Adelshin, Alexander Vladimirovich

Total publications: 19 (19)
in MathSciNet: 4 (4)
in zbMATH: 3 (3)
in Web of Science: 3 (3)
in Scopus: 2 (2)
Cited articles: 3
Citations: 10

Number of views:
This page:739
Abstract pages:795
Full texts:338
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2006)
Speciality: 05.13.01 (System analysis, the control and processing of information (separated by fields))
Birth date: 31.05.1976
Keywords: operations research, integer programming, discrete optimization problems with logical constraints.
UDC: 519.87, 519.8:658.512.22
MSC: 90C05, 90C09, 90C10, 90C27, 90-06


Analisys of structure of the optimization problems with logical constraints, development of the algoritms.

Main publications:
  1. Kolokolov A.A., Adelshin A.V., Yagofarova D.I., “Issledovanie i reshenie zadach diskretnoi optimizatsii s logicheskimi ogranicheniyami”, Prikladnaya diskretnaya matematika, 2013, no. 1(19), 99-109  mathnet  elib
  2. Kolokolov A.A., Adelshin A.V., Yagofarova D.I., “Analysis and solving SAT and MAX-SAT problems using an L-partition approach”, Journal of mathematical modelling and algorithms, 12:2 (2013), 10.1007/s10852-012-9202-8 , 12 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
  3. Adelshin A.V., Kuchin A.K., “Algoritmy tochnogo i priblizhennogo resheniya zadachi maksimalnoi vypolnimosti”, Omskii nauchnyi vestnik, 2011, no. 1, 5-9  elib
  4. Adelshin A.V., Zhovner E.N., “Primenenie zadach vypolnimosti logicheskoi formuly dlya proektirovaniya khimicheskogo sostava rezin”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2011, no. 2, 14-18  elib
  5. Kolokolov A.A., Adelshin A.V., Yagofarova D.I., “Reshenie zadachi vypolnimosti s ispolzovaniem metoda perebora L-klassov”, Informatsionnye tekhnologii, 2009, no. 2, 54-59  mathscinet  elib
  6. A. V. Adel'shin, “Investigation of maximum and minimum satisfiability problems using $L$-partition”, Autom. Remote Control, 65:3 (2004), 388–395  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
  7. Adelshin A.V., “Zadacha maksimalnoi vypolnimosti i nekotorye algoritmy tselochislennogo programmirovaniya”, Algebra i lineinaya optimizatsiya, Trudy mezhdunarodnogo seminara, posvyaschennogo 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya S. N. Chernikova (Ekaterinburg), UrO RAN, 2002, 235-239  mathscinet
  8. Adel'shin, A. V.; Adel'shina, A. G., “Estimating the number of iterations for dual cutting-plane algorithms.”, Zbl 1075.90540, Vestn. Omsk. Univ., 2000, no. 1, 14-16 (MSC2000: *90C10 65K05 90C27)  zmath
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. A. V. Adel'shin, “Investigation of maximum and minimum satisfiability problems using $L$-partition”, Autom. Remote Control, 65:3 (2004), 388–395  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
2. Kolokolov A.A., Adelshin A.V., Yagofarova D.I., “Issledovanie i reshenie zadach diskretnoi optimizatsii s logicheskimi ogranicheniyami”, Prikladnaya diskretnaya matematika, 2013, no. 1(19), 99-109  mathnet  elib 3
3. A. V. Adelshin, A. A. Kolokolov, “Analysis and solution of discrete optimization problems with logical constraints on the base of $L$-partition approach”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat., 2015, no. 4, 100–108  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib
4. Kolokolov A.A., Artemova A.V., Adelshin A.V., Kan I.E., “Proektirovanie slozhnykh izdelii na osnove modelei i algoritmov diskretnoi optimizatsii”, Omskii nauchnyi vestnik, 2016, no. 5, 131-135  elib
5. Kolokolov A., Artemova A., Adelshin A., Kan I., “Discrete Optimization Models for Solving Complex Products Design Problems”, Proc. DOOR 2016, Vladivostok, Russia (Vladivostok, Russia, September 19-23, 2016), CEUR-WS, 2016, 49-56 (Published online) \href{}
6. Kolokolov A.A., Adelshin A.V., Yagofarova D.I., “Analysis and solving SAT and MAX-SAT problems using an L-partition approach”, Journal of mathematical modelling and algorithms, 12:2 (2013), 10.1007/s10852-012-9202-8 , 12 pp.  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
7. Adelshin A.V., Kuchin A.K., “Algoritmy tochnogo i priblizhennogo resheniya zadachi maksimalnoi vypolnimosti”, Omskii nauchnyi vestnik, 2011, no. 1, 5-9  elib
8. Adelshin A.V., Zhovner E.N., “Primenenie zadach vypolnimosti logicheskoi formuly dlya proektirovaniya khimicheskogo sostava rezin”, Vestnik Omskogo universiteta, 2011, no. 2, 14-18  elib
9. Kuchin A.K., Adelshin A.V., “Analiz L-struktury smeshannoi zadachi maksimalnoi vypolnimosti”, Diskretnaya optimizatsiya, Trudy XV Baikalskoi mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-seminara “Metody optimizatsii i ikh prilozheniya” (Irkutsk, 23–29 iyunya 2011 g.), 4, RIO IDSTU SO RAN, Irkutsk, 2011, 179–184
10. Kolokolov A.A., Adelshin A.V., Yagofarova D.I., “Reshenie zadachi vypolnimosti s ispolzovaniem metoda perebora L-klassov”, Informatsionnye tekhnologii, 2009, no. 2, 54-59  mathscinet  elib
11. Adelshin A.V., Kuchin A.K., “Reshenie vzveshennoi zadachi maksimalnoi vypolnimosti s ispolzovaniem perebora L-klassov”, Matematicheskoe programmirovanie: Trudy XIV Baikalskoi mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-seminara “Metody optimizatsii i ikh prilozheniya” (Irkutsk), ISEM SO RAN, 2008, 304-311
12. Adelshin A.V., Analiz i reshenie zadach maksimalnoi i minimalnoi vypolnimosti s ispolzovaniem L-razbieniya, Diss. na soiskanie uchenoi stepeni kandidata fiziko-matematicheskikh nauk, OF IM SO RAN, Omsk, 2006 , 102 pp.
13. Kolokolov A., Adelshin A., Yagofarova D., “Development of local search algorithms for MAX-SAT problem using L-class enumeration”, International Conference on Operations Research: Abstracts. (Karlsruhe, 2006), GOR, 2006, 78
14. Kolokolov A.A., Adelshin A.V., Yagofarova D.I., “Reshenie zadach vypolnimosti i nekotorykh ee obobschenii s ispolzovaniem metoda perebora L-klassov”, Prikladnaya matematika i informatsionnye tekhnologii, sbornik nauch. i metod. trudov, OmGTU, 2005, 68-79
15. Kolokolov A., Adelshin A., Yagofarova D., “Local search algorithms for the MAX SAT problem based on L-class enumeration”, 18th Mini Euro Conference on VNS: Extended Abstracts (Tenerife (Spain)), Tenerife, 2005, 117-118
16. Kolokolov A.A., Adelshin A.V., Yagofarova D.I., “Algoritmy leksikograficheskogo perebora dlya resheniya zadachi vypolnimosti i nekotorykh ee obobschenii”, Matematicheskoe programmirovanie: Trudy XIII Baikalskoi mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-seminara “Metody optimizatsii i ikh prilozheniya” (Irkutsk), ISEM SO RAN, 2005, 503-508
17. Adelshin A.V., “Zadacha maksimalnoi vypolnimosti i nekotorye algoritmy tselochislennogo programmirovaniya”, Algebra i lineinaya optimizatsiya, Trudy mezhdunarodnogo seminara, posvyaschennogo 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya S. N. Chernikova (Ekaterinburg), UrO RAN, 2002, 235-239  mathscinet
18. Adel'shin, A. V.; Adel'shina, A. G., “Estimating the number of iterations for dual cutting-plane algorithms.”, Zbl 1075.90540, Vestn. Omsk. Univ., 2000, no. 1, 14-16 (MSC2000: *90C10 65K05 90C27)  zmath
19. A. V. Adelshin, A. K. Kuchin, “Analysis of $L$-structure of polyhedron in the partial MAX SAT problem”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat., 2017, no. 38, 110–118  mathnet  crossref  isi  elib

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