Krylov, Igor Olegovich
Statistics Math-Net.Ru |
Presentations: |
7 |
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This page: | 299 |
https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/person63682 |
List of publications on Google Scholar |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
1. |
Birational rigidity of low degree del Pezzo fibrations Igor Krylov
Birational Geometry, Kahler–Einstein Metrics and Degenerations April 12, 2019 10:30
2. |
Moduli spaces of del Pezzo surfaces of low degree I. Krylov
Iskovskikh Seminar November 22, 2018
3. |
Стабильность над кольцами и хорошие модели расслоений на дель Пеццо I. Krylov
Iskovskikh Seminar September 14, 2017 18:00
4. |
Поверхности дель Пеццо с особеностями типа $T$ I. Krylov
Iskovskikh Seminar April 25, 2013 18:00
5. |
The index of a threefold canonical singularity I. Krylov
Iskovskikh Seminar March 7, 2013 18:00
6. |
"On standart models of conic fibrations" (A. Avilov), "Surfaces on Oeljeclaus–Toma manifolds" (S. Verbitskaya), "Canonical quotient singularities" (I. Krylov), "Terminal Fano threefolds with torsion in Weil divisors class group" (K. Khrabrov) A. Avilov, S. Verbitskaya, I. Krylov, K. Khrabrov
Iskovskikh Seminar April 12, 2012 18:00
7. |
Замечание о порождающих группы Кремоны (по статье И. Пана) I. O. Krylov
Iskovskikh Seminar April 14, 2011 18:00
Organisations |