Gamzatov, A G

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Total publications: 17
Scientific articles: 16

Number of views:
This page:332
Abstract pages:2044
Full texts:631
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2011)
Speciality: 01.04.07 (Physics of condensed states)
Keywords: 1



Main publications:
  • 1. A.G. Gamzatov, A.M. Aliev, A.B. Batdalov, Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, O.V. Melnikov, O.Yu. Gorbenko. Magnitokaloricheskii effekt v Ag- dopirovannykh manganitakh lantana, Pisma v ZhTF, tom 32, vyp. 11, s.16-21 (2006). 2. Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, A.M. Aliev, A.G. Gamzatov, V.I. Nizhankovskii, Kh. Medge, O.Yu. Gorbenko, Teploemkost manganita Sm0.55Sr0.45MnO3 v polyakh do 15 Tl: anomalnoe kriticheskoe povedenie ferromagnetika v magnitnom pole i nablyudenie trikriticheskoi tochki, Pisma v ZhETF, tom 84, vyp. 1, s.33-36 (2006). 3. A.G. Gamzatov, K.Sh. Khizriev, A.M. Aliev, Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, A.B. Batdalov, O.Y.Gorbenko, O.V.Melnikov. Critical behaviour of specific heat of La0.9Ag0.1MnO3 manganite // Physica B, 2007, v.390 P.155-158. 4. A.G. Gamzatov, A.M. Aliev, Sh.B.Abdulvagidov, A.B. Batdalov, O.Y.Gorbenko, A.R.Kaul. Thermal and Transport Properties of Manganites Nd1-xSrxMnO3 (x=0.5, 0.45) // Physica B, 2007, v.395 P.151-154. 5. A.G. Gamzatov, Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, A.M. Aliev, K.Sh. Khizriev, A.B. Batdalov, O.V. Melnikov, O.Yu. Gorbenko, A.R. Kaul. Teploemkost manganita La0.9Ag0.1MnO3 vblizi tochki Kyuri // FTT, 2007, T49, v.9, s.1686-1689. 6. I.K. Kamilov, A.G. Gamzatov, A.M. Aliev, A.B. Batdalov, Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, O.V. Melnikov, O.Yu. Gorbenko, A.R. Kaul. Elektricheskie i teplovye svoistva manganita La0.8Ag0.15MnO3 // FNT, 2007, T33, #.10, s. 1091-1096. 7. I.K. Kamilov, A.G. Gamzatov, A.M. Aliev, A.B. Batdalov, Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, O.V. Melnikov, O.Yu. Gorbenko, A.R. Kaul. Kineticheskie effekty v manganitakh La1-xAgyMnO3 (yx) // ZhETF, 2007, T.132, vyp. 4, s.885. 8. I.K. Kamilov, A.G. Gamzatov, A.M. Aliev, A.B. Batdalov, A.A. Aliverdiev, Sh.B.Abdulvagidov, O.V.Melnikov , O.Y.Gorbenko, A.R.Kaul. Magnetocaloric effect in the La1-xAgyMnO3 (yx) – direct and indirect measurements // Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2007, v.40, P.4413-4417. 9. A.G. Gamzatov, A.M. Aliev, Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, A.B. Batdalov, O.V. Melnikov, O.Yu. Gorbenko. Zavisimost teploemkosti manganitov La1-xAgxMnO3 ot soderzhaniya Ag // Pisma v ZhETF, tom 86, vyp. 5, 2007, 393-396. 10. A.G. Gamzatov, K.Sh. Khizriev, A.B. Batdalov, Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, A.M. Aliev, O.V. Melnikov, O.Yu. Gorbenko. Kriticheskoe povedenie teploemkosti manganitov La1-xAgxMnO3 (kh=0,1; 0,15; 0,2) v okrestnosti tochki Kyuri. Fizika nizkikh temperatur, 2009, #3, T.35, S.284-289. 11. A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, O.V. Melnikov, O.Yu. Gorbenko. Spin-polyarizovannyi transport v manganite La0.85Ag0.15MnO3. Fizika nizkikh temperatur, 2009, #3, T.35, S.290-294. 12. A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, O.V. Melnikov, O.Yu. Gorbenko. Nizkotemperaturnyi minimum v elektrosoprotivlenii manganita La0.85Ag0.15MnO3. Izvestiya RAN, Seriya Fizicheskaya, 2009, T.73, S.1079-1081. 13. Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, A.G. Gamzatov, O.V. Melnikov, O.Yu. Gorbenko. Vliyanie defitsita lantana na elektrosoprotivlenie i teploemkost manganitov La1-xAgyMnO3. ZhETF, 2009, T.136, vyp. 6, s.1885. 14. A.G. Gamzatov, A.S. Mankevich. Magnitokaloricheskie svoistva manganitov La1-x(Ag,K)xMnO3, Kratkie soobscheniya po fizike, 2009, T.36, #12, S.34-36. 15. A.G. Gamzatov, K.Sh. Khizriev, Sh.B. Abdulvagidov, A.M. Aliev. Kriticheskoe povedenie manganitov, dopirovannykh Ag // FTT, 2010, T52, v.2, s.313-315. 16. I.K. Kamilov, A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, A.S. Mankevich, I.E. Korsakov. Teploemkost i magnitokaloricheskie svoistva manganitov La1-xKxMnO3 // FTT, 2010, T52, v.4, s.735-739. 17. A.M. Aliev, A.B. Batdalov, A.G. Gamzatov, Teplofizicheskie svoistva manganitov (Nd, Sm, Eu)0.55Sr0.45MnO3 // FNT, 2010, T36, #.2, s. 217-222. 18. A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, A.M. Aliev, L.N. Khanov, Kh. Akhmadvand, Kh. Salamati, P. Kameli. Magnitokaloricheskii effekt v manganitakh Pr1-xAgxMnO3 // Pisma v ZhETF, tom 91, vyp. 7, 2010, 369-371. 19. A. G. Gamzatov, K.Sh. Khizriev, Influence of Ag doping on the critical behavior of the heat capacity of manganites. Phase Transitions Vol. 83, No. 1, 2010, 10–15 20. A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, The quantitative analysis of the temperature dependence of the resistivity in La0.85Ag0.15MnO3 manganite. Phase Transitions Vol. 83, No. 5, 2010, 10–15. 21. A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, O.V. Melnikov, A.R. Kaul, Korrelyatsiya elektricheskikh, magnitnykh i teplofizicheskikh svoistv manganita La0.85Ag0.15MnO3 vblizi temperatury fazovogo perekhoda. FTT, 2011, T53, v.1, s.170-175. 22. A.M. Aliev, A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, A.S. Mankevich, I.E. Korsakov, Magnitokaloricheskie svoistva manganitov La1-xKxMnO3. ZhETF, 2011, T.139, v.3, s529. 23. A.M. Aliev, A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, A.S. Mankevich, I.E. Korsakov. Structure and magnetocaloric properties of La1-xKxMnO3 manganites. Physica B: Condensed Matter, V.406, Issue 4, 2011, P.885-889. 24. A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov. The relation between magnetoresistance and magnetocaloric effect in La0.85Ag0.15MnO3 manganite. Physica B: Condensed Matter, V.406, Issue 10, 2011, P.1902-1905. 25. A.M. Aliev, A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, V.S. Kalitka, A.R. Kaul. Direct and inverse magnetocaloric effects in A-site ordered PrBaMn2O6 manganite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, V.509, Issue 17, 2011, P.L165-L167. 26. A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, I.K. Kamilov. Correlation of electrical and thermalphysical properties of La0.85Ag0.15MnO3 manganite. Physica B: Condensed Matter, V.406, Issue 11, 2011, P.2231-2234. 27. A.M. Aliev, A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, V.S.Kalitka, A.R.Kaul. Specific heat and low-field magnetocaloric effect in A-site ordered PrBaMn2O6 manganite. Philosophical Magazine Letters, 2011, v.91, #5, 2011, P. 354-360. 28. A.G. Gamzatov, A.M. Aliev, K.Sh. Khizriev, I.K. Kamilov, A.S. Mankevich. Critical behaviour of La0.87K0.13MnO3 manganite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, V.509, Issue 17, 2011, P.L165-L167. 29. A.G. Gamzatov, A.M. Aliev, K.Sh. Khizriev, I.K. Kamilov, A.S. Mankevich, I.E. Korsakov. Kriticheskoe povedenie teploemkosti manganita La0.87K0.13MnO3. FTT, 2011, T.53, v.11, s.170-175. 30. A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, Sootnoshenie mezhdu magnitosoprotivleniem i magnitokaloricheskim effektom v manganitakh La1-xAgxMnO3, FTT, 2012, tom 54, vypusk 1, S66. 31. A.G. Gamzatov, A.B. Batdalov, L.N. Khanov, A.S. Mankevich, I.E. Korsakov, A.R. Kaul, Vliyanie granits zeren na elektrosoprotivlenie manganitov La1-xKxMnO3, FTT, 2012, tom 54, vypusk 3, S.576. 32. A.G. Gamzatov, I.K. Kamilov, The dependence of percolation threshold on doping degree in La1-x(K, Ag)xMnO3 manganites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 513, 5 February 2012, Pages 334-338
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Publications in Math-Net.Ru Citations
1. A.G. Gamzatov, S. A. Gudin, T. R. Arslanov, M. N. Markelova, A. R. Kaul, “Effect of hydrostatic pressure on the resistivity of La$_{0.8}$Ag$_{0.1}$MnO$_3$ ceramic near $T_C$”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 115:4 (2022),  218–223  mathnet; JETP Letters, 115:4 (2022), 190–195 2
2. A. B. Gadzhiev, A.G. Gamzatov, A. B. Batdalov, A. M. Aliev, D. Nanto, B. Kurniawan, S.-C. Yu, D.-H. Kim, “Heat capacity and magnetocaloric effect in manganites La$_{0.7}$Sr$_x$Ba$_{0.3-x}$MnO$_3$”, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 6:1 (2021),  87–94  mathnet
3. A. B. Gadzhiev, A.G. Gamzatov, A. B. Batdalov, Z. A. Hurshilova, A. M. Aliev, “Thermal and magnetocaloric properties of manganites La$_{0.7}$Sr$_{0.3-x}$Ba$_{x}$MnO$_{3}$”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 63:12 (2021),  2028–2032  mathnet  elib
4. G. M. Gadjiev, A.G. Gamzatov, R. A. Aliev, N. S. Abakarova, M. Markelova, A. R. Kaul, “Negative dynamic dielectric permittivity of a ceramic multiferroic LuFe$_{2}$O$_{4}$ with oxygen nonstoichiometry under the combined influence of temperature and electric field”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 63:12 (2021),  2000–2003  mathnet  elib
5. Sh. K. Khizriev, A.G. Gamzatov, A. B. Batdalov, A. M. Aliev, L. N. Khanov, D.-H. Kim, S.-C. Yu, N. H. Yen, N. H. Dan, “Thermal, magnetic, and magnetotransport properties of a rapidly quenched Ni$_{50}$Mn$_{35}$Al$_{2}$Sn$_{13}$ tape sample”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 62:7 (2020),  1132–1136  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 62:7 (2020), 1280–1284 2
6. Y. Pham, Y. K. Yu, T. V. Mạnh, A.Gamzatov, D. M. Tartakovsky, S.-C. Yu, D.-S. Yang, D.-H. Kim, “Structural and magnetic properties control of Pr$_{0.7}$Ba$_{0.3}$MnO$_3$ with Sr-doping”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 62:5 (2020),  756  mathnet; Phys. Solid State, 62:5 (2020), 845–850 4
7. N. Z. Abdulkadirova, A. M. Aliev, A.G. Gamzatov, P. Gebara, “Specific heat and magnetocaloric effect of LaFe$_{11.2-x}$Mn$_{x}$Co$_{0.7}$Si$_{1.1}$ ($x$ = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3)”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 62:5 (2020),  752–755  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 62:5 (2020), 841–844 3
8. G. M. Gadjiev, A.G. Gamzatov, R. A. Aliev, N. S. Abakarova, L. L. Emiraslanova, M. N. Markelova, A. R. Kaul, “Temperature–frequency dependence of the dielectric response in LuFe$_{2}$O$_{4}$ multiferroics”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 62:5 (2020),  678–682  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 62:5 (2020), 765–769 3
9. R. A. Aliev, A.G. Gamzatov, G. M. Gadjiev, N. S. Abakarova, A. R. Kaul, M. Markelova, L. L. Emiraslanova, “Effect of frequency of the alternating electric field on temperature impedance spectra of LuFe$_{2}$O$_{4}$ ceramic multiferroic”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 60:6 (2018),  1062–1066  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 60:6 (2018), 1073–1077 1
10. A.G. Gamzatov, A. B. Batdalov, A. M. Aliev, M. Ellouze, F. Jemma, “Heat capacity and the magnetocaloric effect in Pr$_{0.6}$Sr$_{0.4}$Mn$_{1-x}$Fe$_{x}$O$_{3}$ manganite”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:10 (2017),  2066–2070  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 59:10 (2017), 2092–2096 4
11. A. B. Batdalov, A.G. Gamzatov, A. M. Aliev, L. N. Khanov, A. A. Mukhuchev, Kh. È. Kamaludinova, “Thermal physical properties of the La$_{0.825}$Sr$_{0.175}$MnO$_{3}$ single crystals”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 59:9 (2017),  1855–1858  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 59:9 (2017), 1879–1882 2
12. A.G. Gamzatov, A. M. Aliev, I. K. Kamilov, A. R. Kaul, “Magnetocaloric effect in sandwich structures of La$_{1-x}$K$_{x}$MnO$_{3}$ manganites”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:7 (2016),  1303–1305  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:7 (2016), 1346–1349 2
13. A.G. Gamzatov, A. M. Aliev, M. N. Markelova, N. A. Burunova, A. R. Kaul, A. S. Semisalova, N. S. Perov, “Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of LuFe$_{2-x}$Mn$_{x}$O$_{4+\delta}$ multiferroics”, Fizika Tverdogo Tela, 58:6 (2016),  1107–1111  mathnet  elib; Phys. Solid State, 58:6 (2016), 1143–1147 4
14. A. G. Gamzatov, A. B. Batdalov, A. M. Aliev, L. N. Khanov, H. Ahmadvand, H. Salamati, P. Kameli, “Magnetocaloric effect in Pr<sub>1 − <i>x</i></sub>Ag<sub><i>x</i></sub>MnO<sub>3</sub> manganites”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 91:7 (2010),  369–371  mathnet; JETP Letters, 91:7 (2010), 341–343  isi  scopus 10
15. A. G. Gamzatov, Sh. B. Abdulvagidov, A. M. Aliev, A. B. Batdalov, O. V. Mel'nikov, O. Yu. Gorbenko, “Dependence of the heat capacity of La$_{1-x}$Ag$_x$MnO$_3$ manganites on the Ag content”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 86:5 (2007),  393–396  mathnet; JETP Letters, 86:5 (2007), 340–343  isi  scopus 21
16. Sh. B. Abdulvagidov, A. M. Aliev, A. G. Gamzatov, V. I. Nizhankovskii, H. Mödge, O. Yu. Gorbenko, “Specific heat of Sm<sub>0.55</sub>Sr<sub>0.45</sub>MnO<sub>3</sub> manganite in magnetic fields up to 15 T: An anomalous critical behavior of the ferromagnet in magnetic field and the observation of a tricritical point”, Pis'ma v Zh. Èksper. Teoret. Fiz., 84:1 (2006),  33–36  mathnet; JETP Letters, 84:1 (2006), 31–34  isi  scopus 13

17. A. M. Aliev, A. A. Amirov, V. D. Buchel'nikov, I. V. Bychkov, A.G. Gamzatov, S. V. Taskaev, “To the 80${}^{th}$ anniversary of Akhmed Batdalovich Batdalov”, Chelyab. Fiz.-Mat. Zh., 5:4(2) (2020),  523–524  mathnet

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