List of publications: |
Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
2021 |
1. |
L. E. Melkumova and S. Ya. Shatskikh, “Conditional Quantile Reproducibility of Multivariate Distributions and Simplified Pair Copula Construction”, Theory Probab. Appl., 66:1 (2021), 160–168 |
2020 |
2. |
L. E. Melkumova, “Construction of multivariate probability distributions with fully reproducible conditional quantiles”, Russian Mathematics, 64:11 (2020), 23–38 |
3. |
L. Melkumova, “Reproducibility of multivariate probability distributions and related properties”, The 5th international conference on stochastic methods (ICSM-5): Proceedings of the international scientific conference (Russia, Moscow, November 23–27, 2020), Peoples Friendship University of Russia, 2020, 130–134 (Published online) |
4. |
L. E. Melkumova, “Simplified pair copula construction and conditional quantile reproduciblity”, Abstracts of Talks Given at the 4th International Conference on Stochastic Methods, Theory of Probability & Its Applications, 65:1 (2020), 146–147 |
2019 |
5. |
L. E. Melkumova, S. Ya. Shatskikh, “Maximum likelihood method in de Finetti's theorem”, Theory Probab. Appl., 63:4 (2019), 657–663 |
2018 |
6. |
S. Ya. Shatskikh, L. E. Melkumova, “Glava 9. Sovremennye metody statisticheskoi obrabotki dannykh”: V. V. Alyshev, A. V. Borisenkov, I. S. Brainina, O. V. Goryachkin, i dr., Optimalnye metody obrabotki signalov v sistemakh radiotekhniki i svyazi, Izdatelstvo Samarskogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN, g. Samara, 2018, 254–269 |
2017 |
7. |
L. E. Melkumova, S. Ya. Shatskikh, “Comparing Ridge and LASSO estimators for data analysis”, 201 (2017),, 3rd International Conference “Information Technology and Nanotechnology, ITNT-2017” (Samara, Russia, April 2017), Procedia Enginineering, 201, 2017, 746–755 |
8. |
S. Ya. Shatskikh, L. E. Melkumova, “Maximum-likelihood method in de Finetti’s theorem”, THEORY PROBAB. APPL., 62, no. 4 (The 2nd international conference on stochastic methods ("May 25–31, 2017 in the village of Abrau-Durso (at the Moryak Hotel)")), 2017, 640-674 |
9. |
L. E. Melkumova, “Sravnenie rezultatov regressionnogo analiza dlya metodov NK, Ridge i LASSO”, Teoriya veroyatnostei i eë primeneniya, 62, # 4 (2-ya Mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya po stokhasticheskim metodam (Abrau-Dyurso, 25 - 31 maya 2017 g.)), Matematicheskii institut im. V.A. Steklova Rossiiskoi akademii nauk, 2017, 799–839
2016 |
10. |
S. Ya. Shatskikh, L. E. Melkumova, “Reducing the sample size when estimating conditional quantiles”, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1638 (2016), 769–781
11. |
S. Ya. Shatskikh, L. E. Melkumova, “Normality assumption in statistical data analysis”, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1638 (2016), 763–768
12. |
S. Ya. Shatskikh, L. E. Melkumova, “Geometry of conditional quantiles of multidimensional probability distributions”, THEORY PROBAB. APPL., 61:3 (International Conference on Stochastic Methods (Novorossiysk, May 27– June 3, 2016)), Abstracts of the International Conference on Stochastic Methods, 2016, 521-538 |
2015 |
13. |
L. E. Melkumova, “Statisticheskie otsenki uslovnykh kvantilei dlya odnogo klassa mnogomernykh raspredelenii”, Informatsionnye tekhnologii i nanotekhnologii, Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii i molodezhnoi shkoly (Samara, 29 iyunya-01 iyulya 2015 g.), Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe avtonomnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya «Samarskii gosudarstvennyi aerokosmicheskii universitet imeni akademika S.P. Koroleva (Natsionalnyi issledovatelskii universitet)», 2015, 296 |
2012 |
14. |
L. E. Melkumova, S. Ya. Shatskikh, “Solving not completely integrable quantile Pfaffian differential equations”, Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Estestvenno-Nauchnaya Seriya, 2012, no. 3/1(94), 20–39 |
2011 |
15. |
S. Ya. Shatskikh, I. S. Orlova, L. E. Melkumova, “Kvantilnye mnogomernye modeli regressii, osnovannye na differentsialnykh uravneniyakh Pfaffa”, Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii estestvennykh nauk. Seriya MMMIU, 2011, no. 3–4, 14–109 |