Khonina, Svetlana Nikolaevna

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Total publications: 87
Scientific articles: 85

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Abstract pages:15341
Full texts:5726
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2001)
Speciality: 01.04.05 (Optics)
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List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. S. N. Khonina, Yu. V. Kapitonov, “Simulation of the spatial distribution of scattered light under illumination of a resonant diffraction grating with structured light”, Computer Optics, 47:6 (2023),  927–937  mathnet
2. P. A. Khorin, A. M. Algubili, S. A. Degtyarev, S. K. Sergunin, S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, “Investigation of polarization transformations performed with a refractive bi-conical axicon using the FDTD method”, Computer Optics, 47:5 (2023),  742–750  mathnet
3. S. I. Kharitonov, N. L. Kazanskii, S. G. Volotovsky, S. N. Khonina, “Calculation of quantum characteristics based on the classical solution of the diffraction problem in a resonator with a dielectric plate”, Computer Optics, 46:5 (2022),  741–751  mathnet 2
4. A. O. Frolov, A. V. Ustinov, S. N. Khonina, “Changing the trajectory of Airy beam sets with spatial carriers”, Computer Optics, 46:5 (2022),  724–732  mathnet 3
5. A. P. Porfirev, A. A. Kuchmizhak, S. O. Gurbatov, S. Juodkazis, S. N. Khonina, Yu. N. Kulchin, “Phase singularities and optical vortices in photonics”, UFN, 192:8 (2022),  841–866  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 65:8 (2022), 789–811  isi  scopus 17
6. M. S. Gubaev, S. A. Degtyarev, Yu. S. Strelkov, S. G. Volotovsky, N. A. Ivliev, S. N. Khonina, “Vectorial beam generation with a conical refractive surface”, Computer Optics, 45:6 (2021),  828–838  mathnet 1
7. P. A. Khorin, S. G. Volotovsky, S. N. Khonina, “Optical detection of values of separate aberrations using a multi-channel filter matched with phase Zernike functions”, Computer Optics, 45:4 (2021),  525–533  mathnet 4
8. N. A. Ivliev, V. V. Podlipnov, S. N. Khonina, C. S. Losmanschii, A. M. Prisakar, V. G. Abashkin, A. Yu. Meshalkin, Å. A. Achimova, “Single-and double-beam optical formation of relief diffraction microstructures in carbazole-containing azopolymer films”, Optics and Spectroscopy, 129:4 (2021),  400–405  mathnet  elib; Optics and Spectroscopy, 129:4 (2021), 489–494 4
9. I. A. Rodin, S. N. Khonina, P. G. Serafimovich, S. B. Popov, “Recognition of wavefront aberrations types corresponding to single Zernike functions from the pattern of the point spread function in the focal plane using neural networks”, Computer Optics, 44:6 (2020),  923–930  mathnet 20
10. A. V. Ustinov, S. N. Khonina, “Properties of off-axis caustics of autofocusing chirp beams”, Computer Optics, 44:5 (2020),  721–727  mathnet 9
11. S. V. Karpeev, V. V. Podlipnov, N. A. Ivliev, S. N. Khonina, “High-speed format 1000BASE-SX / LX transmission through the atmosphere by vortex beams near IR range with help modified SFP-transmers DEM-310GT”, Computer Optics, 44:4 (2020),  578–581  mathnet 20
12. S. G. Volotovsky, S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, “Algorithm for reconstructing complex coefficients of Laguerre–Gaussian modes from the intensity distribution of their coherent superposition”, Computer Optics, 44:3 (2020),  352–362  mathnet 8
13. N. L. Kazanskiy, M. Butt, S. A. Degtyarev, S. N. Khonina, “Achievements in the development of plasmonic waveguide sensors for measuring the refractive index”, Computer Optics, 44:3 (2020),  295–318  mathnet 38
14. S. N. Khonina, S. G. Volotovsky, M. S. Kirilenko, “A method of generating a random optical field using the Karhunen-Loeve expansion to simulate atmospheric turbulence”, Computer Optics, 44:1 (2020),  53–59  mathnet 4
15. N. L. Kazanskii, S. N. Khonina, S. V. Karpeev, A. P. Porfirev, “Diffractive optical elements for multiplexing structured laser beams”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 50:7 (2020),  629–635  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 50:7 (2020), 629–635  isi  scopus] 53
16. M. Butt, S. N. Khonina, N. L. Kazanskiy, “Optical elements based on silicon photonics”, Computer Optics, 43:6 (2019),  1079–1083  mathnet 38
17. S. N. Khonina, S. I. Kharitonov, S. G. Volotovsky, V. V. Podlipnov, N. A. Ivliev, “Analysis of characteristics of paraxial vector Gaussian beams affecting the formation of microstructures in an azopolymer”, Computer Optics, 43:5 (2019),  780–788  mathnet 10
18. S. N. Khonina, K. N. Tukmakov, S. A. Degtyarev, À. Ñ. Ðåøåòíèêîâ, V. S. Pavel'ev, B. A. Knyazev, Yu. Yu. Choporova, “Design, fabrication and investigation of a silicon subwavelength terahertz axicon”, Computer Optics, 43:5 (2019),  756–764  mathnet 22
19. M. S. Kirilenko, S. N. Khonina, “Investigation of the topological charge stability for multi-ringed Laguerre–Gauss vortex beams to random distortions”, Computer Optics, 43:4 (2019),  567–576  mathnet 7
20. S. N. Khonina, S. G. Volotovsky, M. S. Kirilenko, “Formation of required distributions on the basis of decomposition by vortex eigen functions of a bounded non-paraxial propagation operator”, Computer Optics, 43:2 (2019),  184–192  mathnet 6
21. S. I. Kharitonov, S. G. Volotovsky, S. N. Khonina, “Catastrophe theory and caustics of radially symmetric beams”, Computer Optics, 43:2 (2019),  159–167  mathnet 8
22. N. I. Busleev, S. I. Kudryashov, P. A. Danilov, A. P. Porfirev, I. N. Saraeva, A. A. Rudenko, S. F. Umanskaya, D. A. Zayarnyi, A. A. Ionin, S. N. Khonina, “Symmetric nanostructuring and plasmonic excitation of gold nanostructures by femtosecond Laguerre–Gaussian laser beams”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 49:7 (2019),  666–671  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 49:7 (2019), 666–671  isi  scopus] 9
23. S. I. Kharitonov, S. G. Volotovsky, S. N. Khonina, N. L. Kazanskii, “Propagation of electromagnetic pulses and calculation of dynamic invariants in a waveguide with a convex shell”, Computer Optics, 42:6 (2018),  947–958  mathnet 7
24. V. V. Podlipnov, N. A. Ivliev, S. N. Khonina, D. Nesterenko, V. S. Vasilev, E. A. Achimova, “Investigation of photoinduced formation of microstructures on the surface of carbaseole-containing azopolymer depending on the power density of incident beams”, Computer Optics, 42:5 (2018),  779–785  mathnet 14
25. A. K. Reddy, M. Martinez-Corral, S. N. Khonina, S. V. Karpeev, “Focusing of light beams by the phase apodization pupil”, Computer Optics, 42:4 (2018),  620–626  mathnet 8
26. S. I. Kharitonov, S. G. Volotovsky, S. N. Khonina, “Calculation of the angular momentum of an electromagnetic field inside a waveguide with absolutely conducting walls: ab initio”, Computer Optics, 42:4 (2018),  588–605  mathnet 16
27. S. N. Khonina, A. V. Ustinov, S. G. Volotovsky, “Comparison of focusing of short pulses in the Debye approximation”, Computer Optics, 42:3 (2018),  432–446  mathnet 18
28. S. V. Karpeev, V. V. Podlipnov, S. N. Khonina, V. D. Paranin, À. Ñ. Ðåøåòíèêîâ, “A four-sector polarization converter integrated in a calcite crystal”, Computer Optics, 42:3 (2018),  401–407  mathnet 10
29. M. Butt, A. K. Reddy, S. N. Khonina, “A compact design of a balanced $1\times 4$ optical power splitter based on silicon on insulator slot waveguides”, Computer Optics, 42:2 (2018),  244–247  mathnet 11
30. S. I. Kharitonov, S. N. Khonina, “Conversion of a conical wave with circular polarization into a vortex cylindrically polarized beam in a metal waveguide”, Computer Optics, 42:2 (2018),  197–211  mathnet
31. P. A. Danilov, I. N. Saraeva, S. I. Kudryashov, A. P. Porfirev, A. A. Kuchmizhak, A. Yu. Zhizhchenko, A. A. Rudenko, S. F. Umanskaya, D. A. Zayarnyi, A. A. Ionin, S. N. Khonina, “Polarization-selective excitation of dye luminescence on a gold film by structured ultrashort laser pulses”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 107:1 (2018),  18–22  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 107:1 (2018), 15–18  isi  scopus 16
32. S. V. Karpeev, V. D. Paranin, S. N. Khonina, “Generation of nonuniformly polarised vortex Bessel beams by an interference polariser”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 48:6 (2018),  521–526  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 48:6 (2018), 521–526  isi  scopus] 13
33. S. N. Khonina, A. P. Porfirev, S.A.Fomchenkov, A. S. Larkin, A. B. Savelyev-Trofimov, “Generation of closely located light spots using specular Airy laser beams”, Computer Optics, 41:5 (2017),  661–669  mathnet 2
34. M. Butt, E. S. Kozlova, S. N. Khonina, “Conditions of a single-mode rib channel waveguide based on dielectric TiO2/SiO2”, Computer Optics, 41:4 (2017),  494–498  mathnet 8
35. A. K. Reddy, D. K. Sagar, S. N. Khonina, “Asymmetric apodization for the comma aberrated point spread function”, Computer Optics, 41:4 (2017),  484–488  mathnet 16
36. S. N. Khonina, S. G. Volotovsky, A. V. Ustinov, S. I. Kharitonov, “Analysis of focusing light by a harmonic diffractive lens taking into account the refractive index dispersion”, Computer Optics, 41:3 (2017),  338–347  mathnet 17
37. S. I. Kharitonov, S. G. Volotovsky, S. N. Khonina, “Hybrid asymptotic method for analyzing caustics of optical elements in the axially symmetric case”, Computer Optics, 41:2 (2017),  175–182  mathnet 10
38. Ya. M. Klebanov, A. V. Karsakov, S. N. Khonina, A. N. Davydov, C. A. Polyakov, “Wave front aberration compensation of space telescopes with telescope temperature field adjustment”, Computer Optics, 41:1 (2017),  30–36  mathnet 2
39. P. A. Khorin, S. N. Khonina, A. V. Karsakov, S. L. Branchevski, “Analysis of corneal aberration of the human eye”, Computer Optics, 40:6 (2016),  810–817  mathnet 15
40. P. Verma, V. S. Pavel'ev, B. O. Volodkin, K. N. Tukmakov, A. S. Reshetnikov, T. V. Andreeva, Ñ. À. Ôîì÷åíêîâ, S. N. Khonina, “Design, simulation, and fabrication of silicon-on-insulator MEMS vibratory decoupled gyroscope”, Computer Optics, 40:5 (2016),  668–673  mathnet 3
41. S. N. Khonina, V. D. Paranin, “Electro-optical correction of Bessel beam conversion along the axis of a barium niobate-strontium crystal”, Computer Optics, 40:4 (2016),  475–481  mathnet 6
42. S. I. Kharitonov, S. G. Volotovsky, S. N. Khonina, “Geometic-optical calculation of the focal spot of a harmonic diffractive lens”, Computer Optics, 40:3 (2016),  331–337  mathnet 11
43. S. V. Karpeev, A. V. Ustinov, S. N. Khonina, “Design and analysis of a three-wave diffraction focusing doublet”, Computer Optics, 40:2 (2016),  173–178  mathnet
44. A. S. Larkin, D. V. Pushkarev, S. A. Degtyarev, S. N. Khonina, A. B. Savel'ev, “Generation of Hermite–Gaussian modes of high-power femtosecond laser radiation using binary-phase diffractive optical elements”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:8 (2016),  733–737  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 46:8 (2016), 733–737  isi  scopus] 23
45. V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, “Control of the formation of vortex Bessel beams in uniaxial crystals by varying the beam divergence”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 46:2 (2016),  163–168  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 46:2 (2016), 163–168  isi  scopus] 21
46. S. A. Degtyarev, A. V. Karsakov, E. S. Branchevskaya, S. N. Khonina, V. V. Kotlyar, “Influence of eye refractive surface curvature modification on the retinal image quality in the Liou-Brennan eye model”, Computer Optics, 39:5 (2015),  702–708  mathnet 4
47. D. A. Savelyev, S. N. Khonina, “Characteristics of sharp focusing of vortex Laguerre-Gaussian beams”, Computer Optics, 39:5 (2015),  654–662  mathnet 37
48. A. V. Ustinov, S. A. Degtyarev, S. N. Khonina, “Diffraction by a conical axicon considering multiple internal reflections”, Computer Optics, 39:4 (2015),  500–507  mathnet 8
49. V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, “Generation of radially polarized beams based on the refractive optical elements with interference polarizing coatings”, Computer Optics, 39:4 (2015),  492–499  mathnet 10
50. S. I. Kharitonov, S. G. Volotovskiy, S. N. Khonina, N. L. Kazanskiy, “A differential method for calculating X-ray diffraction by crystals: the scalar theory”, Computer Optics, 39:4 (2015),  469–479  mathnet 3
51. S. N. Khonina, A. V. Ustinov, R. V. Skidanov, A. A. Morozov, “Comparative study of the spectral characteristics of aspheric lenses”, Computer Optics, 39:3 (2015),  363–369  mathnet 2
52. M. S. Kirilenko, R. O. Zubtsov, S. N. Khonina, “Calculation of eigenfunctions of a bounded fractional Fourier transform”, Computer Optics, 39:3 (2015),  332–338  mathnet 15
53. S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, S. I. Kharitonov, “Study of the diffraction grating on a convex surface as a dispersive element”, Computer Optics, 39:2 (2015),  211–217  mathnet 24
54. S. N. Khonina, S. A. Degtyarev, A. P. Porfirev, O. Yu. Moiseev, S. D. Poletaev, A. S. Larkin, A. B. Savelyev-Trofimov, “Study of focusing into closely spaced spots via illuminating a diffractive optical element by a short-pulse laser beam”, Computer Optics, 39:2 (2015),  187–196  mathnet 8
55. S. N. Khonina, A. V. Ustinov, “Analysis of interference of cylindrical laser beams generated by ring optical elements with a vortex phase at sharp focusing”, Computer Optics, 39:1 (2015),  12–25  mathnet 4
56. D. A. Zayarny, A. A. Ionin, S. I. Kudryashov, S. V. Makarov, A. A. Rudenko, S. G. Bezhanov, S. A. Uryupin, A. P. Kanavin, V. I. Emel'yanov, S. V. Alferov, S. N. Khonina, S. V. Karpeev, A. A. Kuchmizhak, O. B. Vitrik, Yu. N. Kulchin, “Nanoscale boiling during single-shot femtosecond laser ablation of thin gold films”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 101:6 (2015),  428–432  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 101:6 (2015), 394–397  isi  elib  scopus 32
57. S. N. Khonina, S. V. Karpeev, S. V. Alferov, V. A. Soifer, “Formation of cylindrical vector beams of high order based on polarizing transformations in uniaxial crystals”, Comp. nanotechnol., 2014, no. 2,  19–27  mathnet
58. V. A. Soifer, V. V. Kotlyar, S. N. Khonina, “Subwavelength focusing of laser light by microoptics devices”, Comp. nanotechnol., 2014, no. 1,  54–55  mathnet
59. V. A. Soifer, V. V. Kotlyar, S. N. Khonina, “Subwavelength focusing of laser light by microoptics devices”, Comp. nanotechnol., 2014, no. 1,  52–53  mathnet
60. S. N. Khonina, “Generation the longitudinal component of electric field on the optical axis using asymmetric binary axicons illuminated by linearly and circularly polarized beams”, Comp. nanotechnol., 2014, no. 1,  47–51  mathnet
61. S. N. Khonina, “Generation the longitudinal component of electric field on the optical axis using asymmetric binary axicons illuminated by linearly and circularly polarized beams”, Comp. nanotechnol., 2014, no. 1,  43–46  mathnet
62. N. L. Kazanskii, S. I. Kharitonov, S. N. Khonina, “Simulation of a hyperspectrometer based on linear spectral filters using vector Bessel beams”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  770–776  mathnet
63. S. V. Karpeev, S. V. Alferov, S. N. Khonina, S. I. Kudryashov, “Study of the broadband radiation intensity distribution formed by diffractive optical elements”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  689–694  mathnet
64. S. N. Khonina, A. V. Ustinov, S. A. Degtyarev, “Calculation of diffraction of laser radiation by a two-dimensional (cylindrical) axicon with the high numerical aperture in various models”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  670–680  mathnet
65. D. A. Savelyev, S. N. Khonina, “Numerical analysis of subwavelength focusing using a silicon cylinder”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  638–642  mathnet
66. S. A. Degtyarev, A. V. Ustinov, S. N. Khonina, “Nanofocusing by sharp edges”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  629–637  mathnet
67. S. N. Khonina, V. D. Paranin, S. V. Karpeev, A. A. Morozov, “Study of polarization transformations and interaction of ordinary and extraordinary beams in nonparaxial regime”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  598–605  mathnet
68. N. L. Kazanskii, S. N. Khonina, R. V. Skidanov, A. A. Morozov, S. I. Kharitonov, S. G. Volotovsky, “Formation of images using multilevel diffractive lens”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014),  425–434  mathnet
69. M. S. Kirilenko, S. N. Khonina, “Calculation of eigenfunctions for imaging two-lens system with axial symmetry”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014),  412–417  mathnet
70. A. V. Ustinov, S. N. Khonina, “Fracxicon as hybrid element between the parabolic lens and the linear axicon”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014),  402–411  mathnet
71. S. V. Alferov, S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, O. Yu. Moiseev, “Experimental study of focusing of inhomogeneously polarized beams generated using sector polarizing plates”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014),  57–64  mathnet
72. N. L. Kazanskii, S. I. Kharitonov, A. V. Karsakov, S. N. Khonina, “Modeling action of a hyperspectrometer based on the Offner scheme within geometric optics”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014),  271–280  mathnet
73. N. L. Kazanskii, S. I. Kharitonov, S. N. Khonina, S. G. Volotovsky, Yu. S. Strelkov, “Simulation of hyperspectrometer on spectral linear variable filters”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014),  256–270  mathnet
74. S. A. Degtyarev, S. N. Khonina, V. V. Podlipnov, “Formation of spiral intensity by binary vortical axicon”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014),  237–242  mathnet
75. A. V. Ustinov, S. N. Khonina, “Analysis of laser beam diffraction by axicon with the numerical aperture above limiting”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014),  213–222  mathnet
76. S. N. Khonina, S. V. Karpeev, S. V. Alferov, “Theoretical and an experimental research of polarizing transformations in uniaxial crystals for generation cylindrical vector beams of high orders”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014),  171–180  mathnet
77. A. V. Ustinov, S. N. Khonina, “Analysis of flat beam diffraction by divergent fracxicon in nonparaxial mode”, Computer Optics, 38:1 (2014),  42–50  mathnet
78. S. V. Alferov, S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, K. N. Tukmakov, O. Yu. Moiseev, S. A. Shulyapov, K. A. Ivanov, A. B. Savel'ev-Trofimov, “On the possibility of controlling laser ablation by tightly focused femtosecond radiation”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 44:11 (2014),  1061–1065  mathnet  elib [Quantum Electron., 44:11 (2014), 1061–1065  isi  scopus] 39
79. S. N. Khonina, A. V. Ustinov, “Diffraction of a gaussian beam on the generalized lens”, Computer Optics, 37:4 (2013),  443–450  mathnet
80. S. A. Degtyarev, S. N. Khonina, “Study of subwavelength localization of a radiation by forming closely spaced singular lines using of subwavelength features of the dielectric micro-relief”, Computer Optics, 37:4 (2013),  426–430  mathnet
81. V. S. Lyubopytov, A. Z. Tlyavlin, A. Kh. Sultanov, V. Kh. Bagmanov, S. N. Khonina, S. V. Karpeev, N. L. Kazanskiy, “Mathematical model of completely optical system for detection of mode propagation parameters in an optical fiber with few-mode operation for adaptive compensation of mode coupling”, Computer Optics, 37:3 (2013),  352–359  mathnet
82. S. N. Khonina, S. V. Alferov, S. V. Karpeev, O. Yu. Moiseev, “Study of polarization sensitivity OF near-field microscope using a binary phase plate”, Computer Optics, 37:3 (2013),  326–331  mathnet
83. A. V. Ustinov, S. N. Khonina, “Generalized lens: calculation of distribution on the optical axis”, Computer Optics, 37:3 (2013),  307–315  mathnet
84. S. N. Khonina, S. G. Volotovsky, S. I. Kharitonov, “Features of nonparaxial propagation of gaussian and bessel beams along the axis of the crystal”, Computer Optics, 37:3 (2013),  297–306  mathnet
85. V. V. Kotlyar, V. A. Soifer, S. N. Khonina, “Phase optical components for the generation of free-space quasimodes”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 18:11 (1991),  1391–1394  mathnet [Sov J Quantum Electron, 21:11 (1991), 1278–1281  isi] 4

86. V. A. Soifer, O. Korotkova, S. N. Khonina, E. A. Shchepakina, “Vortex beams in turbulent media: review”, Computer Optics, 40:5 (2016),  605–624  mathnet 99
87. S. V. Karpeev, S. N. Khonina, O. Yu. Moiseev, S. V. Alferov, A. V. Volkov, “Polarization converter for higher-order laser beams based on the use of forming binary diffractive optical elements as beam splitter”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 4(29) (2012),  162–170  mathnet 4

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