List of publications: |
Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru) |
1. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On extremal sets and their products in finite intervals of integers.”, Mat. Zametki |
2023 |
2. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “Sets with Extremal Product Property and Its Variations”, Math. Notes, 114:6 (2023), 1357–1364 |
3. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the set of exceptions in the product of sets of natural numbers with asymptotic density $1$”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 24:1 (2023), 237–242 |
4. |
Yu. N. Shteynikov, “On the extremal set of quotient of natural numbers”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 24:4 (2023), 354–360 |
2022 |
5. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “Quotients of Dense Subsets of Integers
and Short Distances between Product Elements”, Math. Notes, 111:1 (2022), 132–138 |
6. |
G. V. Fedorov, V. S. Zhgoon, M. M. Petrunin, Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the Parametrization of Hyperelliptic Fields with $S$-Units of Degrees 7 and 9”, Math. Notes, 112:3 (2022), 451–457 |
2021 |
7. |
V. P. Platonov, M. M. Petrunin, Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the Periodicity Problem for the Continued Fraction Expansion of Elements of Hyperelliptic Fields with Fundamental $S$-Units of Degree at Most 11”, Dokl. Math., 104:5 (2021), 258–263 |
2020 |
8. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the size of the set of the product of sets of rational numbers”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 21:1 (2020), 336–342 |
9. |
V. P. Platonov, M. M. Petrunin, Yu. N. Shteinikov, “Periodic elements $\sqrt{f}$ in elliptic fields with a field of constants of zero characteristic”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 21:1 (2020), 252–275 |
2019 |
10. |
V. P. Platonov, M. M. Petrunin, Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the Finiteness of the Number of Elliptic Fields with Given Degrees of $S$-Units and Periodic Expansion of $\sqrt f$”, Dokl. Math., 100:2 (2019), 1–5 |
11. |
B. Murphy, M. Rudnev, I. D. Shkredov, Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the few products, many sums problem”, J. Théor. Nombres Bordx., 31:3 (2019), 573–602 ; |
2018 |
12. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the size of the quotient of two subsets of positive integers”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 303 (2018), 259–267 |
13. |
V. P. Platonov, M. M. Petrunin, V. S. Zhgoon, Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the Finiteness of Hyperelliptic Fields with Special Properties and Periodic Expansion of $\sqrt f$”, Dokl. Math., 98:3 (2018), 641–645 |
14. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “Long paths in the distance graphs in vector spases over finite fields”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 19:3 (2018), 311–317 |
2017 |
15. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “Addendum to J. Cilleruelo, D.S. Ramana, and O. Ramaré's Paper “Quotient and Product Sets of Thin Subsets of the Positive Integers””, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 296 (2017), 251–255 |
16. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the product sets of rational numbers”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 296 (2017), 243–250 |
17. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “Character sums over shifted powers”, Chebyshevskii sb., 18:2 (2017), 247–254 |
18. |
Yu. V. Kuznetsov, Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On some properties of continued periodic fractions with small length of period related with hyperelliptic fields and $S$-units”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 18:4 (2017), 261–268 |
2016 |
19. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the distribution of elements semigroups of natural numbers II”, Chebyshevskii Sb., 17:3 (2016), 197–203 |
2015 |
20. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “Estimates of Trigonometric Sums over Subgroups and Some of Their Applications”, Math. Notes, 98:4 (2015), 667–684 |
21. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “On the Set of Joint Representatives of Two Congruence Classes”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 290 (2015), 189–196 |
2012 |
22. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, Chebyshevskii Sb., 13:3 (2012), 91–99 |
23. |
Yu. N. Shteinikov, “Divisibility of Fermat Quotients”, Math. Notes, 92:1 (2012), 108–114 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
1. |
О некоторых задачах множеств произведений и частных подмножеств целых чисел II Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory October 24, 2024 12:45
2. |
О некоторых задачах множеств произведений и частных подмножеств целых чисел Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory October 17, 2024 12:45
3. |
Множества с экстремальным свойством произведения и его вариации Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory May 18, 2023 12:45
4. |
О некоторых задачах, связанных с произведением и частным числовых множеств Yu. N. Shteinikov
November 7, 2022 18:20
5. |
О произведении множеств с единичной плотностью Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory May 5, 2022 12:45
6. |
Частные плотных подмножеств целых чисел и короткие расстояния элементов произведения Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory November 19, 2020 12:45
7. |
Частные и произведения множеств нулевой плотности в Z Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory March 19, 2020 12:45
8. |
Базисы Грёбнера полиномиальных систем и приложение к одной задаче о гиперэллиптических полях Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory April 25, 2019 12:45
9. |
Ладно за морем или худо и какое в свете чудо? (Последние конференции по теории чисел.) M. R. Gabdullin, A. B. Kalmynin, I. D. Shkredov, Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory November 1, 2018 12:45
10. |
О дистанционных графах в конечномерных
пространствах над конечным полем Yu. N. Shteinikov
XV International Conference «Algebra, Number Theory and Discrete Geometry: modern problems and applications», dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow State University Korobov Nikolai Mikhailovich May 31, 2018 15:30
11. |
Большие пути в дистанционных графах в конечномерном пространстве над конечным полем II Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory May 3, 2018 12:45
12. |
Большие пути в дистанционных графах в конечномерном пространстве над конечным полем Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory April 26, 2018 12:45
13. |
Об энергии $T_3$ для множеств с малым мультипликативным удвоением I. D. Shkredov, Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory November 9, 2017 12:45
14. |
О частных подмножеств натуральных чисел Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory May 18, 2017 12:45
15. |
О произведении множеств рациональных чисел Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory April 28, 2016 12:45
16. |
Открытые задачи семинара по теории чисел Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory March 3, 2016 12:45
17. |
Оценки сумм характеров от сдвинутой геометрической прогрессии Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory February 25, 2016 12:45
18. |
Об одном результате И. Шпарлинского о числе решений линейнных уравнений с рациональными числами Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory December 10, 2015 12:45
19. |
Estimates of trigonometric sums over subgroups in the ring of residues of a prime module Yu. N. Shteinikov
Seminar on analytic theory of differential equations November 18, 2015 14:30
20. |
О множестве совместных представителей вычетов по двум модулям Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory April 9, 2015 12:45
21. |
О произведениях интервалов и множеств с малым мультипликативным удвоением в $Z_{p},Z_{n}$ Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory November 20, 2014 12:45
22. |
Exponential sums over multiplicative subgroups and Fermat quotients Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory July 31, 2014 12:45
23. |
Применение подхода операторов к оценке аддитивных свойств подгрупп Yu. N. Shteinikov
Contemporary Problems in Number Theory April 10, 2014 12:45