Meyerov, Iosif Borisovich

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications: 15
Scientific articles: 15

Number of views:
This page:292
Abstract pages:5772
Full texts:767
Associate professor
Candidate of technical sciences (2005)
Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modelling, calculating methods, and the program systems)
Keywords: high performance computing, performance analysis and optimization, system programming, applied mathematics.


High performance computing, Performance analysis and optimization, System programming, Applied mathematics.

Main publications:
  1. Kornyakov K.V., Kustikova V.D., Meerov I.B., Sidnev A.A., Sysoev A.V., Shishkov A.V., Instrumenty parallelnogo programmirovaniya v sistemakh s obschei pamyatyu, Izdanie vtoroe, ispravlennoe i dopolnennoe, Uchebnik, Superkompyuternoe obrazovanie, pod red. prof. V.P. Gergelya, Izd-vo Mosk. un-ta, M., 2010
  2. Druzhkov P. N., Eruhimov V. L., Zolotykh N. Yu., Kozinov E. A., Kustikova V. D., Meyerov I. B., Polovinkin A. N., “New object detection features in the OpenCV Library”, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 21:3 (2011), 384–386  crossref
  3. Kamaev A., Kornyakov K., Meyerov I., Zhivoderov A., “Comparative Analysis of Effectiveness of Two Timing-Driven Design Approaches”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6083/2011, 2011, 277–282  crossref
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. E. S. Efimenko, A. V. Bashinov, A. A. Murav'ev, E. A. Panova, V. D. Volokitin, I. B. Meyerov, A. V. Kim, A. M. Sergeev, “Formation of beams of charged particles in multibeam systems of an electric dipole configuration at a multipetawatt power level”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:2 (2023),  150–156  mathnet [Bull. Lebedev Physics Institute, 50:suppl. 6 (2023), S680–S688] 3
2. E. S. Efimenko, A. V. Bashinov, A. A. Murav'ev, E. A. Panova, V. D. Volokitin, I. B. Meyerov, A. V. Kim, A. M. Sergeev, “Source of gamma photons in multipetawatt multibeam systems of electric dipole configuration”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:2 (2023),  145–149  mathnet [Bull. Lebedev Physics Institute, 50:suppl. 6 (2023), S671–S679] 2
3. A. V. Bashinov, E. S. Efimenko, A. A. Murav'ev, V. D. Volokitin, E. A. Panova, I. B. Meyerov, A. M. Sergeev, A. V. Kim, “Possibility of observing radiation effects in the interaction of ultra-high-power laser radiation of a magnetic dipole configuration with plasma”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:2 (2023),  136–144  mathnet [Bull. Lebedev Physics Institute, 50:suppl. 6 (2023), S660–S670] 2
4. A. A. Murav'ev, A. V. Bashinov, E. S. Efimenko, E. A. Panova, V. D. Volokitin, I. B. Meyerov, A. V. Kim, A. M. Sergeev, “Vacuum breakdown in a multibeam configuration of a magnetic dipole wave”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 53:2 (2023),  130–135  mathnet [Bull. Lebedev Physics Institute, 50:suppl. 6 (2023), S652–S659] 2
5. A. V. Sysoyev, A. V. Gorshkov, V. D. Volokitin, N. V. Shestakova, I. B. Meyerov, “Programming with oneAPI: a new course on heterogeneous computing”, Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 11:3 (2022),  45–58  mathnet
6. A. V. Liniov, P. E. Vedrukov, D. S. Kulandin, I. B. Meyerov, S. Denisov, “Quest and Intel-QS quantum computation simulation packages performance comparison”, Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 10:1 (2021),  49–61  mathnet
7. I. I. Jusipov, T. V. Lapteva, A. Yu. Pirova, I. B. Meyerov, M. V. Ivanchenko, “Few particle diffusion in localizing potentials: Chaos and regularity”, Izvestiya VUZ. Applied Nonlinear Dynamics, 25:1 (2017),  52–63  mathnet
8. A. Yu. Pirova, N. Yu. Kudriavtsev, I. B. Meyerov, “Experimental evaluation of algorithms in the parallel multilevel nested dissection method”, Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 6:1 (2017),  38–55  mathnet  elib
9. A. A. Muraviev, S. I. Bastrakov, A. V. Bashinov, A. A. Gonoskov, E. S. Efimenko, A. V. Kim, I. B. Meyerov, A. M. Sergeev, “Generation of current sheets and giant quasistatic magnetic fields at the ionization of vacuum in extremely strong light fields”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 102:3 (2015),  173–178  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 102:3 (2015), 148–153  isi  elib  scopus 11
10. I. B. Meyerov, S. Bastrakov, I. A. Surmin, A. A. Gonoskov, E. S. Efimenko, A. V. Bashinov, A. V. Korzhimanov, A. V. Larin, A. A. Murav'ev, A. I. Rozanov, M. R. Savichev, “Three-dimensional particle-in-cell plasma simulation on Intel Xeon Phi: performance optimization and case study”, Num. Meth. Prog., 16:4 (2015),  486–500  mathnet
11. A. Yu. Pirova, I. B. Meyerov, E. A. Kozinov, S. A. Lebedev, “A parallel multilevel nested dissection algorithm for shared-memory computing systems”, Num. Meth. Prog., 16:3 (2015),  407–420  mathnet 1
12. I. A. Surmin, S. Bastrakov, A. A. Gonoskov, E. S. Efimenko, I. Meyerov, “Particle-in-cell plasma simulation using Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors”, Num. Meth. Prog., 15:3 (2014),  530–536  mathnet 1
13. S. Bastrakov, I. Meyerov, I. A. Surmin, A. A. Gonoskov, E. S. Efimenko, A. S. Malyshev, M. A. Shiryaev, “Dynamic load balancing in the PICADOR plasma simulation code”, Num. Meth. Prog., 14:3 (2013),  67–74  mathnet
14. A. V. Kalachev, A. S. Karsakov, I. B. Meyerov, Ya. A. Napylnikova, A. Yu. Ovsuhno, “Development of software tool for the analysis of energy efficiency”, Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 2:2 (2013),  33–47  mathnet
15. E. A. Kozinov, V. D. Kustikova, I. B. Meyerov, A. N. Polovinkin, A. A. Sidnev, “Approaches to the optimization and parallelization of computations in the problem of detecting objects of different classes in the image”, Vestn. YuUrGU. Ser. Vych. Matem. Inform., 2012, no. 2,  68–82  mathnet

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