biomekhaniki, 17:3(61) (2013), 112–121  elib
12. Yu. S. Nagornov, I. V. Zhilyaev, “Simulation of morphological and functional properties of erythrocyte membrane”, Vestnik SamGU. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Ser., 2013, no. 9/1(110), 177–190  mathnet
13. I. Nagornov, “The calculation of the efficiency of batteriesbased on microchannel silicon and nickel-63 as a beta-source”, University proceedings. Volga region. Physical and mathematical sciences, 2013, no. 3, 136–145  mathnet
14. Nagornov Yu.S, Melnikov B.F., Zolotov A.V., “Podkhodu modelirovaniya formirovaniya nanokristallov v protsesse karbonizatsii poristogo kremni ya”, Vektor nauki Tolyattinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2012, no. 4, 89–93  elib
15. Nagornov Yu.S., Kats A.V., “Kvantovo-mekhanicheskoe obosnovanie temperaturnoi zavisimosti potentsiala v metode molekulyarnoi dinamiki”, Vektor nauki TGU, 2012, no. 4, 94–98  elib
16. Nagornov Yu.S., Kats A.V., “Opredelenie temperatur fazovykh perekhodov nanokristallov dioksida urana metodom molekulyarnoi dinamiki”, Vektor nauki TGU, 2012, no. 4, 98–100  elib
17. Nagornov Yu.S., Kats A.V., “Algoritm rascheta poverkhnostnoi diffuzii metodom molekulyarnoi dinamiki”, Vektor nauki TGU, 2012, no. 4, 101–103  elib
18. Borgardt A.A., Nagornov Yu.S., “Mnogopotochnyi algoritm monte-karlo modelirovaniya rosta nanokristallov”, Vektor nauki TGU, 2012, no. 4, 32–36  elib
19. Nagornov Yu.S., Sovremennye aspety primeneniya betavoltaicheskogo effekta, monografiya, UlGU, Ulyanovsk, 2012 , 116 pp.
20. Nagornov Yu.S., Samoorganizatsiya nanokristallov v karbonizirovannom poristom kremnii, monografiya, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbrucken, 2012 , 155 pp.
21. Nagornov Yu.S., Metody modelirovaniya atomarnykh i radiatsionno-stimulirovannykh protsessov v poristom kremnii, monografiya, TGU, Tolyatti, 2012 , 175 pp.
22. Nagornov Yu.S., Demonstratsionnye zadachi po shkolnomu kursu fiziki dlya uchaschikhsya 10-11 klassov, uchebnoe posobie, TGU, Tolyatti, 2012 , 70 pp.
23. Nagornov Yu.S., 101 vopros o nanotekhnologiyakh, uchebnoe posobie, TGU, Tolyatti, 2012 , 110 pp.
24. Nagornov Yu.S., Makhmud-Akhunov R.Yu., Kostishko B.M. i dr., “O temperaturnoi zavisimosti mezhatomnogo potentsiala pri molekulyarno-dinamicheskom modelirovanii svoistv dioksida urana”, Voprosy atomnoi nauki i tekhniki. Seriya: Matematicheskoe modelirovanie fizicheskikh protsessov, 2010, no. 4, 27–34
25. Nagornov Yu.S., Makhmud-Akhunov R.Yu. i dr., “Postroenie temperaturno-zavisimogo potentsiala mezhchastichnogo vzaimodeistviya dlya dioksida urana”, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Povolzhskii region. Fiziko-matematicheskie nauki, 2010, no. 3, 156–164  mathnet  elib 1
26. Ctuchebnikov V.M., Ustinov A.A., Nagornov Yu.S., “Issledovanie temperaturnogo dreifa i nelineinostei tenzopreobrazovatelei davleniya na osnove keramiki”, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Povolzhskii region. Tekhnicheskie nauki, 2010, no. 2, 62–69
27. Kostishko B.M., Zolotov A.V., Nagornov Yu.S., “Modelirovanie degradatsii relefa nanoporistogo kremniya v protsesse otzhiga v neodnorodnom temperaturnom pole”, Fizika i tekhnika poluprovodnikov, 43:3 (2009)  elib
28. Nagornov Yu.S., Pchelintseva E.S., Kostishko B.M. i dr., “Modelirovanie radiatsionno-stimulirovannogo istochnika toka na pin-strukturakh”, Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedenii. Povolzhskii region. Fiziko-matematicheskie nauki, 2009, no. 3, 113–125  mathnet  elib 1
29. Kostishko B.M., Zolotov A.V., Nagornov Yu.S., “Simulation of degradation of the profile of nanoporous silicon in the course of annealing in an inhomogeneous temperature field”, Semiconductors, 43:3 (2009), 355–358  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 4
30. Nagornov Yu.S., Gnoevykh V.V., Portnova Yu.A., “Raschet uprugikh svoistv i morfologii eritrotsitov v ramkakh prostoi mekhanicheskoi modeli”, V mire nauchnykh otkrytii, 2008, 24
31. Razumovskaya I.V., Bulyarskii S.V., Svetukhin V.V., Sharonova N.V., Zolotovskii I.O., Nagornov Yu.S. i dr., Vvedenie v nanotekhnologii., Uchebno-metodicheskoe posobie po programme elektivnogo kursa po fizike dlya uchitelei 10-11 klassov srednei obscheobrazovatelnoi shkoly, UlGU, Ulyanovsk, 2008 , 147 pp.
32. Nagornov Yu.S., Kostishko B.M., Mikov S.N. i dr., “Mekhanizm obrazovaniya nanokristallov karbida kremniya pri vysokotemperaturnoi karbonizatsii poristogo kremniya”, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki, 77:8 (2007), 135–139  elib
33. Nagornov Yu.S., Smagin A.A., Shkiryak B.C., Dolgov S.V., “Matematicheskaya model sintaksicheskogo analiza iskhodnogo koda yazyka S pri postroenii sistemy vstroennogo kontrolya pamyati”, Aviakosmicheskoe priborostroenie, 2007, no. 10, 14–18  elib
34. Nagornov Yu.S., Kostishko B.M., Mikov S.N. et al, “Formation of silicon carbide nanocrystals by high-temperature carbonization of porous silicon”, Technical Physics, 52:8 (2007), 1093–1097  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 6
35. Nagornov Yu.S., Apparatnye sredstva vychislitelnoi tekhniki, elektronnyi uchebnyi kurs, UlGU, Ulyanovsk, 2007
36. Nagornov Yu.S., Novikov S.G., Pavlov D.N, Rusanova A.E., Apparatnye sredstva vychislitelnoi tekhniki, metodicheskoe posobie. Izveschenie o gosudarstvennoi registratsii N 50200601, UlGU, Ulyanovsk, 2006
37. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., Salomatin S.Ya., Atazhanov Sh.R., “Interfeisnyi mekhanizm fotolyuminestsentsii karbonizirovannogo poristogo kremniya”, Pisma v ZhTF, 30:3 (2004), 7–13
38. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., Appolonov S.V., “The modification of the properties of n-type conductivity porous silicon by argon ion irradiation”, Vacuum, 73:1 (2004), 105–108  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 6
39. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., Salomatin S.Ya., Atazhanov Sh.R., “The interface mechanism of photoluminescence in carbonized porous silicon”, Technical Physics Letters, 30:2 (2004), 88–90  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 3
40. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., Salomatin S.Ya., “The interface model of photoluminescence of carbonized porous silicon”, Physics of low-dimensional structures, 3 (2004), 51–57  isi
41. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., Atazhanov Sh.R., Mikov S.N., “Osobennosti fotolyuminestsentsii nanokristallitov karbida kremniya kubicheskoi modifikatsii, legirovannogo galliem”, Pisma v ZhTF, 28:17 (2002), 74–81 1
42. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., “The kinetics of destruction of molecular complexes adsorbed on a porous silicon surface by electron-beam irradiation at different densities”, Vacuum, 68:3 (2002), 245–249  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus
43. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., “Mekhanizm vodnogo dotravlivaniya poristogo kremniya n-tipa provodimosti v elektricheskom pole”, Zhurnal tekhnicheskoi fiziki, 71:7 (2001), 60–66
44. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., “Mekhanizmy gasheniya fotolyuminestsentsii poristogo kremniya elektronnym oblucheniem razlichnoi intensivnosti”, Pisma v ZhTF, 27:19 (2001), 58–65
45. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., “Water after-etching of n-type porous silicon in an electric field”, Technical Physics, 46:7 (2001), 847–852  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus
46. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., “The mechanism of photoluminescence quenching in porous silicon by electron irradiation of various intensity”, Technical Physics Letters, 27:10 (2001), 827–829  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 2
47. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., “Water after-etching of porous silicon in the presence of electric field”, Physics of low-dimensional structures, 9 (2001), 87–94  isi
48. Kostishko B.M., Atazhanov Sh.R., Puzov I.P., Salomatin S.Ya., Nagornov Yu.S., “Geterostrukturnye effekty v karbonizirovannom poristom kremnii”, Pisma v ZhTF, 26:5 (2000), 42–48
49. Kostishko B.M., Puzov I.P., Nagornov Yu.S., “Stabilizatsiya svetoizluchayuschikh svoistv poristogo kremniya termovakuumnym otzhigom”, Pisma v ZhTF, 26:1 (2000)
50. Kostishko B.M., Puzov I.P., Nagornov Yu.S, “Stabilization of luminous properties of porous silicon by vacuum annealing at high temperatures”, Technical Physics Letters, 26:1 (2000), 26–28  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 7
51. Kostishko B.M., Atazhanov Sh.R., Shibaev P.V., Nagornov Yu.S., “Role of resonant charge-exchange in photoluminescence of B-doped carbonized porous silicon”, Physics of low-dimensional structures, 7 (2000), 47–52  isi
52. Kostishko B.M., Atazhanov Sh.R., Puzov I.P., Solomatin S.Ya., Nagornov Yu.S., “Heterogeneous effect in carbonized porous silicon”, Technical Physics Letters, 26:3 (2000), 199–201  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 2
53. Kostishko B.M., Puzov I.P., Nagornov Yu.S., “Stabilization of Light-Emitting Properties of Porous Silicon Thermal Vacuum Annealing”, Technical Physics Letters, 26:1 (2000), 50–55  crossref  scopus 7
54. Kostishko B.M., Guseva M.B., Khvostov V.V., Babaev V.G., Nagornov Yu.S., “Activation energy of the electron-beam-stimulated quenching of photoluminescence in porous silicon”, Physics of low-dimensional structures, 7 (1999), 9–14  isi
55. Kostishko B.M., Atazhanov Sh.R., Puzov I.P., Salomatin S.Ya., Nagornov Yu.S., “Significance of hetero-junctions in photoluminescence of carbonized porous silicon”, Physics of low-dimensional structures, 12 (1999), 1–6  isi
56. Kostishko B.M., Nagornov Yu.S., Guseva M.B., Khvostov V.V., Babaev V.G., “Activation energy of the electron-beam-stimulated quenching of photoluminescence in porous silicon”, Physics of Low-Dimensional Structures, 1999:7-8 (1999), 9–14

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