Myasnikov, Vladislav Valerievich

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Total publications: 31
Scientific articles: 31

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This page:324
Abstract pages:5627
Full texts:2504
Head Scientist Researcher
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (2007)
Speciality: 05.13.18; 05.13.17 (Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and the program systems; Theoretical foundation for informatics)
Birth date: 5.11.1971
List of publications on Google Scholar

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. Y. K. Kozlova, V. V. Myasnikov, “Head model reconstruction and animation method using color image with depth information”, Computer Optics, 48:1 (2024),  118–122  mathnet
2. V. V. Myasnikov, A. A. Agafonov, A. S. Yumaganov, “A deterministic predictive traffic signal control model in intelligent transportation and geoinformation systems”, Computer Optics, 45:6 (2021),  917–925  mathnet 9
3. R. R. Yuzkiv, V. A. Fedoseev, V. V. Myasnikov, V. V. Sergeev, “Methods for early recognition of OFDM data”, Computer Optics, 44:1 (2020),  60–66  mathnet 1
4. V. V. Myasnikov, “Reconstruction of functions and digital images using sign representations”, Computer Optics, 43:6 (2019),  1041–1052  mathnet 8
5. V. V. Myasnikov, E. A. Dmitriev, “The accuracy dependency investigation of simultaneous localization and mapping on the errors from mobile device sensors”, Computer Optics, 43:3 (2019),  492–503  mathnet 8
6. A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Method for reliable shortest path determination in stochastic networks using parametrically defined stable probability distributions”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 18:3 (2019),  558–582  mathnet  elib 1
7. A. A. Agafonov, A. S. Yumaganov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Big data analysis in a geoinformatic problem of short-term traffic flow forecasting based on a k nearest neighbors method”, Computer Optics, 42:6 (2018),  1101–1111  mathnet 28
8. V. V. Myasnikov, “Description of images using a configuration equivalence relation”, Computer Optics, 42:6 (2018),  998–1007  mathnet 7
9. A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Numerical route reservation method in the geoinformatic task of autonomous vehicle routing”, Computer Optics, 42:5 (2018),  912–920  mathnet 15
10. E. A. Dmitriev, V. V. Myasnikov, “Comparative study of description algorithms for complex-valued gradient fields of digital images using linear dimensionality reduction methods”, Computer Optics, 42:5 (2018),  822–828  mathnet 6
11. V. V. Myasnikov, “Description of images using model-oriented descriptors”, Computer Optics, 41:6 (2017),  888–896  mathnet 4
12. A. S. Yumaganov, V. V. Myasnikov, “A method of searching for similar code sequences in executable binary files using a featureless approach”, Computer Optics, 41:5 (2017),  756–764  mathnet 6
13. V. N. Kopenkov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Development of algorithm for automatic construction of a computational procedure of local image processing, based on the hierarchical regression”, Computer Optics, 40:5 (2016),  713–720  mathnet 6
14. M. V. Gashnikov, N. I. Glumov, A. V. Kuznetsov, V. A. Mitekin, V. V. Myasnikov, V. V. Sergeev, “Hyperspectral remote sensing data compression and protection”, Computer Optics, 40:5 (2016),  689–712  mathnet 9
15. A. Yu. Denisova, V. V. Myasnikov, “Atmospheric correction of hyperspectral images using small volume of the verified data”, Computer Optics, 40:4 (2016),  526–534  mathnet
16. A. Y. Denisova, Y. N. Juravel, V. V. Myasnikov, “Estimation of parameters of a linear spectral mixture for hyperspectral images with atmospheric distortions”, Computer Optics, 40:3 (2016),  380–387  mathnet 10
17. A. V. Kuznetsov, V. V. Myasnikov, “A copy-move detection algorithm based on binary gradient contours”, Computer Optics, 40:2 (2016),  284–293  mathnet 8
18. A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Method for the reliable shortest path search in time-dependent stochastic networks and its application to GIS-based traffic control”, Computer Optics, 40:2 (2016),  275–283  mathnet 21
19. V. V. Myasnikov, “A local order transform of digital images”, Computer Optics, 39:3 (2015),  397–405  mathnet 7
20. A. Yu. Denisova, V. V. Myasnikov, “Fully constrained linear spectral unmixing algorithm for hyperspectral image analys”, Computer Optics, 38:4 (2014),  782–789  mathnet
21. A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “An algorithm for traffic flow parameters estimation and prediction using composition of machine learning methods and time series models”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014),  539–549  mathnet
22. A. V. Kuznetsov, V. V. Myasnikov, “A comparison of algorithms for supervised classification using hyperspectral data”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014),  494–502  mathnet
23. A. M. Belov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Atmospheric correction of hyperspectral images using approximate solution of MODTRAN transmittance equation”, Computer Optics, 38:3 (2014),  489–493  mathnet 1
24. A. A. Agafonov, V. V. Myasnikov, “An algorithm for city transport arrival time estimation using adaptive elementary predictions composition”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014),  356–368  mathnet
25. A. V. Kuznetsov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Algorithms for verification of space images by shooting options”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014),  322–329  mathnet
26. A. Yu. Denisova, V. V. Myasnikov, “Algorithms of linear spectral mixture analysis for hyperspectral images using base map”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014),  297–303  mathnet
27. A. Yu. Denisova, V. V. Myasnikov, “Anomaly detection for hyperspectral imaginary”, Computer Optics, 38:2 (2014),  287–296  mathnet
28. V. N. Kopenkov, V. V. Myasnikov, “The estimation of the traffic flow parameters based on the videoregistration data analysis”, Computer Optics, 38:1 (2014),  81–86  mathnet
29. A. V. Kuznetsov, V. V. Myasnikov, “Efficient linear local features based copy-move detection algorithm”, Computer Optics, 37:4 (2013),  489–495  mathnet
30. N. I. Glumov, A. V. Kuznetsov, V. V. Myasnikov, “The algorithm for copy-move detection on digital images”, Computer Optics, 37:3 (2013),  360–367  mathnet
31. V. V. Myasnikov, “Constructing efficient linear local features in image processing and analysis problems”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 2010, no. 3,  162–177  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath; Autom. Remote Control, 71:3 (2010), 514–527  isi  scopus 8

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