Marenko, Valentina Afanasevna

Total publications: 10 (10)
in Web of Science: 2 (2)
in Scopus: 4 (4)
Cited articles: 2
Citations: 4

Number of views:
This page:463
Abstract pages:264
Full texts:114
Associate professor
Candidate of technical sciences (2004)
Birth date: 26.01.1951
Keywords: linguistic variable, semantic differential, the characteristics of the socio-economic systems.
UDC: 519


Modeling in the socio-economic system.


Graduated from the Physics Dept., Omsk gov. pedagogicheskogo Institute (OGPI), worked in the research sector OGPI, then in the spec. sector of the Institute of Earth Physics RAS in Kazakhstan and Omsk IITPM, attached to IM Sobolev Institute as Omsk branch them. Position at present — Senior Research.

Main publications:
  1. Marenko V.A., Maltsev S.V., Luchko O.N., “Postroenie modelei “zatraty” i “pribyl” s primeneniem lingvisticheskoi peremennoi”, Znaniya – Ontologii – Teorii, ò. 2, In-t matematiki im. S.L. Soboleva SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2011, 68–73
  2. Kulitskii D.A., Luchko O.N., Marenko V.A., “Primenenie lingvisticheskoi peremennoi dlya rascheta pokazatelya “ekonomicheskii rost””, Pribory i sistemy. Upravlenie, kontrol, diagnostika, 2011, № 10, 51–54
  3. Luchko O.N., Marenko V.A., “Modelirovanie kompetentnostnogo podkhoda v obrazovatelnom protsesse”, Otkrytoe obrazovanie, 2011, № 6, 45–51
  4. Marenko V.A., Luchko O.N., Shtripling L.O., Informatsionno-analiticheskaya rabota v sotsialno-ekonomicheskoi sfere, SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2010
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. Sukhodolov, A.P., Popov, A.A., Marenko, V.A., Spasennikov, B.A., Romanenko, A.A., “Constructing a model of crime based on the cognitive approach”, Russian journal of criminology, 11:4 (2017), 10.17150/2500-4255.2017.11(4).649-655 , 7 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus 3
2. A. P. Sukhodolov, V. N. Andriyanov, V. A. Marenko, V. E. Lozhnikov, “Primenenie kognitivnogo modelirovaniya dlya issledovaniya aspektov chrezvychainykh situatsii”, Vestnik Tyumenskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Fiziko-matematicheskoe modelirovanie. Neft, gaz, energetika, 4:4 (2018), 235-248  crossref 1
3. Sukhodolov, A.P., Marenko, V.A., “Modeling recidivism predictions with the use of fuzzy sets”, Russian journal of criminology, 12:1 (2018), DOI: 10.17150/2500-4255.2018.12(1).15-22 , 8 pp.  crossref
4. Marenko V. A., Luchko O. N., Anokhina O. V., “K voprosu otsenki deyatelnosti sotrudnikov pravookhranitelnoi sistemy”, Kriminologicheskii zhurnal Baikalskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta ekonomiki i prava, 10:1 (2016), 10.17150/1996-7756.2016.10(1).90-95 , 90-95 pp.  crossref  isi  scopus
5. Marenko, V.A., Gushcha, S.Y., “Professional efficiency and personality profiling models for student-athletes and non-athletes”, Teoriya i Praktika Fizicheskoy Kultury, 2016, no. 10 , 3 pp.
6. V. A. Marenko, O. N. Luchko, “Cognitive modeling application for management the information flows on the small business”, Conference Paper, 2014 Dynamics of Systems, Mechanisms and Machines, Dynamics 2014;, Category numberCFP14RAB-CDR; Code 110010 (Omsk State Technical UniversityOmsk; Russian Federation; 11 November 2014 through 13 November 2014), Conference Paper, eds. Kosykh A., Omsk State Technical UniversityOmsk; Russian Federation;, Omsk, 2014  crossref  scopus
7. Marenko V.A., Luchko O.N., Lupentsov O.S., “Razrabotka modeli upravleniya protsessom obucheniya s ispolzovaniem kognitivnykh tekhnologii”, Informatika i eë primeneniya, 8:1 (2014), 99-105  mathnet  crossref  elib
8. Luchko O. N., Marenko V. A., “Cognitive analysis of relations between concepts of the problem area (the example of a small enterprise)”, IEEE 8th International Conference Application of Information and Communication Technologies – AICT 2014 (Astana, Kazakhstan 15-17 Oct. 2014), designed by Designing and Publishing Department of Qafqaz University, 2014, IEEE Conference Publications, 2014, 1 - 5  crossref  scopus
9. O. N. Luchko, V. A. Marenko, Kognitivnoe modelirovanie kak instrument podderzhki prinyatiya reshenii, SO RAN, Novosibirsk, 2014 , 118 pp.  elib
10. Marenko V.A., “Fuzzy Models of “Costs” and “Profit””, Advances in Economics and Business, 2013, no. 1(2), 199 – 202  crossref

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