Voronov, Vsevolod Aleksandrovich

Total publications: 9 (9)
in MathSciNet: 3 (3)
in zbMATH: 1 (1)
in Web of Science: 4 (4)
in Scopus: 5 (5)
Cited articles: 5
Citations: 24
Presentations: 2

Number of views:
This page:488
Abstract pages:1896
Full texts:539
Candidate of technical sciences (2009)
Speciality: 05.13.18 (Mathematical modelling, calculating methods, and the program systems)
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. D. D. Cherkshin, V. A. Voronov, “On the chromatic number of 2-dimensional spheres”, Discrete & Computational Geometry, 2023, 1–13 , arXiv: 2203.08666  crossref 1
2. V. A. Voronov, A. .D. Tolmachev, D. S. Protasov, A. M. Neopryatnaya, “Searching for Distance Graph Embeddings and Optimal Partitions of Compact Sets in Euclidean Space”, International Conference on Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research, CCIS, 1881, Springer, 2023, 391–403  crossref
3. V. A. Voronov, A. Ya. Kanel-Belov, G. A. Strukov, D. D. Cherkashin, “O khromaticheskikh chislakh trekhmernykh sloek”, Zapiski nauchnykh seminarov POMI, 518 (2022), 94-113 , arXiv: 2208.02230v1  mathnet
4. V. A. Voronov, E. A. Dergachev, A. M. Neopryatnaya, “Constructing 5-chromatic unit distance graphs embedded in the Euclidean plane and two-dimensional spheres  ”, Discrete Mathematics, 345:12 (2022), 113106 , arXiv: 2106.11824  crossref  scopus 4
5. A. D. Tolmachev, D. S. Protasov, V. A. Voronov, “Coverings of planar and three-dimensional sets with subsets of smaller diameter”, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 320 (2022), 270–281 , arXiv: 2210.12394  crossref  isi  scopus 3
6. V. A. Voronov, E. A. Dergachev, M. E. Zhukovskii, A. M. Neopryatnaya, “First-Order Complexity of Subgraph Isomorphism via Kneser Graphs”, Math. Notes, 109:1 (2021), 29–37  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
7. A. Ya. Kanel-Belov, V. A. Voronov, D. D. Cherkashin, “On the chromatic number of infinitesimal plane layer”, St. Petersburg Math. J., 29:5 (2018), 761–775  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
8. D. V. Apanovich, V. A. Voronov, O. N. Samsonyuk, “Construction of the reachable set for a two-dimensional bilinear impulsive control system”, The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics, 15 (2016), 3–16  mathnet  elib
9. V. A. Voronov, “The direct algorithm for calculating programmed controls of a special form in the problem of guidance of an orbital telescope”, Autom. Remote Control, 72:1 (2011), 1–9  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Разбиения множеств на части меньшего диаметра в четырехмерном евклидовом пространстве
V. A. Voronov

November 7, 2022 19:30
2. Разбиения многогранников в размерностях $3$ и $4$ на части минимального диаметра
V. A. Voronov

August 13, 2021 15:30

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