Filchenkov, Andrey Aleksandrovich

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Total publications: 37
Scientific articles: 37

Number of views:
This page:778
Abstract pages:10208
Full texts:3914
Speciality: 05.13.18; 05.13.17 (Mathematical modeling, numerical methods, and the program systems; Theoretical foundation for informatics)
Birth date: 31.07.1988
Keywords: artificial intelligence, algebraical bayesian networks, seconday structure, expert systems.
UDC: 5.13.17
MSC: 68R01


Algebraical bayesian networks, logical probabilistical models.


2010–nowdays — Ph.D. Student. Saint-Petersburg State University, mathematical and mechanical faculty, Computer Science Department, 5.13.17.

2005–2010 — International Banking Institute, part-time study faculty, Department of Finances.

2005–2010 — saint-Petersburg State University, software and administration of informational systems , Computer Science Department.

Graduation project theme: "Synthesis of minimal adjacency graph familiy representing algebraical Bayesain networ secondary structure".

1997–2005 — physical and mathematical gymnasium 261, Saint-Petersburg.

Main publications:
  1. Filchenkov A.A., Tulupyev A.L., “Minimal joint graph structure synthesis”, SPIIRAS Proceedings [Trudy SPIIRAN], 2009, № 11, 104–127
  2. Oparin V.V., Filchenkov A.A., Tulupyev A.L. Sirotkin A.V., “Matroidal representation for the join graphs family built on a set of knowledge patterns”, Nauchno-technichesky Vestink ITMO, 2010, № 4, 73–76
List of publications on Google Scholar
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. B. Timofeenko, V. Efimova, A. Filchenkov, “Vector graphics generation with LLMs: approaches and models”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 530 (2023),  24–37  mathnet
2. M. Dziuba, I. Jarsky, V. Efimova, A. Filchenkov, “Image vectorization: a review”, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 530 (2023),  6–23  mathnet
3. A. A. Azarov, M. V. Abramov, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. A. Filchenkov, “The use of probabilistic relational models of complex "critical documents - information system - the user - the attacker" for the analysis of security of information systems users from social engineering attacks”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya, 10:2 (2015),  209–221  mathnet  elib
4. A. A. Filchenkov, A. A. Zolotin, A. L. Tulupyev, “Graph structures in relational databases, constraint satisfaction and Bayesian networks”, Nechetkie Sistemy i Myagkie Vychisleniya, 10:2 (2015),  155–179  mathnet  elib
5. A. A. Filchenkov, “Algebraic Bayesian network primary structure transformation to an acyclic one that preserves its probabilistic semantics”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 30 (2013),  156–168  mathnet
6. A. A. Azarov, E. V. Brodovskaya, A. V. Vakhromeeva, A. A. Glazkov, O. V. Dmitrieva, V. F. Musina, V. D. Nechaev, A.V. Suvorova, A. L. Tulupyev, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. A. Filchenkov, V. I. Shulzhenok, R. M. Yusupov, “Memes and social engineering attacks in virtual space”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 30 (2013),  88–121  mathnet
7. A. A. Filchenkov, K. V. Frolenkov, A. V. Sirotkin, A. L. Tulupyev, “Minimal join graph subsets synthesis system”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 27 (2013),  200–244  mathnet 2
8. A. V. Byatkin, A. A. Filchenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, V. F. Musina, K. V. Frolenkov, “Approaches for algebraic Bayesian networks primary structure cyclicity elimination”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 26 (2013),  216–233  mathnet 2
9. A.V. Suvorova, V. F. Musina, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. L. Tulupyev, T. V. Krasnoselskih, A. A. Filchenkov, A. A. Azarov, N. Abdala, “Automated questionnaire based on the questions about the episodes of respondents’ risky behavior: primary analysis of application results”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 26 (2013),  175–193  mathnet 1
10. A. A. Azarov, E. V. Brodovskaya, A. Yu. Bubnov, R. Ya. Gibadulin, A. A. Glazkov, O. V. Dmitrieva, A. M. Dolgorukov, R. I. Zhdanov, V. F. Musina, V. D. Nechaev, A. S. Ognev, A. V. Sirotkin, A.V. Suvorova, V. V. Titov, A. L. Tulupyev, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. A. Filchenkov, R. M. Yusupov, “Predictor Mining: Data Mining application to Social Computing”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 26 (2013),  136–161  mathnet 1
11. A. A. Filchenkov, V. F. Musina, A. L. Tulupyev, “Algorithm for minimal join graph’s randomized synthesis”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 25 (2013),  221–234  mathnet 1
12. K. V. Frolenkov, A. A. Filchenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Sibling criterion for cyclicity of minimal joint graphs”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 25 (2013),  190–203  mathnet
13. A. M. Alexeyev, A. A. Filchenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Decoding algorithm for binary linear hidden Markov models represented in the form of algebraic Bayesian networks”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 24 (2013),  165–177  mathnet
14. K. V. Frolenkov, A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Posteriori inference in tertiary polystructure of an algebraic Bayesian network”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 23 (2012),  343–356  mathnet 3
15. A. A. Fil'chenkov, “Measures of truth and probabilistic graphical models for representation of knowledge with uncertainty”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 23 (2012),  254–295  mathnet  elib 8
16. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Algorithm for Detection Algebraic Bayesian Network Primary Structure Acyclicity Based on Number of Minimal Join Graph Edges Estimating”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 22 (2012),  205–223  mathnet 2
17. A. A. Fil'chenkov, K. V. Frolenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Algebraic Bayesian Network Secondary Structure Cycles Elimination Based on its Quaternary Structure Analysis”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 21 (2012),  143–156  mathnet 4
18. L. M. Revzin, A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Representation of multinomial linear hidden Markov models in the form of algebraic Bayesian networks”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 20 (2012),  186–199  mathnet 1
19. A. A. Azarov, T. V. Tulupyeva, A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Likelihood and relational methods for representing “informational system – personnel – critical documents” complex model.”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 20 (2012),  57–71  mathnet 9
20. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Algorithm for detection of algebraic Bayesian network primary structure acyclicity based on its quaternary structure”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 19 (2011),  128–145  mathnet 5
21. A. A. Fil'chenkov, “Algebraic Bayesian Network Tertiary Polystructure Elements Synthesis Algorithms”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 18 (2011),  237–266  mathnet 2
22. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “The Algebraic Bayesian Network Tertiary Structure”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 18 (2011),  164–187  mathnet 7
23. A. A. Fil'chenkov, “Algebraic Bayesian Network Tertiary Structure Synthesis Algorithms”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 17 (2011),  197–218  mathnet 5
24. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “The Algebraic Bayesian Network Minimal Join Graphs Cycles Analysis”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 17 (2011),  151–173  mathnet 13
25. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Term of Rib Cage in Application to the Algebraic Bayesian Network Join Graphs Analysis”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 16 (2011),  186–205  mathnet 6
26. A. A. Filchenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, A. V. Sirotkin, “Algebraic bayesian network maximal join graph cliques structual analysis”, Vestnik TVGU. Ser. Prikl. Matem. [Herald of Tver State University. Ser. Appl. Math.], 2011, no. 20,  139–151  mathnet  elib 11
27. A. A. Fil'chenkov, “Minimal join graph set synthesis proprietor possession cliques algorithm”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 15 (2010),  193–212  mathnet 7
28. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, A. V. Sirotkin, “The cardinal number of a minimal join graph set”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 15 (2010),  136–161  mathnet 6
29. A. A. Fil'chenkov, “Minimal join graph set synthesis self-managed possession cliques algorithm”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 14 (2010),  150–169  mathnet 12
30. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, A. V. Sirotkin, “Join graph edges in context of algebraic Bayesian network minimal join graph cliques comparative analysis”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 14 (2010),  132–149  mathnet 9
31. M. P. Momzikova, O. I. Velikodnaya, M. I. Pinsky, A. V. Sirotkin, A. L. Tulupyev, A. A. Fil'chenkov, “An observed sequence probability estimate in binary linear hidden Markov models with posterior inference in algebraic Bayesian networks”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 13 (2010),  122–142  mathnet 6
32. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, A. V. Sirotkin, “Algebraic Bayesian networks minimal join graphcliques comparative analysis”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 13 (2010),  87–105  mathnet 10
33. A. A. Fil'chenkov, “Minimal join graph set synthesis possession cliques algorithm”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 13 (2010),  67–86  mathnet 7
34. M. P. Momzikova, O. I. Velikodnaya, M. I. Pinsky, A. V. Sirotkin, A. L. Tulupyev, A. A. Fil'chenkov, “Representation of binary linear hidden Markov models in the form of algebraic Bayesian networks”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 12 (2010),  134–150  mathnet 6
35. A. A. Fil'chenkov, “Minimal join graph set synthesis self-managing cliques algorithm”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 12 (2010),  119–133  mathnet 13
36. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, A. V. Sirotkin, “Algebraic Bayesian networks secondary structure analysis features”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 12 (2010),  97–118  mathnet 20
37. A. A. Fil'chenkov, A. L. Tulupyev, “Minimal joint graph structure synthesis”, Tr. SPIIRAN, 11 (2009),  104–129  mathnet 16

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