Borisovsky, Pavel Alexandrovich

Total publications: 19 (19)
in MathSciNet: 5 (5)
in zbMATH: 7 (7)
in Web of Science: 2 (2)
in Scopus: 13 (13)
Cited articles: 12
Citations: 188

Number of views:
This page:573
Abstract pages:389
Full texts:156
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2005)
Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modelling, calculating methods, and the program systems)
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List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. P. A. Borisovsky, “A parallel “Go with the winners” algorithm for some scheduling problems”, J. Appl. Industr. Math., 17:4 (2023), 687–697  mathnet  crossref  crossref
2. P. A. Borisovsky, A. V. Eremeev, J. Kallrath, “Multi-product continuous plant scheduling: combination of decomposition, genetic algorithm, and constructive heuristic”, International Journal of Production Research, 2019 (to appear)  crossref  isi  scopus 14
3. P. Borisovsky, “Exact Solution of One Production Scheduling Problem”, Optimization Problems and Their Applications. OPTA 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 871, eds. Eremeev A., Khachay M., Kochetov Y., Pardalos P., Springer, 2018, 56-67  crossref  scopus
4. P. Borisovsky, A. Eremeev, S. Hrushev, V. Teplyakov, M. Vorozhtsov, “On three approaches to length-bounded maximum multicommodity flow with unit edge-lengths”, Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research, 29:1 (2018), 93-112  crossref  mathscinet  scopus 2
5. P. A. Borisovsky, A. V. Eremeev, J. Kallrath, “On hybrid method for medium-term multi-product continuous plant scheduling”, 2017 International Multi-Conference on Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences (SIBIRCON), IEEE, 2017, 42-47  crossref  scopus 1
6. P. A. Borisovskii, A. V. Eremeev, “Postroenie raspisanii mnogoproduktovogo proizvodstva s ispolzovaniem tselochislennogo lineinogo programmirovaniya i evolyutsionnykh vychislenii”, Informatsionnye tekhnologii, 21:6 (2015), 412-421  elib
7. Borisovsky P., Delorme X., and Dolgui A., “Balancing reconfigurable machining lines via a set partitioning model”, International Journal of Production Research, 52:13 (2014), 4026-4036  crossref  scopus 36
8. Borisovsky P.A., Eremeev A.V., Grinkevich E.B., Klokov S.A., Kosarev N.A., “Trading hubs construction in electricity markets using evolutionary algorithms”, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 24:2 (2014), 270-282  crossref  scopus 1
9. Borisovsky P., Delorme X., and Dolgui A., “Genetic algorithm for balancing reconfigurable machining lines”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 66:3 (2013), 541-547  crossref  scopus 38
10. P. Borisovsky, A. Dolgui, S. Kovalev, “Modelling transfer line design problem via a set partitioning problem”, Optimization letters, 6:5 (2012), 915-926  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 12
11. P. Borisovsky, A. Dolgui, S. Kovalev, “Algorithms and implementation of a set partitioning approach for modular machining line design”, Computers & Operations Research, 2012  crossref  mathscinet  scopus 18
12. P. Borisovsky, A. Dolgui, A. Eremeev, “Genetic algorithms for a supply management problem: MIP-recombination vs greedy decoder”, European Journal of Operational Research, 195:3 (2009), 770-779  crossref  zmath  scopus 31
13. Borisovsky P.A., Eremeev A.V., Grinkevich E.B., Klokov S.A., Vinnikov A.V., “Trading hubs construction for electricity markets”, Optimization in the Energy Industry, eds. J. Kallrath, P.M. Pardalos, S. Rebennack, M. Scheidt, Springer, 2009, 29-58  crossref  zmath 6
14. P. A. Borisovsky A. V. Eremeev, “Comparing Evolutionary Algorithms to the (1+1)-EA”, Theoretical Computer Science, 403:1 (2008), 33-41  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 19
15. Borisovsky P.A., Eremeev A.V., “A comparative study of some evolutionary algorithms”, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 27 (2006), 7-8  crossref  zmath  scopus
16. P. A. Borisovskii, A. V. Eremeev, “Comparison of certain evolutionary algorithms”, Autom. Remote Control, 65:3 (2004), 357–362  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
17. Borisovsky P.A., Eremeev A.V., “A Study on Performance of the (1+1)-Evolutionary Algorithm”, Foundations of Genetic Algorithms 7, eds. K. De Jong, R. Poli, J. Rowe, Morgan Kaufmann, 2003, 271-287
18. Borisovsky P.A., Zavolovskaya M.S., “Experimental Comparison of Two Evolutionary Algorithms for the Independent Set Problem”, Applications of evolutionary computing: Proc. of EvoWorkshops 2003., eds. S.Cagnoni et al., Springer Verlag, 2003, 154-164  zmath


19. Borisovskii P.A., “Geneticheskii algoritm dlya odnoi zadachi sostavleniya proizvodstvennogo raspisaniya s perenaladkami”, Trudy XIV Baikalskoi mezhdunarodnoi shkoly-seminara “Metody optimizatsii i ikh prilozheniya” (Severobaikalsk, iyul, 2008), 4, ISEM SO RAN., Irkutsk, 2008, 304-311

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