05.13.18 (Mathematical modelling, calculating methods, and the program systems)
Main publications:
Neironnye modeli na osnove impulsnogo neirona : ucheb. pos. / S. E. Anufrienko, E. V. Konovalov ; Minobrnauki RF, Yaroslavskii gos. un-t im. P. G. Demidova. - Yaroslavl : YarGU, 2012. - 77 s.; ISBN 978-5-8397-0867-9
V. V. Maiorov, S. E. Anufrienko, “An investigation of the modified nerve impulse saltatore conduction model”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 14:4 (2007), 3–6
S. E. Anufrienko, A. S. Mats, “Model of nerve impulse saltatore conduction through the forked nerve fibre”, Model. Anal. Inform. Sist., 14:2 (2007), 24–26