05.07.05 (Engines, electro-rocket engines, and the energy plants for aircrafts)
aviation wing, gas-dynamic function, the screw, the combustion chamber, a compressor, a gas turbine engine
Main publications:
Kuznetsov, Viktor Ivanovich. Gazoturbinnye dvigateli: kommunikatsii i elektrooborudovanie [Tekst] : ucheb. posobie / V. I. Kuznetsov , 2010. - 66 s.
Problemy razrabotki, izgotovleniya i ekspluatatsii raketno-kosmicheskoi i aviatsionnoi tekhniki [Tekst] : materialy III region. nauch. konf., posvyasch. pamyati gl. konstruktora PO "Polet" A. S. Klinyshkova / OmGTU, PO "Polet", 2008. - 262 s.
V. I. Kyznecov, “Effect of pressure on the exchange of energy in a vortex tube”, Prikl. Mekh. Tekh. Fiz., 30:4 (1989), 72–74; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 30:4 (1989), 577–579