Anischenkova, Nadezhda Gennadevna
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This page: | 169 |
Associate professor |
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2002) |
Speciality: |
01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis) |
E-mail: |
Keywords: |
boundary value problem,
polyanalytic functions,
analytical components,
the index of the problem.
Subject: |
Boundary value problems of complex analysis.
Main publications: |
Anischenkova N.G., Zverovich E.I., Rasulov K.M., “O reshenii obobschennoi kraevoi zadachi tipa Rimana dlya bianaliticheskikh funktsii v kruge”, Doklady NAN Belarusi, 45:6 (2001), 22–25
Anischenkova N.G., Rasulov K.M., “O reshenii nekotorykh kraevykh zadach tipa zadachi Rimana dlya bianaliticheskikh funktsii”, Trudy matematicheskogo tsentra imeni N. I. Lobachevskogo, 13, Kazanskoe matematicheskoe obschestvo, 2002, 22–25
https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/person76615 |
List of publications on Google Scholar |
Organisations |