Juraev, Davron Aslonqulovich

Total publications: 62 (61)
in MathSciNet: 8 (8)
in zbMATH: 9 (9)
in Web of Science: 18 (18)
in Scopus: 38 (38)
Cited articles: 16
Citations: 77

Number of views:
This page:6396
Abstract pages:1063
Full texts:236
Juraev, Davron Aslonqulovich
Associate professor
PhD (2018)
Speciality: 01.01.02 (Differential equations, dynamical systems, and optimal control)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: Matrix factorization of the Helmholtz equation, Cauchy problem, regularization, ill-posed problems, Carleman function, Carleman matrix, regular solution, fundamental solution
UDC: 517.946, 517.55, 517.956.2, 517.956.22, 517.956.223
MSC: 35J46: 35J56


Regularization of the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation

Main publications:
  1. D. A. Juraev, S. Noeiaghdam, “Regularization of the Ill-Posed Cauchy Problem for Matrix Factorizations of the Helmholtz Equation on the Plane”, Axioms, 10:1 (2021), 1–14
  2. D. A. Juraev, “Solution of the ill-posed Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation on the plane”, Global and Stochastic Analysis, 8:3 (2021), 1–17
  3. D. A. Juraev, S. Noeiaghdam, “Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics and Their Applications”, Axioms, 11:2 (2022), 1–6
  4. D. A. Juraev, Y. S. Gasimov, “On the regularization Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation in a multidimensional bounded domain”, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 12:1 (2022), 142–161
  5. D. A. Juraev, S. Noeiaghdam, Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics and Their Applications, MDPI, Alban-Anlage 66 4052 Basel. Switzerland, 2022
inSPIRE personal page (High Energy Physics (HEP) information system)

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. E. E. Elsayed, M. R. Hayal, I. Nurhidayat, M. A. Shah, A. Elfikky, A. I. Boghdady, D. A. Juraev, M. A. Morsy, “Coding techniques for diversity enhancement of dense wavelength division multiplexing MIMO-FSO fault protection protocols systems over atmospheric turbulence channels”, IET Optoelectronics, 18:1 (2024), 1–21  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 9
2. M. M. Abdulwahid, S. Kurnaz, A. K. Türkben, M. R. Hayal, E. E. Elsayed, D. A. Juraev, “Inter-satellite optical wireless communication (Is-OWC) trends: a review, challenges and opportunities”, Engineering Applications (ENAP), 3:1 (2024), 1–15  elib
3. D. A. Juraev, P. Agarwal, E. E. Elsayed, N. Targyn, “Helmholtz equations and their applications in solving physical problems”, Advanced Engineering Science, 4 (2024), 54–64  elib
4. D. A. Juraev, S. Noeiaghdam, P. Agarwal, R. P. Agarwal, “On the Cauchy problem for systems of linear equations of elliptic type of the first order in the space ${\mathbb R}^{m}$”, Turkish World Mathematical Society. Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 14:2 (2024), 618–632  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
5. V. R. Ibrahimov, P. Agarwal, D. A. Juraev, “The way to construct innovative methods for solving initial-value problem of the Volterra integro-differential equation”, IETI Transactions on Data Analysis and Forecasting (iTDAF), 2:1 (2024), 33–47  crossref  elib
6. J. D. Bulnes, M. A. I. Travassos, D. A. Juraev, J. L. Bonilla, “From the Hamilton-Jacobi equation to the Schrödinger equation and vice versa, without additional terms and approximations”, Himalayan Physics, 11:1 (2024), 21–27  crossref  elib
7. J. C. Vanikar, A. Mohit, A. Pavate, D. A. Juraev, “Ground water flow mechanism conceptually”, Karshi Multidisciplinary International Scientific Journal, 1:1 (2024), 3–16
8. D. A. Juraev, A. A. Tagiyeva, J. D. Bulnes, G. X.-G. Yue, “On the solution of the ill-posed Cauchy problem for elliptic systems of the first order”, Karshi Multidisciplinary International Scientific Journal, 1:1 (2024), 17–26
9. D. A. Juraev, N. M. Mammadzada, “Fractals and its applications”, Karshi Multidisciplinary International Scientific Journal, 1:1 (2024), 27–40
10. G. A. Aghayeva, V. R. Ibrahimov, D. A. Juraev, “On some comparision of the numerical methods applied to solve odes, Volterra integral and integro differential equations”, Karshi Multidisciplinary International Scientific Journal, 1:1 (2024), 41–48
11. D. A. Juraev, P. Agarwal, A. Shokri, E. E. Elsayed, “Integral formula for matrix factorizations of Helmholtz equation”, Recent Trends in Fractional Calculus and Its Applications, Elsevier Science, 2024, 123–146  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
12. D. A. Juraev, P. Agarwal, A. Shokri, E. E. Elsayed, “Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of Helmholtz equation on a plane”, Recent Trends in Fractional Calculus and its Applications, Elsevier Science, 2024, 147–175  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
13. D. A. Juraev, P. Agarwal, A. Shokri, E. E. Elsayed, “The Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of Helmholtz equation in space”: Praveen Agarwal, Recent Trends in Fractional Calculus and Its Applications, Elsevier Science, 2024, 177–210  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
14. D. A. Juraev, N. M. Mammadzada, P. Agarwal, Sh. Jain, “On the approximate solution of the Cauchy problem for the Helmholtz equation on the plane”, Computational Algorithms and Numerical Dimensions, 3:3 (2024), 187–200  crossref  elib
15. B. M. Muxammedov, A. A. Sanko, D. A. Juraev, E. E. Elsayed, “Optimizing rocket trajectories: advanced mathematical modeling in MATLAB/simulink”, International Journal of Information Technology, 16:8 (2024), 1–9  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
16. D. A. Juraev, M. Israr, “Establish intelligent fault detection in electrical power system: evolutionary computation in industrial IoT environments”, International Journal of Data Informatics and Intelligent Computing, 3:4 (2024), 1–7  crossref  elib
17. T. Usman, N. Khan, O. Khan, D. A. Juraev, “Fractional operators and solution of fractional kinetic equations involving generalized hypergeometric function”, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 13:3 (2024), 711–721  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
18. D. A. Juraev, M. M. Cavalcanti, “Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation in the space ${\mathbb R}^{m}$”, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica, 41 (2023), 1–12  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
19. D. A. Juraev, “The Cauchy problem for matrix factorization of the Helmholtz equation in a multidimensional unbounded domain”, Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matematica, 41 (2023), 1–18  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 2
20. D. A. Juraev, V. Ibrahimov, P. Agarwal, “Regularization of the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation on a two-dimensional bounded domain”, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 12:1 (2023), 381–403  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
21. D. A. Juraev, “Fundamental solution for the Helmholtz equation”, Engineering Applications, 2:2 (2023), 164–175  elib
22. D. A. Juraev, M. M. Jalalov, V. R. Ibrahimov, “On the formulation of the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation”, Engineering Applications, 2:2 (2023), 176–189  elib
23. D. A. Juraev, P. Agarwal, A. Shokri, E. E. Elsayed, J. D. Bulnes, “On the solution of the ill-posed Cauchy problem for elliptic systems of the first order”, Stochastic Modelling & Computational Sciences, 3:1 (2023), 1–21  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
24. J. D. Bulnes, D. A. Juraev, J. L. Bonilla, M. A. I. Travassos, “Exact decoupling of a coupled system of two stationary Schrödinger equations”, Stochastic Modelling & Computational Sciences, 3:1 (2023), 23–28  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 1
25. J. D. Bulnes, J. L. Bonilla, D. A. Juraev, “Klein-Gordon’s equation for magnons without non-ideal effect on spatial separation of spin waves”, Stochastic Modelling & Computational Sciences, 3:1 (2023), 29–37  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 1
26. N. Targyn, D. A. Juraev, “Mathematical model of the melting of micro-asperity arising in closed electrical contacts”, Stochastic Modelling & Computational Sciences, 3:1 (2023), 39–57  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
27. A. S Solonar, P. A. Khmarski, A. O. Naumov, D. A. Juraev, B. Muxammedov, “The use of numerical Monte Carlo integration to verify the physical feasibility of a trajectory based on surveillance radar data”, Stochastic Modelling & Computational Sciences, 3:1 (2023), 59–73  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus 2
28. V. R. Ibrahimov, M. N. Imanova, D. A. Juraev, “About the new way for solving some physical problems described by ODE of the second order with the special structure”, Stochastic Modelling & Computational Sciences, 3:1 (2023), 99–117  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  scopus
29. D. A. Juraev, S. Noeiaghdam, P. Agarwal, “On a regularized solution of the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation”, Turkish World Mathematical Society. Journal of Applied and Engineering Mathematics, 13:4 (2023), 1311–1326  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
30. V. R. Ibrahimov, G. Mehdiyeva, M. N. Imanova, D. A. Juraev, “Application of the bilateral hybrid methods to solving initial - value problems for the Volterra integro-differential equations”, WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics, 22 (2023), 781–791  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
31. D. A. Juraev, E. E. Elsayed, J. J. D. Bulnes, P. Agarwal, R. K. Saeed, “History of ill-posed problems and their application to solve various mathematical problems”, Engineering Applications, 2:3 (2023), 279–290  elib
32. D. A. Juraev, A. Shokri, P. Agarwal, E. E. Elsayed, I. Nurhidayat, “Approximate solutions of the Helmholtz equation on the plane”, Engineering Applications, 2:3 (2023), 291–303  elib
33. D. A. Juraev, “Theory of ill-posed problems for solving applied mathematics equations”, Center for Computer Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Physics [CCSMEP] Journal, 1:4 (2023), 1–10  elib
34. V. R. Ibrahimov, X. G. Yue, D. A. Juraev, “On some advantages of the predictor-corrector methods”, IETI Transactions on Data Analysis and Forecasting (iTDAF), 1:4 (2023), 79–89  crossref  elib
35. D. A. Juraev, S. Noeiaghdam, “Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics and Their Applications”, Axioms., 11:2 (2022), 1–6  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 5
36. D. A. Juraev, Y. S. Gasimov, “On the regularization Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation in a multidimensional bounded domain”, Azerbaijan Journal of Mathematics, 12:1 (2022), 142–161  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
37. D. A. Juraev, S. Noeiaghdam, “Modern Problems of Mathematical Physics and Their Applications”, Axioms, 2022, 1–352  crossref  elib
38. D. A. Juraev, “On the solution of the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation in a multidimensional spatial domain”, Global and Stochastic Analysis, 9:2 (2022), 1–17  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
39. Yu. Fayziyev, Q. Buvaev, D. Juraev, N. Nuralieva, Sh. Sadullaeva, “The inverse problem for determining the source function in the equation with the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative”, Global and Stochastic Analysis., 9:2 (2022), 43–52  isi  elib  scopus
40. A. Shokri, M. M. Khalsaraei, S. Noeiaghdam, D. A. Juraev, “A new divided difference interpolation method for two-variable functions”, Global and Stochastic Analysis., 9:2 (2022), 19–26  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
41. D. A. Juraev, “The solution of the ill-posed Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation in a multidimensional bounded domain”, Palestine Journal of Mathematics, 11:3 (2022), 604–613  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
42. R. S. Muhammad, R. K. Saeed, D. A. Juraev, “New algorithm for computing Adomian’s polynomials to solve coupled Hirota system”, Journal of Zankoy Sulaimani – Part A. For Pure and Applied Sciences, 24:1 (2022), 38–54  mathscinet  zmath  elib
43. D. A. Juraev, A. Shokri, D. Marian, “Solution of the ill-posed Cauchy problem for systems of elliptic type of the first order”, Fractal and Fractional., 6:7 (2022), 1–11  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 7
44. D. A. Juraev, A. Shokri, D. Marian, “On an approximate solution of the Cauchy problem for systems of equations of elliptic type of the first order”, Entropy, 24:7 (2022), 1–18  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 4
45. D. A. Juraev, A. Shokri, D. Marian, “On the approximate solution of the Cauchy problem in a multidimensional unbounded domain”, Fractal and Fractional., 6:7 (2022), 1–14  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
46. D. A. Juraev, A. Shokri, D. Marian, “Regularized solution of the Cauchy problem in an unbounded domain”, Symmetry, 14:8 (2022), 1–16  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 5
47. D. A. Juraev, S. Noeiaghdam, “Regularization of the Ill-Posed Cauchy Problem for Matrix Factorizations of the Helmholtz Equation on the Plane”, Axioms, 10:2 (2021), 1–14  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 9
48. D. A. Juraev, “Solution of the ill-posed Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation on the plane”, Global and Stochastic Analysis., 8:3 (2021), 1–17  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
49. V. R. Ibrahimov, G. Yu. Mehdiyeva, Xiao-Guang Yue, Mohammed K. A. Kaabar, S. Noeiaghdam, D. A. Juraev, “Novel Symmetric Numerical Methods for Solving Symmetric Mathematical Problems”, International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, 15 (2021), 1545–1557  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus 15
50. D. A. Juraev, “The solution of the ill-posed Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation”, Advanced Mathematical Models & Applications., 5:2 (2020), 205-221  elib  scopus
51. D. A. Juraev, “On a regularized solution of the Cauchy Problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation”, Advanced Mathematical Models & Applications, 4:1 (2019) , 86-96 pp.  mathnet  elib  scopus 1
52. D. A. Juraev, “On the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation”, Journal of Universal Mathematics, 2:2 (2019), 113-126  crossref  elib 4
53. D. A. Zhuraev, “Cauchy Problem for Matrix Factorizations of the Helmholtz Equation”, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 69:10 (2018) , 1364–1371  crossref  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
54. D. A. Juraev, “The Cauchy Problem for Matrix Factorizations of the Helmholtz Equation in ${\mathbb R}^{3}$”, Journal of Universal Mathematics, 1:3 (2018), 312-319  crossref  elib
55. D. A. Juraev, “On the Cauchy problem for matrix factorizations of the Helmholtz equation in an unbounded domain in ${\mathbb R}^{2}$”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 15 (2018), 1865–1877  mathnet  crossref  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
56. D. A. Zhuraev, “O zadache Koshi dlya matrichnykh faktorizatsii uravneniya Gelmgoltsa v ogranichennoi oblasti”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 15 (2018), 11–20  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 1
57. D. A. Zhuraev, “Zadacha Koshi dlya matrichnykh faktorizatsii uravneniya Gelmgoltsa”, Ukrainskii matematicheskii zhurnal, 69:10 (2017), 1364-1371  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
58. D. A. Zhuraev, “Zadacha Koshi dlya matrichnykh faktorizatsii uravneniya Gelmgoltsa v neogranichennoi oblasti”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 14 (2017), 752–764  mathnet  crossref  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 3
59. D. A. Zhuraev, “Regulyarizatsiya zadacha Koshi dlya sistem uravnenii ellipticheskogo tipa pervogo poryadka”, Uzbekskii matematicheskii zhurnal, 2016, no. 2, 61-71  mathscinet  zmath  elib
60. D. A. Zhuraev, “Konstruktsiya fundamentalnogo resheniya uravneniya Gelmgoltsa”, Doklady Akademii Nauk Respubliki Uzbekistan, 2012, no. 4, 14–17  elib
61. D. A. Juraev, “Regularization of the Cauchy problem for systems of elliptic type equations of the first order in three-dimensional unbounded domain”, Scientific enquiry in the contemporary world: theoretical basics and innovative approach, 1, Vol. 1. Physics and mathematics. L&L Publishing. Titusville, FL, USA. (2012), 10-13  elib


62. D. A. Zhuraev, Regulyarizatsiya zadacha Koshi dlya sistem uravnenii ellipticheskogo tipa, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, Saarbryukken: Germaniya, 2014 , 52 pp.  zmath  elib

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