Defended Ph.D. in 2012 on topic "Discrete stochastic models and computational algorithms for the investigation of socially important diseases".
Main publications:
Pertsev N.V., Leonenko V.N., “Stochastic individual-based model of spread of tuberculosis”, Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, 24:4 (2009), 341-360
V. Leonenko, A. I. Korzin, D. M. Danilenko, “Application of mathematical models of the dynamics of the epidemic acute respiratory viral infections to increase the efficiency of epidemiological surveillance”, Mat. Biolog. Bioinform., 18:2 (2023), 517–542
M. Artzrouni, V. N. Leonenko, Th. A. Mara, “A syringe-sharing model for the spread of HIV: application to Omsk, Western Siberia”, Mathematical Medicine and Biology, 2015, dqv036
V. N. Leonenko, N. V. Pertsev, M, Artzrouni, “Using high performance algorithms for the hybrid simulation of disease dynamics on CPU and GPU”, Procedia Computer Science, 51 (2015), 150–159
N. V. Pertsev, V. N. Leonenko, “Analysis of a stochastic model for the spread of tuberculosis with regard to reproduction and seasonal immigration of individuals”, Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 29:5 (2014), 285–295
Pertsev N. V., Leonenko V. N., “Discrete stochastic model of HIV infection spread within a heterogeneous population”, Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling, 27:5 (2012), 459-477 ,
V. Leonenko, N. V. Pertsev, “Efficiency analysis of the programs of exposure of individuals predisposed to colorectal cancer based on imitational modeling”, UBS, 35 (2011), 207–236
Pertsev N. V., Khomutova E. Yu., Leonenko V. N., “Primenenie matematicheskogo modelirovaniya dlya otsenki effektivnosti vyyavleniya individuumov, predraspolozhennykh k kolorektalnomu raku”, Meditsinskaya vizualizatsiya, 2 (2011), 104-108
Leonenko V. N., Loginov K. K., “Vychislitelnye aspekty imitatsionnogo modelirovaniya rasprostraneniya tuberkulëza”, Nauchno-tekhnicheskii vestnik SPbGU ITMO, 4 (2010), 62-64
Pertsev N.V., Leonenko V.N., “Stochastic individual-based model of spread of tuberculosis”, Russ. J. Numer. Anal. Math. Modelling, 24:4 (2009), 341-360