Tleukenov, Sadriten

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Tleukenov, Sadriten
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1995)
Birth date: 28.04.1951
Keywords: Matriciant method, Seismic waves, acoustic, thermoelastic, electromagnetic, piezoelastic waves.
UDC: 534.756, 530.1:537.8, 539.3:, 534.2


Seismic waves in an inhomogeneous medium. Matriciant method. The analytic representation of the coupled waves and transformation of energy in piezoelectric, magnetoelectric, thermoelastic anisotropic media. The location of the roots of the dispersion equation of the inhomogeneous waveguide.


Professor of Department of Technical physics of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Academician of the Academy of Natural Sciences Education.

Academic degrees
1968–1972 Physics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Science, Novosibirsk, Russia
1972–1975 physical faculty Kazakh State University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Doctor physico-mathematical sciences. Place of defence: Almaty, Institute of seismology Academy of Science KazSSR. Professional career: Present employment.

2010–present days — Professor of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Earlier employments
2001–2010 — dekan of the physico-mathematical faculty of PGU after Toraygirov (Pavlodar)
1997–2001 — head of the physico-mathematical kafedra at Kazakh state pedagogical university after Abay
1990–1997 — Kazakh Polytechnic Institute, Almaty, Kazakhstan
1975–1990 — Institute of seismology Academy of Science KazSSR, Almaty

Main scientific results: Created a method matriciant for investigation of ultrasonic waves and surface waves in anisotropic media.

Theme of dissertation: Construction of the matriciantbstructure of the equation of motion in isotropic and anisotropic elastic media.

Area of scientific exploration: Wave processes in anisotropic mediums with different physical and mechanical propertyes. Analitycal solutions of waves in pieso-, termo-, magneto- elastic media. Publications.

List of scientific works: More than 120 scientific works are published, part of works is translated in the USA, Springler, Indian. published 3 monography: "Seismic waves in an inhomogeneous medium" (1985), "Building a structure of fundamental solutions of Maxwell's equations for inhomogeneous anisotropic media" (2001), "Method of matriciant" (2004).

Scientific grants: Fundamental research on 1993–1997 (Edu. Gov RK) Mentoring /Defended PhD theses supervised: PhD doctor (Candidate's) of Science — 11, Magisters — 25. Present time: Magister students — 4, Ph.D. students — 2.

Professional Activity. Member presidium of national commitet theoretical and applied physics of Kazakhstan, delegate to the congress of the international cooperation (China, 2010), delegate of science workers conference (Switzerland, 2011).

Honors/awards: a sign for contribution in development of science (2002), gold badge after academician Zh. Erzhanov (National comitet of theoretical and applied physics, 2005), gold badge after academician Joldasbekov (National Ingeneering Akademy, 2006), badge "For the preparation of highly qualified scientists for Kazakhstan" (PGU Toraygirov, 2010).

Main publications:
  1. Tleukenov SK, “Contact conditions of elastic media with the interlayer”, J. Sov. Math., 1991, no. 55, 1763–1766
  2. Erzhanov ZH.S., Zhubaes N.ZH., Tleukenov S.K., “Seismic waves in an Inhomogeneous medium”, Gerlands Beitr. Geophysik. – Leipzig, 1985, no. 1, 45–51
  3. Tleykenov S., “Investigation of the thin layer influence of the boundary conditions”, Abstacts “Seminar on eastquare processe and their consequences”, Kurukshetra, India, 1989, 4–7
  4. S. K. Tleukenov, “Disposition of roots of the dispersion equation of a waveguide periodically inhomogeneous according to depth”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 55:3 (1991), 1766–1770
  5. S. K. Tleukenov, “Characteristic matrix of a periodically inhomogeneous layer”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 50:6 (1990), 2058–2062
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. S.  Tleukenov, K. N. Balabekov, Z. K. Zhalgasbekova, “Group velocity and flow of electromagnetic energy in rhombic crystals”, Bulletin of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University. Physics. Astronomy Series, 126:1 (2019),  90–98  mathnet
2. S. K. Tleukenov, “On bending vibrations of periodic inhomogeneous orthotropic membrane”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 179 (1989),  179–181  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; J. Soviet Math., 57:3 (1991), 3181–3182
3. S. K. Tleukenov, “Disposition of the dispersion equation roots for a wave guide being periodical and inhomogeneous with the depth”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 173 (1988),  167–171  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; J. Soviet Math., 55:3 (1991), 1766–1770 1
4. S. K. Tleukenov, “Conditions of a contact of elastic media with a thin layer”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 173 (1988),  163–166  mathnet  zmath; J. Soviet Math., 55:3 (1991), 1763–1766 2
5. S.  Tleukenov, “Characteristic matrix of a periodically inhomogeneous layer”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 165 (1987),  177–181  mathnet  zmath
6. O. Baigonysov, S.  Tleukenov, “On a method of solution of some elastic wave propagation problems in inhomogeneous periodio media”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 148 (1985),  30–33  mathnet  mathscinet
7. S. K. Tleukenov, “On the evergy absorption and the jump of the displacements on nonrigid contacts”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. LOMI, 128 (1983),  166–171  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath

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