Publications in Math-Net.Ru |
Citations |
2012 |
1. |
M. E. Shaposhnikov, “Асимптотическая безопасность гравитации и масса бозона Хиггса”, TMF, 170:2 (2012), 280–291 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 170:2 (2012), 229–238 |
2006 |
2. |
A. M. Boyarsky, A. Neronov, O. Ruchayskiy, M. E. Shaposhnikov, “The masses of active neutrinos in the $\nu$MSM from X-ray astronomy”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 83:4 (2006), 165–167 ; JETP Letters, 83:4 (2006), 133–135 |
1996 |
3. |
V. A. Rubakov, M. E. Shaposhnikov, “Electroweak baryon number non-conservation in the early Universe and in high-energy collisions”, UFN, 166:5 (1996), 493–537 ; Phys. Usp., 39:5 (1996), 461–502 |
1988 |
4. |
V. A. Matveev, V. A. Rubakov, A. N. Tavkhelidze, M. E. Shaposhnikov, “Nonconservation of baryon number under extremal conditions”, UFN, 156:2 (1988), 253–295 ; Phys. Usp., 31:10 (1988), 916–939 |
1984 |
5. |
V. A. Matveev, A. N. Tavkhelidze, M. E. Shaposhnikov, “Symmetry properties and dynamics in gauge theories with scalar fields”, TMF, 59:3 (1984), 323–344 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 59:3 (1984), 529–544 |
1982 |
6. |
A. Yu. Ignat'ev, V. A. Matveev, A. N. Tavkhelidze, K. G. Chetyrkin, M. E. Shaposhnikov, “Colored scalars and new hadrons”, TMF, 53:2 (1982), 181–187 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 53:2 (1982), 1063–1067 |
1981 |
7. |
A. Yu. Ignat'ev, V. A. Kuz'min, V. A. Matveev, A. N. Tavkhelidze, K. G. Chetyrkin, M. E. Shaposhnikov, “Integer charge quarks and spontaneously broken color symmetry”, TMF, 47:2 (1981), 147–162 ; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 47:2 (1981), 373–383 |
2017 |
8. |
V. A. Berezin, D. S. Gorbunov, A. D. Dolgov, L. V. Kravchuk, V. A. Matveev, V. A. Rubakov, D. V. Semikoz, A. A. Starobinskii, P. G. Tinyakov, S. V. Troitskii, M. E. Shaposhnikov, B. E. Shtern, “Igor Ivanovich Tkachev (on his 60th birthday)”, UFN, 187:5 (2017), 575–576 ; Phys. Usp., 60:5 (2017), 534–535 |
2016 |
9. |
V. A. Berezin, V. S. Berezinskii, V. N. Gavrin, A. D. Dolgov, G. V. Domogatskii, L. V. Kravchuk, N. V. Krasnikov, V. A. Matveev, V. A. Rubakov, O. G. Ryazhskaya, I. I. Tkachev, M. E. Shaposhnikov, “In memory of Vadim Alekseevich Kuzmin”, UFN, 186:4 (2016), 447–448 ; Phys. Usp., 59:4 (2016), 421–422 |
2015 |
10. |
D. S. Gorbunov, L. V. Keldysh, L. V. Kravchuk, D. G. Levkov, M. V. Libanov, V. A. Matveev, O. V. Rudenko, M. V. Sazhin, S. V. Troitsky, V. E. Fortov, M. E. Shaposhnikov, I. A. Shcherbakov, “Valery Anatol'evich Rubakov (on his 60th birthday)”, UFN, 185:2 (2015), 221–222 ; Phys. Usp., 58:2 (2015), 202–204 |
Presentations in Math-Net.Ru |
Organisations |