Kronberg, Dmitry Anatolevich

Total publications: 48 (45)
in MathSciNet: 18 (18)
in zbMATH: 2 (2)
in Web of Science: 27 (27)
in Scopus: 31 (31)
Cited articles: 32
Citations: 173
Presentations: 104

Number of views:
This page:4524
Abstract pages:6054
Full texts:1331
Kronberg, Dmitry Anatolevich
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2010)
Speciality: 01.01.05 (Probability theory and mathematical statistics)
Birth date: 20.03.1985
Keywords: quantum cryptography, quantum information, quantum computations, quantum information theory, coding.


Quantum cryptography

Main publications:
  1. D. A. Kronberg, “A simple coherent attack and practical security of differential phase shift quantum cryptography”, Laser Physics, 24 (2014), 025202  crossref
  2. D. A. Kronberg, “Coherence of quantum ensemble as a dual to uncertainty for a single observable”, Lobachevskii J. Math, 40:10 (2019), 1507–1515  mathnet
  3. D. A. Kronberg, A. S. Nikolaeva, Yu. V. Kurochkin, A. K. Fedorov, “Quantum soft filtering for the improved security analysis of the coherent one-way quantum-key-distribution protocol”, Phys. Rev. A, 101:3 (2020), 32334  mathnet
  4. N. R. Kenbaev, D. A. Kronberg, “Quantum postselective measurements: Sufficient condition for overcoming the Holevo bound and the role of max-relative entropy”, Phys. Rev. A, 105:1 (2022), 012609  mathnet

Full list of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. D. A. Kronberg, “On the Structure of Postselective Transformations of Quantum States”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 324 (2024), 123–134  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  scopus
2. G. G. Amosov, A. D. Baranov, D. A. Kronberg, “On positive operator-valued measures generated by a family of one-dimensional projectors”, Ann. Funct. Anal., 15 (2024), 48 , 12 pp.  mathnet  crossref  isi;
3. D. A. Kronberg, “A quantum scheme for attack on a phase-time encoded quantum cryptography protocol”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 15:2 (2024), 91–100  mathnet  crossref
4. D. A. Kronberg, “Vulnerability of quantum cryptography with phase–time coding under attenuation conditions”, Theoret. and Math. Phys., 214:1 (2023), 121–131  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  scopus
5. A. S. Avanesov, D. A. Kronberg, “On postselective modifications of quantum observables”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 44:6 (2023), 1980–1989  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib; 1
6. V. A. Pastushenko, D. A. Kronberg, “On classical data processing which affects additivity of quantum accessible information”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 44:6 (2023), 2160–2168  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib; 1
7. A. D. Kodukhov, D. A. Kronberg, “Entanglement-based approach to quantum coherence, path information, and uncertainty”, Phys. Rev. A, 108 (2023), 052429 , 9 pp.  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi;
8. Timur Klevtsov, Dmitry Kronberg, “Assisted postselective quantum transformations and an improved photon number splitting attack strategy”, Mathematics, 11:24 (2023), 4973 , 11 pp.  mathnet  crossref  isi; 1
9. N. R. Kenbaev, D. A. Kronberg, “Quantum postselective measurements: Sufficient condition for overcoming the Holevo bound and the role of max-relative entropy”, Phys. Rev. A, 105:1 (2022), 12609 , 6 pp.  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus; 7
10. D. A. Kronberg, E. O. Kiktenko, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov, “Comments on the Paper “Are There Enough Decoy States to Ensure Key Secrecy in Quantum Cryptography?” by S. N. Molotkov, K. S. Kravtsov, and M. I. Ryzhkin and on the Erratum to This Paper”, J. Exp. Theor. Phys., 134:5 (2022), 533–535  mathnet  crossref  crossref  elib  scopus
11. D. Babukhin, D. Kronberg, D. Sych, “Explicit attacks on the Bennett-Brassard 1984 protocol with partially distinguishable photons”, Phys. Rev. A, 106 (2022), 042403 , 9 pp., arXiv: 2205.15964  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet; 3
12. D. A. Kronberg, “Modification of Quantum Measurements by Mapping onto Quantum States and Classical Outcomes”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 43:7 (2022), 1663–1668  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet; 3
13. D. A. Kronberg, “Success probability for postselective transformations of pure quantum states”, Phys. Rev. A, 106:4 (2022), 42447 , 6 pp.  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet; 5
14. A. S. Trushechkin, E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, A. K. Fedorov, “Security of the decoy state method for quantum key distribution”, Phys. Usp., 64:1 (2021), 88–102  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
15. D. A. Kronberg, “Increasing the Distinguishability of Quantum States with an Arbitrary Success Probability”, Proc. Steklov Inst. Math., 313 (2021), 113–119  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
16. N. R. Kenbaev, D. A. Kronberg, “Quantum measurement with post-selection for two mixed states”, AIP Conf. Proc., 2362, 2021, 050001 , 5 pp.  mathnet  crossref  scopus;
17. A. B. Sagingalieva, D. A. Kronberg, “Adaptive algorithms of error correction and error estimation in quantum cryptography”, AIP Conf. Proc., 2362, 2021, 050002 , 8 pp.  mathnet  crossref  scopus; 1
18. Alexey Kodukhov, Dmitry Kronberg, “Measuring entangled state: On connection between observable uncertainty and ensemble coherence”, AIP Conf. Proc., 2362, 2021, 050003 , 7 pp.  mathnet  crossref  scopus; 1
19. D. A. Kronberg, “Comment on “Practical quantum key distribution with geometrically uniform states””, Phys. Rev. A, 104:2 (2021), 026401 , 3 pp.  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus; 2
20. D. A. Kronberg, “Vulnerabilities of quantum cryptography on geometrically uniform coherent states”, Quantum Electronics, 51:10 (2021), 928–937  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
21. A. D. Kodukhov, V. A. Pastushenko, N. S. Kirsanov, D. A. Kronberg, V. M. Vinokur, M. Pflitsch, G. B. Lesovik, Boosting quantum key distribution via the end-to-end physical control, 2021 , 14 pp., arXiv: 2109.05575
22. V. Rodimin, A. Tayduganov, D. Kronberg, Y. Durkin, A. Zharinov, Y. Kurochkin, Go-and-return phase encoded SR QKD and its security consideration, 2021 , 15 pp., arXiv: 2106.10082
23. A. S. Avanesov, D. A. Kronberg, “On eavesdropping strategy for symmetric coherent states quantum cryptography using heterodyne measurement”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 42:10 (2021), 2285–2294  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus; 4
24. N. S. Kirsanov, N. R. Kenbaev, A. B. Sagingalieva, D. A. Kronberg, V. M. Vinokur, G. B. Lesovik, Long-distance quantum key distribution based on the physical loss control, 2021 , 20 pp., arXiv: 2105.00035
25. D. A. Kronberg, A. S. Nikolaeva, Yu. V. Kurochkin, A. K. Fedorov, “Quantum soft filtering for the improved security analysis of the coherent one-way quantum-key-distribution protocol”, Phys. Rev. A, 101:3 (2020), 32334 , 7 pp., arXiv: 1910.06167  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  scopus;  mathscinet 19
26. A. S. Avanesov, D. A. Kronberg, “Possibilities of using practical limitations of an eavesdropper in quantum cryptography”, Quantum Electronics, 50:5 (2020), 454–460  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
27. D. A. Kronberg, “Role of collective preparation and measurement of states in some quantum communication protocols”, Quantum Electronics, 50:5 (2020), 461–468  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
28. A. S. Avanesov, D. A. Kronberg, “On applying pseudorandom number generators in quantum cryptography with coherent states”, AIP Conf. Proc., 2241, 2020, 20026 , 4 pp.  mathnet  crossref  isi  scopus;
29. D. A. Kronberg, “Generalized discrimination between symmetric coherent states for eavesdropping in quantum cryptography”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 41:12 (2020), 2332–2337  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus;  mathscinet 8
30. A. S. Avanesov, D. A. Kronberg, “Coherent-state quantum cryptography using pseudorandom number generators”, Quantum Electronics, 49:10 (2019), 974–981  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
31. D. A. Kronberg, “Coherence of quantum ensemble as a dual to uncertainty for a single observable”, Lobachevskii J. Math., 40:10 (2019), 1507–1515  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 5
32. A. S. Avanesov, D. A. Kronberg, A. N. Pechen, “Active beam splitting attack applied to differential phase shift quantum key distribution protocol”, P-Adic Numbers Ultrametric Anal. Appl., 10:3 (2018), 222–232 , arXiv: 1910.08339  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 10
33. D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, “Role of intensity fluctuations in quantum cryptography with coherent states”, Quantum Electron., 48:9 (2018), 843–848  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
34. D. A. Kronberg, E. O. Kiktenko, A. K. Fedorov, Yu. V. Kurochkin, “Analysis of coherent quantum cryptography protocol vulnerability to an active beam-splitting attack”, Quantrum Electron., 47:2 (2017), 163–168  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
35. D. A. Kronberg, “New methods of error correction in quantum cryptography using low-density parity-check codes”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 8:2 (2017), 77–86  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib 4
36. D. A. Kronberg, S. N. Molotkov, “Duality of quantum communication channels and a collective intercept-resend attack on quantum key distribution with differential phase shift”, JETP Letters, 100:4 (2014), 279–284  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
37. D. A. Kronberg, S. N. Molotkov, “On a beam splitter attack and soft filtering of coherent states in differential phase shift quantum cryptography”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 118:1 (2014), 1–10  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
38. D. A. Kronberg, “A simple coherent attack and practical security of differential phase shift quantum cryptography”, Laser Physics, 24:2 (2014), 025202 , 4 pp.  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 6
39. D. A. Kronberg, “Rasshirenie oblasti sekretnosti protokola kvantovogo raspredeleniya klyuchei s fazovo-vremennym kodirovaniem”, Sbornik statei molodykh uchenykh fakulteta VMK MGU, Izdatelskii otdel fakulteta VMK MGU, 2011, 69–82
40. D. A. Kronberg, S. N. Molotkov, “Enhancement of the robustness of phase-time quantum cryptography by block error correction”, JETP Letters, 92:7 (2010), 490–495  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
41. D. A. Kronberg, S. N. Molotkov, “Quantum scheme for an optimal attack on quantum key distribution protocol BB84”, Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics, 74:7 (2010), 912–918  crossref  zmath  adsnasa  scopus
42. D. A. Kronberg, S. N. Molotkov, “Quantum circuit for optimal eavesdropping in quantum key distribution using phase-time coding”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 111:1 (2010), 27–56  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
43. D. A. Kronberg, S. N. Molotkov, “Quantum key distribution in a single-photon regime with nonorthogonal basis states”, JETP Letters, 89:7 (2009), 370–376  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
44. D.A. Kronberg, S.N.Molotkov, “Security of a two-parameter quantum cryptography system using time-shifted states against photon-number splitting attacks”, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics, 109:4 (2009), 557–584  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
45. D.A.Kronberg, S.N.Molotkov, “Robustness of quantum cryptography: SARG04 key-distribution protocol”, Laser Physics, 19:4 (2009), 884-893  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus 10
46. D. A. Kronberg, Yu. I. Ozhigov, A. Yu. Chernyavskii, Kvantovaya kriptografiya, Maks Press, Moskva, 2011 , 112 pp.
47. D. A. Kronberg, Yu. I. Ozhigov, A. Yu. Chernyavskii, Kvantovaya informatika i kvantovyi kompyuter, Maks Press, Moskva, 2011 , 68 pp.
48. D. A. Kronberg, Yu. I. Ozhigov, A. Yu. Chernyavskii, Algebraicheskii apparat kvantovoi informatiki, Maks Press, Moskva, 2011 , 56 pp.

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Lecture 6. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 8, 2024 11:30   
2. Lecture 5. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 8, 2024 10:00   
3. Lecture 4. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 24, 2024 11:30   
4. Lecture 3. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 24, 2024 10:00   
5. Lecture 2. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 17, 2024 11:30   
6. Lecture 1. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 10, 2024 11:30   
7. О стратегии прослушивания для протоколов квантовой криптографии на геометрически однородных когерентных состояниях
T. Klevtsov, D. A. Kronberg
International conference “Theory of Functions, Operator Theory and Quantum Information Theory”
June 11, 2024 15:20   
8. О структуре постселективных преобразований квантовых состояний
D. A. Kronberg
International conference “Theory of Functions, Operator Theory and Quantum Information Theory”
June 9, 2024 16:40
9. Основанный на сцепленности подход к связи квантовой когерентности ансамбля и неопределенности наблюдаемой
D. A. Kronberg
Seminar on Quantum Probability, Statistics, Information
January 22, 2024 16:20
10. Атакующие действия для квантовой криптографии на симметричных когерентных состояниях
D. A. Kronberg
Eavesdropping in Quantum Cryptography and Related Mathematical Problems
December 25, 2023 17:30
11. Lecture 11. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
December 5, 2023 11:30   
12. Lecture 10. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 28, 2023 11:30   
13. Lecture 9. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 14, 2023 11:30   
14. Lecture 8. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 7, 2023 11:30   
15. Lecture 7. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 31, 2023 11:30   
16. Ранние атаки на протоколы квантового распределения ключей и их типы
D. A. Kronberg
Eavesdropping in Quantum Cryptography and Related Mathematical Problems
October 30, 2023 17:30
17. Lecture 6. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 24, 2023 11:30   
18. Lecture 5. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 17, 2023 11:30   
19. Lecture 4. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 3, 2023 11:30   
20. Lecture 3. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 26, 2023 11:30   
21. Lecture 2. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 19, 2023 11:30   
22. Lecture 1. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 12, 2023 11:30   
23. Lecture 11. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
December 13, 2022 11:30   
24. Postselective transformations of quantum states and the role of quantum maximum relative entropy
D. A. Kronberg
Mathematics in Quantum Technologies - 2022
December 6, 2022 11:45
25. Lecture 10. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 29, 2022 11:30   
26. Lecture 9. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 22, 2022 11:30   
27. Lecture 8. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 15, 2022 11:30   
28. Lecture 7. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 1, 2022 11:30   
29. Lecture 6. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 25, 2022 11:30   
30. Generalization of quantum observables based on quantum-classical channels and application of the approach in quantum cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
International Conference "Functions Theory, Operators Theory and Quantum Information Theory"
October 20, 2022 16:20   
31. Lecture 5. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 18, 2022 11:30   
32. Lecture 4. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 11, 2022 11:30   
33. Lecture 3. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 4, 2022 11:30   
34. Lecture 2. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 27, 2022 11:30   
35. Lecture 1. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 20, 2022 11:30   
36. Lecture 14. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
December 15, 2021 13:10   
37. Partial measurement of the linked state. Relationship between Observed Uncertainty and Ensemble Coherence
A. D. Kodukhov, D. A. Kronberg
International Youth Workshop "Mathematical Methods in the Problems of Quantum Technologies"
December 8, 2021 14:00   
38. Postselective quantum measurements and the Holevo boundary violation effect
N. R. Kenbaev, D. A. Kronberg
International Youth Workshop "Mathematical Methods in the Problems of Quantum Technologies"
December 8, 2021 12:30   
39. Upper Bounds for the Security of Quantum Cryptography Using Geometrically Homogeneous Coherent States
D. A. Kronberg
International Youth Workshop "Mathematical Methods in the Problems of Quantum Technologies"
December 8, 2021 11:00   
40. Lecture 13. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
December 1, 2021 13:10   
41. Lecture 12. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 24, 2021 13:10   
42. Lecture 11. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 17, 2021 13:10   
43. Lecture 10. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 10, 2021 13:10   
44. Lecture 9. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
November 3, 2021 13:10   
45. Some eavesdropping strategies for quantum cryptography based on symmetric coherent states
D. A. Kronberg
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Methods for Quantum Technologies, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
October 27, 2021 16:30
46. Lecture 8. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 27, 2021 13:10   
47. Lecture 7. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 20, 2021 13:10   
48. Lecture 6. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 13, 2021 13:10   
49. Lecture 5. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
October 6, 2021 13:10   
50. Постселективные квантовые измерения и эффект нарушения границы Холево
D. A. Kronberg, N. R. Kenbaev
Function Theory, Operator Theory and Quantum Information Theory
October 4, 2021 16:30   
51. Lecture 4. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 29, 2021 13:10   
52. Lecture 3. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 22, 2021 13:10   
53. Lecture 2. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 15, 2021 13:10   
54. Lecture 1. Quantum Cryptography
D. A. Kronberg
Quantum Cryptography
September 8, 2021 13:10   
55. On eavesdropping strategy for symmetric coherent states quantum cryptography using heterodyne measurement
A. S. Avanesov, D. A. Kronberg
International Conference on Algebra, Analysis and Geometry - 2021
August 26, 2021 17:30   
56. Upper bounds for the security of quantum cryptography on geometrically uniform coherent states
D. A. Kronberg
International Conference on Algebra, Analysis and Geometry - 2021
August 26, 2021 16:50   
57. Lecture 16. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
December 22, 2020 18:00   
58. Lecture 15. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
December 15, 2020 18:00   
59. Lecture 14. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
December 8, 2020 18:00   
60. Lecture 13. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
December 1, 2020 18:00   
61. Lecture 12. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
November 24, 2020 18:00   
62. Lecture 11. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
November 17, 2020 18:00   
63. Lecture 10. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
November 10, 2020 18:00   
64. Lecture 9. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
November 3, 2020 18:00   
65. Об увеличении различимости ансамблей квантовых состояний
D. A. Kronberg
Conference on Mathematical Methods for Quantum Technologies
November 3, 2020 15:45   
66. Lecture 8. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
October 27, 2020 18:00   
67. Lecture 7. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
October 20, 2020 18:00   
68. Lecture 6. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
October 13, 2020 18:00   
69. Lecture 5. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
October 6, 2020 18:00   
70. Lecture 4. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
September 29, 2020 18:00   
71. Lecture 3. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
September 22, 2020 18:00   
72. Lecture 2. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
September 15, 2020 18:00   
73. Lecture 1. Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography
A. S. Trushechkin, D. A. Kronberg
Course by A. S. Trushechkin and D. A. Kronberg "Mathematical foundations of quantum cryptography"
September 8, 2020 18:00   
74. Квантовые наблюдаемые с постселекцией
D. A. Kronberg
Seminar on Quantum Probability, Statistics, Information
November 28, 2019 13:00
75. On the connection between coherence of quantum ensemble and entropic uncertainty relations
D. A. Kronberg
Third Youth Workshop "Mathematical Methods in the Problems of Quantum Technologies"
November 25, 2019 10:50   
76. On information gain from collective measurements in quantum information
D. A. Kronberg
Second International Youth Workshop "Mathematical Methods in the Problems of Quantum Technologies"
November 26, 2018 14:30   
77. New attack strategies for quantum cryptography protocols
D. A. Kronberg
Scientific session of the Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS dedicated to the results of 2018
November 21, 2018 12:15   
78. On eavesdropping in quantum cryptography: active beam splitting attack applied to coherent one-way QKD protocol
D. A. Kronberg
International conference "Quantum information, statistics, probability" with a special session dedicated to A. S. Holevo's 75-th birthday
September 14, 2018 15:15   
79. Quantum key distribution security and related problems
D. A. Kronberg
Colloquium of Steklov Mathematical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences
May 10, 2018 16:00   
80. Математика квантовых технологий. Лекция 10
D. A. Kronberg

December 11, 2017 18:00   
81. Математика квантовых технологий. Лекция 9
D. A. Kronberg

December 4, 2017 18:00   
82. Математика квантовых технологий. Лекция 8
D. A. Kronberg

November 27, 2017 18:00   
83. Математика квантовых технологий. Лекция 7
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg

November 20, 2017 18:00   
84. Математика квантовых технологий. Лекция 1
A. N. Pechen, D. A. Kronberg

October 9, 2017 18:00   
85. О стойкости идеализированной схемы квантового распределения ключей на двух неортогональных кубитах
D. A. Kronberg
International youth workshop «Mathematical methods in the problems of quantum technologies»
October 9, 2017 11:40   
86. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 27
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

May 26, 2017 18:00   
87. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 26
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

May 19, 2017 18:00   
88. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 25
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

May 12, 2017 18:00   
89. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 24
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

May 5, 2017 18:00   
90. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 23
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

April 28, 2017 18:00   
91. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 22
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

April 21, 2017 18:00   
92. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 21
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

April 14, 2017 18:00   
93. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 20
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

April 7, 2017 18:00   
94. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 19
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

March 31, 2017 18:00   
95. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 18
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

March 24, 2017 18:00   
96. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 17
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

March 17, 2017 18:00   
97. Quantum cryptography protocols based on coherent states and eavesdropping strategies
D. A. Kronberg
Seminar of the Department of Mathematical Physics, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
March 16, 2017 11:00
98. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 16
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

March 10, 2017 18:00   
99. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 15
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin, A. K. Fedorov

March 3, 2017 18:00   
100. Квантовая криптография. Лекция 14
E. O. Kiktenko, D. A. Kronberg, Yu. V. Kurochkin, O. V. Lychkovskiy, A. S. Trushechkin

February 17, 2017 18:00   
101. О подслушивании протоколов квантовой криптографии на когерентных состояниях
D. A. Kronberg
Seminar on Quantum Probability, Statistics, Information
March 17, 2014 16:30
102. Системы квантовой криптографии с фазово-временным сдвигом
D. A. Kronberg
Seminar on Quantum Probability, Statistics, Information
September 20, 2010 16:00
103. О новых (конструктивных) контрпримерах к гипотезе мультипликативности (по статье arxiv: 0911.2515)
D. A. Kronberg
Seminar on Quantum Probability, Statistics, Information
November 30, 2009 18:00
104. О точном распределении собственных значений редуцированного оператора плотности
D. A. Kronberg
Seminar on Quantum Probability, Statistics, Information
April 20, 2009 14:00

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