Sokolov, Boris Vladimirovich

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Total publications: 29
Scientific articles: 29

Number of views:
This page:1868
Abstract pages:7252
Full texts:3376
Doctor of technical sciences (1993)
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Keywords: control theory.


Development of research fundamentals for the control theory by structural dynamics of complex organizational-technical systems, development of research fundamentals for the control theory by structural dynamics of complex organizational-technical systems.

Main publications:
  1. Sokolov B. V., “Sovremennoe sostoyanie i perspektivy vzaimodeistviya informatiki, informatsionnykh tekhnologii i kibernetiki v KhKhI veke”, Nauka i obschestvo. Informatsionnye tekhnologii. Tezisy dokladov, Sankt-Peterburgskii nauchnyi forum (21–25 sentyabrya 2009 g.), SPGUTD, SPb., 2009, 63–65,_Boris_Vladimirovich
List of publications on Google Scholar
List of publications on ZentralBlatt

Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. B. V. Sokolov, D. Verzilin, T. Maximova, M. Zhang, “Mutual influence of intellectual capital and information technologies of management”, Informatics and Automation, 22:5 (2023),  968–1003  mathnet
2. R. M. Vivchar, A. I. Ptushkin, B. V. Sokolov, “Methodology for assessing the adequacy of statistical simulation models”, Vestn. Yuzhno-Ural. Gos. Un-ta. Ser. Matem. Mekh. Fiz., 15:3 (2023),  5–14  mathnet 1
3. V. Kalinin, A. Kulakov, A. Pavlov, S. Potryasaev, B. Sokolov, “Methods and algorithms for the synthesis of technologies and programs for control-ling the reconfiguration of on-board systems of small-sized spacecrafts”, Informatics and Automation, 20:2 (2021),  236–269  mathnet 1
4. E. P. Minakov, B. V. Sokolov, S. E. Shaldaev, M. A. Aleksandrov, “Calculation and research of space-temporal characteristics of attack abrases of asteroids by orbital means”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 18:6 (2019),  1462–1490  mathnet
5. V. I. Salukhov, B. V. Sokolov, “Scientific and methodological directions of preparation of specialists in the system of distributed situation centers and centers of competence”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2018, no. 6-3,  89–96  mathnet  elib
6. D. A. Ivanov, M. A. Ivanova, B. V. Sokolov, “Analysis of transformation trends in enterprise management principles in the era of Industry 4.0 technology”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 60 (2018),  97–127  mathnet  elib 9
7. E. P. Minakov, B. V. Sokolov, S. E. Shaldaev, “Investigation of the characteristics of the near-moon system for hitting asteroids”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 54 (2017),  106–129  mathnet  elib
8. E. P. Minakov, B. V. Sokolov, “Investigation of Allocation Characteristics and Deployment Variants of Ground-Based Missiles for Asteroid Destruction”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 48 (2016),  182–197  mathnet  elib
9. A. M. Alabyan, V. Zelentsov, I. N. Krylenko, S. A. Potryasaev, B. V. Sokolov, R. M. Yusupov, “Operational Flood Forecasting on the Basis of Complex Proactive Modeling and Integration of Heterogeneous Data”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 41 (2015),  5–33  mathnet 3
10. A. Lektauers, M. Yu. Okhtilev, S. A. Potryasaev, B. V. Sokolov, A. Chuprikov, V. Shmelev, “Analysis of perspective conception and methods of integrated modeling of self-organization computing technologies in critical applications”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 29 (2013),  144–169  mathnet
11. S. A. Potryasaev, B. V. Sokolov, R. M. Yusupov, “Conceptual and formal description of structure-functionalsynthesis and development control problems of space and ground based date monitoring information systems”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 28 (2013),  82–106  mathnet
12. V. Zelentsov, A. Kovalev, M. Yu. Okhtilev, B. V. Sokolov, R. M. Yusupov, “Creation and application methodology of the intelligent information technology of complexity objects space and ground based monitoring”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 28 (2013),  7–81  mathnet
13. A. M. Plotnikov, Yu. I. Ryzhikov, B. V. Sokolov, R. M. Yusupov, “The analysis of current status and development trends of simulation in the Russian Federation (on conference proceedings «Simulation. Theory and practice» (IMMOD))”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 25 (2013),  42–112  mathnet
14. N. P. Kirillov, B. V. Sokolov, E. G. Tsivirko, R. M. Yusupov, “Perspectives of usage of new information technologies for dangerous cargo’s state check”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2012, no. 3,  43–51  mathnet  elib
15. I. V. Solov'eva, B. V. Sokolov, “Algorithm of plan operation correction of corporate information system based on the position optimization method”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 20 (2012),  153–164  mathnet 1
16. M. Yu. Okhtilev, B. V. Sokolov, R. M. Yusupov, “Interdisciplinary branch of system knowledge and its impact on the development of intellectual technologies”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2011, no. 1,  217–220  mathnet  elib
17. V. N. Kalinin, M. Yu. Okhtilev, B. V. Sokolov, “Multiagent interpretation of the concept of active moving object”, News of the Kabardin-Balkar scientific center of RAS, 2011, no. 1,  122–126  mathnet  elib
18. R. M. Yusupov, B. V. Sokolov, Ptushkin A.I., A. V. Ikonnikova, S. A. Potryasaev, E. G. Tsivirko, “Research problems analysis of artificial objects lifecycle management”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 16 (2011),  37–109  mathnet
19. B. V. Sokolov, R. M. Yusupov, “Multiple-model description and structure dynamics analysis of space-facilities control systems”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 15 (2010),  7–53  mathnet
20. B. V. Sokolov, “Dynamic models and algorithms of comprehensive scheduling for ground-based facilities communication with navigation spacecrafts”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 13 (2010),  7–44  mathnet
21. A. N. Pavlov, B. V. Sokolov, S. A. Osipenko, “General algorithm for synthesis of structural states classes of information system”, Informatsionnye Tekhnologii i Vychslitel'nye Sistemy, 2009, no. 4,  3–8  mathnet  elib
22. B. V. Sokolov, E. G. Tsivirko, R. M. Yusupov, “Influence analysis of informatics and computer science on development of theory and systems of control by complex objects”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 11 (2009),  11–51  mathnet
23. A. N. Pavlov, B. V. Sokolov, “Structural analysis of disaster-tolerance information system”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 8 (2009),  128–153  mathnet 1
24. N.P. Kirillov, V.P. Dashevsky, B.V. Sokolov, R.M. Yusupov, “Perspective applications of radio frequency identification in libraries and museums”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 7 (2008),  48–53  mathnet
25. N.P. Kirillov, B.V. Sokolov, “The problems of technical-organizational complex systems management in crisis situations”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 6 (2008),  35–43  mathnet
26. M.Yu. Okhtilev, B.V. Sokolov, “Problems of the development and using of automation monitoring systems of complex technical objects”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 1:1 (2002),  167–180  mathnet 1
27. V. N. Kalinin, B. V. Sokolov, “A dynamic model and an optimal scheduling algorithm for a set of activities with bans on interrupts”, Avtomat. i Telemekh., 1987, no. 1,  106–114  mathnet 2
28. V. N. Kalinin, B. V. Sokolov, “A dynamic model of a readjustment process of devices of an active moving object”, Differ. Uravn., 23:9 (1987),  1626–1629  mathnet  zmath 1
29. V. N. Kalinin, B. V. Sokolov, “Optimal planning of a process of interaction of active moving objects”, Differ. Uravn., 21:5 (1985),  752–757  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath 2

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