Kotov, Matvei Vladimirovich

Total publications: 11 (11)
in MathSciNet: 5 (5)
in zbMATH: 7 (7)
in Web of Science: 1 (1)
in Scopus: 5 (5)
Cited articles: 3
Citations: 8
Presentations: 3

Number of views:
This page:697
Abstract pages:248
Full texts:102
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences
Keywords: equationally Noetherian property.
UDC: 512.57
MSC: 08Axx


Universal algebra

Main publications:
  1. M. Kotov, “Equationally Noetherian property and close properties”, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 35:3 (2011), 419–429  mathscinet  zmath
  2. Yu. S. Dvorzhetskii, M. V. Kotov, “Minimaksnye algebraicheskie sistemy”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2008, Spetsvypusk “Kombinatornye metody algebry i slozhnost vychislenii”, 130–136  zmath
  3. M. V. Kotov, “O topologiziruemosti schetnykh neterovykh po uravneniyam algebr”, Algebra i logika, 52:2 (2013), 155–171  mathnet; Algebra and Logic, 52:2 (2013), 105–115  crossref  isi
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. Kotov, M., Menshov, A. and Ushakov, A, “An attack on the Walnut digital signature algorithm”, Designs Codes Cryptography, 87 (2019), 2231-2250  crossref  zmath  scopus 3
2. M. V. Kotov, “Topologizability of countable equationally Noetherian algebras”, Algebra and Logic, 52:2 (2013), 105–115  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
3. Dorzhieva, M. V., Issakhov, A. A., Kalmurzayev, B. S., Kornev, R. A. and Kotov, M. V., “Punctual Dimension of Algebraic Structures in Certain Classes”, Lobachevskii J Math, 42 (2021), 716-725  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus 2
4. Kotov, M., Menshov, A. and Ushakov, A., “Attack on Kayawood protocol: uncloaking private keys”, Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, 15:1 (2021), 237-249  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
5. Matvei Kotov, Dmitry Panteleev and Alexander Ushakov, “Analysis of secret sharing schemes based on Nielsen transformations”, Groups Complexity Cryptology, 10:1 (2018), 1-8  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
6. M. V. Kotov, Topologiya Zarisskogo na algebraicheskikh sistemakh, Diss. … kand. fiz.-matem. nauk, Omskii filial Instituta matematiki im. S. L. Soboleva SO RAN, Omsk, 2013 , 91 pp.
7. M. V. Kotov, “Neskolko zamechanii o nëterovosti po uravneniyam”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2013, no. 2, 24–28  elib
8. M. V. Kotov, “Neskolko zamechanii o topologii Zarisskogo na algebraicheskikh sistemakh”, Vestn. Omsk. un-ta, 2012, no. 4, 27–32  elib
9. M. Kotov, “Equationally Noetherian property and close properties”, Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics, 35:3 (2011), 419–429  mathscinet  zmath
10. M. V. Kotov, “Algebraicheskaya geometriya nad nekotorymi topologicheskimi algebrami”, Algebra i teoriya modelei 8, eds. A. G. Pinus i dr., izd. NGTU, Novosibirsk, 2011, 40–47
11. Yu. S. Dvorzhetskii, M. V. Kotov, “Minimaksnye algebraicheskie sistemy”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2008, Spetsvypusk “Kombinatornye metody algebry i slozhnost vychislenii”, 130–136  zmath

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Топология Зариского на алгебраических системах
M. Kotov
Omsk Algebraic Seminar
May 16, 2013 16:45
2. Несколько замечаний о топологии Зарисского на топологических алгебраических системах
M. Kotov
Omsk Algebraic Seminar
September 15, 2011 16:00
3. Алгебраическая геометрия над некоторыми топологическими алгебрами
M. Kotov
Omsk Algebraic Seminar
April 14, 2011 16:00

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