Lesovik, Gordei Borisovich

Statistics Math-Net.Ru
Total publications: 13
Scientific articles: 13
Presentations: 6

Number of views:
This page:431
Abstract pages:2967
Full texts:981
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences
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List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A. I. Pakhomchik, I. Feshchenko, A. Glatz, V. M. Vinokur, A. V. Lebedev, S. N. Filippov, G. B. Lesovik, “Realization of the Werner–Holevo and Landau–Streater quantum channels for qutrits on quantum computers”, J. Russian Laser Research, 41:1 (2020),  40–53  mathnet  isi  scopus 3
2. A. A. Vishnevyy, G. B. Lesovik, “Postselective measurement of the electronic entanglement in the system of two Mach-Zehnder interferometers with coulomb interaction”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 98:8 (2013),  565–572  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 98:8 (2013), 507–513  isi  elib  scopus
3. G. B. Lesovik, “On the law of increasing entropy and the cause of the dynamics irreversibility of quantum systems”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 98:3 (2013),  207–213  mathnet  elib; JETP Letters, 98:3 (2013), 184–189  isi  elib  scopus 3
4. G. B. Lesovik, I. A. Sadovskyy, “Scattering matrix approach to the description of quantum electron transport”, UFN, 181:10 (2011),  1041–1096  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 54:10 (2011), 1007–1059  isi  scopus 91
5. K. V. Bayandin, G. B. Lesovik, “Using of small-scale quantum computers in cryptography with many-qubit entangled states”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 81:7 (2005),  437–441  mathnet; JETP Letters, 81:7 (2005), 351–355  isi  scopus 1
6. G. B. Lesovik, N. M. Shchelkachev, “Quantum and classical binomial distributions for the charge transmitted through coherent conductor”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 77:7 (2003),  464–1  mathnet; JETP Letters, 77:7 (2003), 393–396  scopus 22
7. G. B. Lesovik, A. V. Lebedev, A. O. Imambekov, “Dynamics of a two-level system interacting with a random classical field”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 75:9 (2002),  565–569  mathnet; JETP Letters, 75:9 (2002), 474–478  scopus 11
8. A. V. Lebedev, G. B. Lesovik, “Shot noise in mesoscopic systems with resonance Andreev tunneling”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 74:10 (2001),  570–574  mathnet; JETP Letters, 74:10 (2001), 507–511  scopus 1
9. G. B. Lesovik, “Reservoir as a source of probability in quantum mechanics”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 74:9 (2001),  528–531  mathnet; JETP Letters, 74:9 (2001), 471–473  scopus
10. G. B. Lesovik, “Quantum entangled states and reduction of the wave packet”, UFN, 171:supplement № 10 (2001),  74–76  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 44:10 suppl. (2001), s74–s76
11. G. B. Lesovik, “Theory of measurements and the collapse of the wave function”, UFN, 171:4 (2001),  449–451  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 44:4 (2001), 429–431  isi 4
12. G. B. Lesovik, “Recording zero-point current and voltage fluctuations”, UFN, 168:2 (1998),  155–159  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 41:2 (1998), 145–149  isi 12
13. G. B. Lesovik, A. L. Fauchere, J. Blatter, “Scattering matrix description of nonlinear transport in NS contacts”, UFN, 166:8 (1996),  901  mathnet; Phys. Usp., 39:8 (1996), 843

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Оптическая реализация квантового метрологического протокола
V. V. Zemlyanov, N. S. Kirsanov, M. R. Perelstein, D. I. Lykov, O. V. Misochko, M. V. Lebedev, G. B. Lesovik
Quantum physics and quantum information
November 20, 2018 12:15
2. Quantum H-theorem and irreversibility in quantum mechanics
G. B. Lesovik
International conference "Quantum information, statistics, probability" with a special session dedicated to A. S. Holevo's 75-th birthday
September 13, 2018 17:00
3. Influence of telegraph noise on the dynamics of transmon qubit in metrological measurements
A. R. Shlyakhov, V. V. Zemlyanov, S. Danilin, A. Vepsalainen, A. V. Lebedev, G. B. Lesovik, G. Blatter, M. V. Suslov, S. Paraoanu
Quantum physics and quantum information
November 22, 2016 11:15
4. Quantum detector of magnetic fields on qutrit basis
V.V. Zemlyanov, M. V. Suslov, A. R. Shlyakhov, G. B. Lesovik
Quantum physics and quantum information
November 22, 2016 11:00
5. Нарушение второго начала термодинамики (в классической формулировке) в квантовых системах
G. B. Lesovik
Seminar on Quantum Probability, Statistics, Information
April 20, 2016 14:00
6. Derivation of Born rule from the unitarity of quantum evolution
G. B. Lesovik
Quantum physics and quantum information
October 14, 2014 11:00   

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