Speranski, Stanislav Olegovich

Total publications: 29 (28)
in MathSciNet: 23 (23)
in zbMATH: 21 (21)
in Web of Science: 24 (24)
in Scopus: 22 (22)
Cited articles: 20
Citations: 84
Presentations: 119

Number of views:
This page:7931
Abstract pages:3052
Full texts:656
Speranski, Stanislav Olegovich
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2013)
Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
UDC: 510.2, 510.5, 510.6
Main publications:
  1. S. O. Speranski, “Sharpening complexity results in quantified probability logic”, Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2024, jzae114, 21 pp.  crossref
  2. _____, “An ‘elementary’ perspective on reasoning about probability spaces”, Logic Journal of the IGPL, 2024, jzae042, 23 pp.  crossref
  3. _____, “Negation as a modality in a quantified setting”, Journal of Logic and Computation, 31:5 (2021), 1330–1355  crossref
  4. _____, “Notes on the computational aspects of Kripke’s theory of truth”, Studia Logica, 105:2 (2017), 407–429  crossref
  5. _____, “Some new results in monadic second-order arithmetic”, Computability, 4:2 (2015), 159–174  crossref
  6. S. L. Kuznetsov, _____, “Infinitary action logic with exponentiation”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 173:2 (2022), 103057, 29 pp.  crossref
List of publications on Google Scholar

Full list of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. A. V. Grefenshtein, S. O. Speranski, “On the quantified version of the Belnap–Dunn modal logic”, Sb. Math., 215:3 (2024), 323–354  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
2. Stanislav O. Speranski, “An ‘elementary’ perspective on reasoning about probability spaces”, Log. J. IGPL, 2024, 1–23 (Published online)  mathnet  crossref  isi
3. Stepan L. Kuznetsov, Tikhon Pshenitsyn, Stanislav O. Speranski, Reasoning from hypotheses in $\ast$-continuous action lattices, 2024 , 41 pp., arXiv: 2408.02118
4. Stanislav O. Speranski, “Sharpening complexity results in quantified probability logic”, Log. J. IGPL, 2024, 1–21 (Published online)  crossref
5. S. O. Speranskii, Teoriya vnutrennikh mnozhestv: Aksiomaticheskii podkhod k nestandartnomu analizu, Lektsii letnei shkoly «Sovremennaya matematika», Izdatelstvo MTsNMO, Moskva, 2024 , 32 pp. preprint  mathnet

6. Stepan L. Kuznetsov, Stanislav O. Speranski, “Infinitary action logic with multiplexing”, Studia Logica, 111:2 (2023), 251–280  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 3
7. S. O. Speranski, “Elementary invariants for quantified probability logic”, Doklady Mathematics, 107 (2023), 93–96  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

8. Stepan L. Kuznetsov, Stanislav O. Speranski, “Infinitary action logic with exponentiation”, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 173:2 (2022), 103057 , 29 pp., arXiv: 2001.06863  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 7
9. S. O. Speranski, F. N. Pakhomov, “On the coprimeness relation from the viewpoint of monadic second-order logic”, Izv. Math., 86:6 (2022), 1225–1239  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
10. S. O. Speranski, “Some remarks on Došen's logic N and its extensions”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 19:2 (2022), 562–577  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus

11. Stanislav O. Speranski, “Negation as a modality in a quantified setting”, Journal of Logic and Computation, 31:5 (2021), 1330–1355  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 4

12. S. O. Speranski, “Modal bilattice logic and its extensions”, Algebra and Logic, 60:6 (2022), 407–424  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

13. Sergei P. Odintsov, Stanislav O. Speranski, “Belnap–Dunn modal logics: truth constants vs. truth values”, Review of Symbolic Logic, 13:2 (2020), 416–435  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 9

14. Leon Horsten, Stanislav O. Speranski, “Reasoning about arbitrary natural numbers from a Carnapian perspective”, Journal of Philosophical Logic, 48:4 (2019), 685–707  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 2

15. Sergei P. Odintsov, Stanislav O. Speranski, Igor Yu. Shevchenko, “Hintikka's independence-friendly logic meets Nelson's realizability”, Studia Logica, 106:3 (2018), 637–670  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 1

16. Stanislav O. Speranski, “Quantifying over events in probability logic: an introduction”, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science, 27:8 (2017), 1581–1600  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 5
17. Stanislav O. Speranski, “Notes on the computational aspects of Kripkes theory of truth”, Studia Logica, 105:2 (2017), 407–429  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 2

18. Stanislav O. Speranski, “A note on hereditarily $\Pi^0_1$- and $\Sigma^0_1$-complete sets of sentences”, Journal of Logic and Computation, 26:5 (2016), 1729–1741  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 5
19. Sergei P. Odintsov, Stanislav O. Speranski, “The lattice of Belnapian modal logics: special extensions and counterparts”, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 25:1 (2016), 3–33  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 5

20. Stanislav O. Speranski, “Some new results in monadic second-order arithmetic”, Computability, 4:2 (2015), 159–174  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 4

21. Stanislav O. Speranski, “A note on definability in fragments of arithmetic with free unary predicates”, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 52:5–6 (2013), 507–516  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 10
22. S. O. Speranskii, “Collapsing probabilistic hierarchies. I”, Algebra and Logic, 52:2 (2013), 159–171  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
23. S. O. Speranski, “On Belnapian modal algebras: representations, homomorphisms, congruences, and so on”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 10 (2013), 517–534  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 2
24. Stanislav O. Speranski, “Complexity for probability logic with quantifiers over propositions”, Journal of Logic and Computation, 23:5 (2013), 1035–1055  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 7
25. S. P. Odintsov, S. O. Speranski, “Computability issues for adaptive logics in multi-consequence standard format”, Studia Logica, 101:6 (2013), 1237–1262  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 7

26. Sergei P. Odintsov, Stanislav O. Speranski, “On algorithmic properties of propositional inconsistency-adaptive logics”, Logic and Logical Philosophy, 21:3 (2012), 209–228  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 2

27. S. O. Speranski, “Quantification over propositional formulas in probability logic: decidability issues”, Algebra and Logic, 50:4 (2011), 365–374  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
28. S. O. Speranski, “On computational aspects of the maximal specificity in probabilistic explanation”, Vestnik, Quart. J. of Novosibirsk State Univ., Series: Math., Mech. and Informatics, 11:4 (2011), 78–93  mathnet
29. S. O. Speranski, “On logical consistency of probabilistic predictions”, Vestnik, Quart. J. of Novosibirsk State Univ., Series: Math., Mech. and Informatics, 11:1 (2011), 99–115  mathnet

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Лекция 5. Универсальная алгебра и алгебраическая логика
S. O. Speranski

October 8, 2024 16:20   
2. Лекция 4. Универсальная алгебра и алгебраическая логика
S. O. Speranski

October 1, 2024 16:20   
3. Лекция 3. Универсальная алгебра и алгебраическая логика
S. O. Speranski

September 24, 2024 16:20   
4. Лекция 2. Универсальная алгебра и алгебраическая логика
S. O. Speranski

September 17, 2024 16:20   
5. Лекция 1. Универсальная алгебра и алгебраическая логика
S. O. Speranski

September 10, 2024 16:20   
6. Разрешающая процедура для теории вещественно замкнутых полей. Семинар 4
S. O. Speranski
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2024
July 29, 2024 11:15   
7. Разрешающая процедура для теории вещественно замкнутых полей. Семинар 3
S. O. Speranski
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2024
July 27, 2024 09:30   
8. Разрешающая процедура для теории вещественно замкнутых полей. Семинар 2
S. O. Speranski
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2024
July 26, 2024 11:15   
9. Разрешающая процедура для теории вещественно замкнутых полей. Семинар 1
S. O. Speranski
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2024
July 23, 2024 17:15   
10. О разрешимых фрагментах некоторых логических систем
S. L. Kuznetsov, S. O. Speranski

May 22, 2024 18:15
11. Lecture 13. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
May 8, 2024 10:00   
12. Lecture 12. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
May 3, 2024 10:00   
13. Lecture 12. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
May 2, 2024 10:00   
14. Lecture 11. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
April 22, 2024 16:00   
15. Lecture 11. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
April 22, 2024 09:00   
16. Lecture 10. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
April 17, 2024 16:20   
17. Lecture 10. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
April 17, 2024 10:00   
18. Lecture 9. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
April 10, 2024 16:20   
19. Lecture 9. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
April 10, 2024 10:00   
20. Lecture 8. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
April 3, 2024 16:20   
21. Lecture 8. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
April 3, 2024 10:00   
22. Lecture 7. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
March 27, 2024 16:20   
23. Lecture 7. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
March 27, 2024 10:00   
24. On the elementary theory of atomless probability spaces
S. O. Speranski
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
March 25, 2024 18:30   
25. Lecture 6. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
March 20, 2024 16:20   
26. Lecture 6. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
March 20, 2024 10:00   
27. Lecture 5. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
March 13, 2024 16:20   
28. Lecture 5. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
March 13, 2024 10:00   
29. Lecture 4. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
March 6, 2024 16:20   
30. Lecture 4. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
March 6, 2024 10:00   
31. Lecture 3. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
February 28, 2024 16:20   
32. Lecture 3. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
February 28, 2024 10:00   
33. Lecture 2. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
February 21, 2024 16:20   
34. Lecture 2. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
February 21, 2024 10:00   
35. Первопорядковые вероятностные логики Хальперна
S. O. Speranski

February 14, 2024 18:15
36. Lecture 1. Decidable and undecidable theories
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Decidable and undecidable theories"
February 14, 2024 16:20   
37. Lecture 1. Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Introduction to Nonclassical Logics
February 14, 2024 10:00   
38. Lecture 11. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
November 27, 2023 16:50   
39. Lecture 10. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
November 20, 2023 16:50   
40. Lecture 8. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
November 13, 2023 16:50   
41. Lecture 8. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 30, 2023 18:30   
42. Lecture 7. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 30, 2023 16:50   
43. Lecture 7. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 23, 2023 16:50   
44. Lecture 5. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 7, 2023 10:50   
45. Lecture 4. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 2, 2023 16:50   
46. Lecture 3. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
September 25, 2023 16:50   
47. Lecture 2. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
September 18, 2023 16:50   
48. Lecture 1. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
September 11, 2023 16:50   
49. Теория внутренних множеств — аксиоматический подход к нестандартному анализу. Семинар 4
S. O. Speranski
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2023
July 24, 2023 09:30   
50. Теория внутренних множеств — аксиоматический подход к нестандартному анализу. Семинар 3
S. O. Speranski
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2023
July 22, 2023 15:30   
51. Теория внутренних множеств — аксиоматический подход к нестандартному анализу. Семинар 2
S. O. Speranski
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2023
July 20, 2023 09:30   
52. Теория внутренних множеств — аксиоматический подход к нестандартному анализу. Семинар 1
S. O. Speranski
Summer School “Contemporary Mathematics” Named After Vitaly Arnold, 2023
July 19, 2023 11:15   
53. Lecture 11. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
April 24, 2023 16:30   
54. Lecture 10. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
April 17, 2023 16:30   
55. Lecture 9. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
April 10, 2023 16:30   
56. Lecture 8. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
April 3, 2023 16:30   
57. Lecture 7. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
March 27, 2023 16:30   
58. Lecture 6. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
March 20, 2023 16:30   
59. Lecture 5. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
March 13, 2023 16:30   
60. Lecture 4. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
March 6, 2023 16:30   
61. Lecture 3. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
February 27, 2023 16:30   
62. Lecture 2. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
February 20, 2023 16:30   
63. Lecture 1. Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis
S. O. Speranski
Course by S. O. Speranski "Non-standard models of arithmetic and analysis"
February 13, 2023 16:30   
64. Инфинитарная логика действий с экспоненциальными модальностями
S. L. Kuznetsov, S. O. Speranski
Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2022
November 23, 2022 11:40   
65. Lecture 11. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
November 21, 2022 16:25   
66. Lecture 10. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
November 14, 2022 16:25   
67. Lecture 9. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
November 7, 2022 16:25   
68. Lecture 8. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 31, 2022 16:25   
69. Complexity for Kripke’s theory of truth
Stanislav Speranski
Fourth Workshop on Digitalization and Computable Models (WDCM-2022)
October 26, 2022 10:00   
70. Lecture 7. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 24, 2022 16:25   
71. Lecture 6. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 17, 2022 16:25   
72. Lecture 5. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 10, 2022 16:25   
73. Lecture 4. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
October 3, 2022 16:25   
74. Lecture 3. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
September 26, 2022 16:25   
75. Lecture 2. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
September 19, 2022 16:25   
76. Seminar 1. Non-classical Logics
S. O. Speranski
Seminar by S. L. Kuznetsov and S. O. Speranski "Non-classical Logics"
September 14, 2022 18:00   
77. Lecture 1. Foundations of Set Theory
S. O. Speranski
Foundations of Set Theory
September 12, 2022 16:25   
78. Лекция 12: Гейтинговы алгебры
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
April 27, 2022 13:10   
79. Lecture 11. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
April 25, 2022 14:45   
80. Lecture 10. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
April 18, 2022 14:45   
81. Lecture 9. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
April 11, 2022 14:45   
82. Lecture 8. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
April 4, 2022 14:45   
83. Lecture 7. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
March 28, 2022 14:45   
84. Lecture 6. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
March 21, 2022 14:45   
85. Lecture 5. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
March 14, 2022 14:45   
86. Lecture 4. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
February 28, 2022 14:45   
87. Lecture 3. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
February 21, 2022 14:45   
88. Lecture 2. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
February 14, 2022 14:45   
89. Lecture 1. Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
S. O. Speranski
Structural Proof Theory and Algebraic Logic
February 7, 2022 14:45   
90. Monadic second-order definability in weak arithmetics
S. O. Speranski

August 10, 2021 15:20   
91. Infinitary action logic with exponentiation
S. L. Kuznetsov, S. O. Speranski
Logical Perspectives 2021: Summer School and Workshop
June 18, 2021 12:30   
92. A Computational Perspective on Reasoning about Probability Spaces
S. Speranski
SIMC Welcomes Postdocs-2020
April 23, 2021 11:00   
93. Лекция 8. Основные понятия теории множеств
S. O. Speranski

October 20, 2020   
94. Лекция 7. Основные понятия теории множеств
S. O. Speranski

October 14, 2020   
95. Лекция 6. Основные понятия теории множеств
S. O. Speranski

October 13, 2020   
96. Лекция 5. Основные понятия теории множеств
S. O. Speranski

October 6, 2020   
97. Лекция 4. Основные понятия теории множеств
S. O. Speranski

September 29, 2020   
98. Лекция 3. Основные понятия теории множеств
S. O. Speranski

September 22, 2020   
99. Лекция 2. Основные понятия теории множеств
S. O. Speranski

September 15, 2020   
100. Лекция 1. Основные понятия теории множеств
S. O. Speranski

September 8, 2020   
101. Лекция 14. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

May 14, 2020   
102. Лекция 13. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

May 7, 2020   
103. Лекция 12. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

April 30, 2020   
104. Лекция 11. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

April 23, 2020   
105. Negation as a modality in a quantified setting
S. O. Speranski
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
April 20, 2020 18:30   
106. Лекция 10. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

April 16, 2020   
107. Лекция 9. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

April 9, 2020   
108. Лекция 8. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

April 2, 2020   
109. Лекция 7. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

March 26, 2020   
110. Лекция 6. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

March 19, 2020   
111. Лекция 5. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

March 12, 2020
112. Лекция 4. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

March 5, 2020
113. Лекция 3. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

February 27, 2020
114. Лекция 2. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

February 20, 2020
115. Лекция 1. Математическая логика
S. O. Speranski

February 13, 2020
116. Об истинностных значениях и логических константах в модальных логиках Белнапа–Данна
S. O. Speranski
Traditional winter session MIAN–POMI devoted to the topic "Mathematical logic"
December 25, 2018 16:00   
117. On the computational aspects of Kripke's theory of truth
S. Speranski
Workshop on Proof Theory, Modal Logic and Reflection Principles
October 18, 2017 15:35   
118. О вычислительных аспектах теории истины по Крипке
S. O. Speranski
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
April 10, 2017 18:30
119. Некоторые новые результаты в монадической арифметике второго порядка
S. O. Speranski
Seminars "Proof Theory" and "Logic Online Seminar"
September 7, 2015 18:30

Books in Math-Net.Ru
  1. S. O. Speranski, Internal set theory: an axiomatic approach to nonstandard analysis, 2024, 32 с.

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