Pashchenko, Anton Evgen'evich

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Total publications: 22
Scientific articles: 22

Number of views:
This page:606
Abstract pages:10764
Full texts:3404
Scientific Employee
Birth date: 18.09.1982
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Keywords: mathematical statistics, statistical modeling, application of biostatistics and mathematical modeling in epidemiology.


Mathematical aspects of intensity of risky behavior.

Main publications:
  1. Paschenko A. E., Tulupev A. L., Tulupeva T. V., Krasnoselskikh T. V., Sokolovskii E. V., “Kosvennaya otsenka veroyatnosti zarazheniya VICh-infektsiei na osnove dannykh o poslednikh epizodakh riskovannogo povedeniya”, Zdravookhranenie Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2010, № 2, 32–35
List of publications on Google Scholar

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A. E. Pashchenko, “Application of Bayesian networks to relative estimates of process indicators associated with the risk under information deficiency”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 31 (2013),  95–122  mathnet
2. A.V. Suvorova, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, A. V. Sirotkin, A. E. Pashchenko, “Probabilistic graphical models of individual socially significant behavior on the base of incomplete data”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 22 (2012),  101–112  mathnet 6
3. A.V. Suvorova, A. V. Lavrenov, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, A. E. Pashchenko, “Modeling of socially significant respondents' behavior: analytical and numerical rate estimates based on the episodes near interview in case of information deficiency”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 20 (2012),  101–115  mathnet 2
4. A. L. Tulupyev, O. Vanushicheva, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. E. Pashchenko, A. A. Azarov, “Quantitative measurements of behavioral displays of user's vulnerabilities associated with socio-engineering attacks”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 19 (2011),  34–47  mathnet 4
5. T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, A. A. Azarov, A. E. Pashchenko, “Psychological defense as a factor of user's vulnerability in a socio-engineering attacks context”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 18 (2011),  74–92  mathnet 9
6. O. Vanushicheva, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. E. Pashchenko, A. L. Tulupyev, “Classification of the Psychological Traits Underlying User’s Vulnerabilities to Socio-engeneering Attacks”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 17 (2011),  70–99  mathnet
7. D. Zelterman, A. E. Pashchenko, A.V. Suvorova, V. F. Musina, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, L. Grau, R. Heimer, “Regression diagnostics in the rate analysis based on data about the last episodes”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 17 (2011),  33–46  mathnet 10
8. D. Zelterman, A. L. Tulupyev, A.V. Suvorova, A. E. Pashchenko, V. F. Musina, T. V. Tulupyeva, T. V. Krasnoselskih, L. Grau, R. Heimer, “Processing length bias of time intervals between the last episode and the interview”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 16 (2011),  160–185  mathnet 7
9. A. V. Lavrenov, A.V. Suvorova, A. E. Pashchenko, “Processing issues of data and knowledge about socially significant behavior' episodes near the interview moment”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 15 (2010),  246–262  mathnet 2
10. A. L. Tulupyev, A. E. Pashchenko, A. A. Azarov, T. V. Tulupyeva, “Visual toolkit for construction of the models of complex “information system – personnel”, used for imitation of socioengineering attacks”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 15 (2010),  231–245  mathnet 2
11. A. L. Tulupyev, A. E. Pashchenko, A. A. Azarov, “Information models of the components of complex “Informative system – personnel”, which is under threat of socioengineering attack”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 14 (2010),  50–57  mathnet 10
12. A. L. Tulupyev, A. E. Pashchenko, A. A. Azarov, “Information model of the user, who may be under the threat of socioengineering attack”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 13 (2010),  143–155  mathnet 6
13. T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, A. E. Pashchenko, M. V. Stepashkin, A. A. Azarov, “Social Psychological Factors That Influence the Information System Users Vulnerability Degree in Regard of Socio-Engineering Attacks”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 12 (2010),  200–214  mathnet 14
14. A.V. Suvorova, A. E. Pashchenko, T. V. Tulupyeva, “Super-short time series’ parameters estimate on the base of granular data about record intervals between episodes”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 12 (2010),  170–181  mathnet 12
15. A. E. Pashchenko, A.V. Suvorova, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, “Probabilistic distributions of ordinal statistics in the analysis of super-short fuzzy and incomplete time series”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 10 (2009),  184–207  mathnet 4
16. A.V. Suvorova, A. E. Pashchenko, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, “Risky behavior rate estimates calculation based on Chebychev inequality”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 10 (2009),  96–109  mathnet 2
17. A. L. Tulupyev, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. E. Pashchenko, A.V. Suvorova, “An approach to comparison of threatening behavior parameters between social groups based upon incomplete and imprecise date”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 9 (2009),  252–261  mathnet 9
18. A. E. Pashchenko, A. L. Tulupyev, T. V. Tulupyeva, “Respondents behaviour intensity estimation under the information deficiency”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 7 (2008),  239–254  mathnet 7
19. A. N. Frolova, A. E. Pashchenko, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, “An analysis of information systems security in the context of socio-engineering attacks: position statement”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 7 (2008),  170–176  mathnet 4
20. T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, A. E. Pashchenko, T.V. Krasnoselskikh, “Estimation of adherence to HAART among narcoconsumers-patients of the St.-Petersburg AIDS Center statistical models, psychological and socio-demographical factors”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 6 (2008),  203–233  mathnet 1
21. A. L. Tulupyev, A. S. Gorshkov, A. V. Sirotkin, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. E. Pashchenko,  Zheng RiChang, “Modeling of “Personality–Activity–Efficiency” systems based on Bayesian networks: a position statement”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 6 (2008),  198–202  mathnet 1
22. T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, E.V. Stolyarova, A. E. Pashchenko, “An analysis of HIV-positive persons' risky behavior in their adaptive style models (based on interviews obtained from the St. Petersburg Aids-Center patients)”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 5 (2007),  117–150  mathnet 1

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