Manzhirov, Alexander Vladimirovich

Total publications: 114 (108)
in MathSciNet: 20 (20)
in zbMATH: 20 (19)
in Web of Science: 12 (12)
in Scopus: 31 (31)
Cited articles: 35
Citations: 420

Number of views:
This page:4630
Abstract pages:1980
Full texts:780
Manzhirov, Alexander Vladimirovich
Academician of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1993)
Speciality: 01.02.04 (Mechanics of deformable solids)
Birth date: 24.05.1957
Keywords: stress, deformation, growth, shape distortion, residual stresses, elasticity, creep, modeling, contact, wear, technological processes, additive manufacturing, natural phenomena, biological tissues, integral equations, partial differential equations, operator equations, mathematical methods, boundary value problems.
UDC: 539.3, 517.9


Solid Mechanics, Mechanics of Growing Solids, Additive Manufacturing Technologies, Contact Mechanics and Tribology, Mechanics of Technological Processes, Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, Mathematical Modeling, Integral Equations and Their Applications, Partial Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems


A. V. Manzhirov is a well-recognized scientist working in the field of mechanics and applied mathematics. He is the author of about 250 scientific publications, including twenty books and textbooks published in Russian, English, and German and two inventor's certificates. His main scientific activities concern mechanics of growing solids, contact mechanics and tribology, viscoelasticity and creep theory, and integral equations and their applications. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in 1983 and D.Sc. thesis in 1993 and became Professor in 1998. He has been working at the Institute for Problems in Mechanics since 1983, first as an engineer and eventually as Head of Department for Modeling in Solid Mechanics (since 2004) and Deputy Director (since 2015).

Manzhirov is the founder of a new scientific discipline, mechanics of growing solids, which arose in connection with the urgent demand, in both fundamental and applied science, for the analysis of complicated processes typical of modern interdisciplinary problems lying on the borderline between mechanics, physics, chemistry, and biology. Mechanics of growing solids in particular permits efficiently modeling a wide range of additive manufacturing technologies, including electrolytic shaping, pyrolytic deposition, laser spraying and fusing, etc., as well as melt solidification and crystal growth. For natural phenomena, it permits one to give an adequate description of how glaciers, sedimentary and volcanic rock massifs, and gravitating objects are formed as well as how biological tissues grow.

Manzhirov developed the foundations of mathematical theory of growing solids, suggested a classification of possible growth processes, and was the first to consider the main boundary value problems. Under his guidance, the first experiments identifying the properties of growing bodies were carried out, the evolution laws for the stress-strain state of such bodies were studied, and new mechanical effects specific to accreted bodies were revealed.

The work of Manzhirov and his students gained international recognition for mechanics of growing bodies as a new scientific discipline. The General Assembly of IUTAM in Beijing appointed him Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the IUTAM Symposium on Growing Bodies which took place in Moscow at the Institute for Problems in Mechanics in June of 1915.

Manzhirov is a leading Russian scientist in contact mechanics. To study complex evolution processes of contact interaction and wear, he developed the theory of mixed integral equations, which contain operators with constant as well as variable integration limits. He suggested a universal projection method for solving mixed integral equations and systems, which was the first method to permit studying contact and wear problems for surface-inhomogeneous bodies and bodies with experimental surface profiles described by rapidly oscillating functions. He is also a recognized authority in the field of nonlinear creep and viscoelasticity of inhomogeneous materials with time-dependent properties.

Manzhirov is universally known as an author of fundamental handbooks on integral equations, which have no equal in the literature worldwide. These handbooks helped to make integral equations, previously an elitist field of mathematical physics, a working tool for scientists of different specialties, engineers, and technologists.

Manzhirov is active in international cooperation. He carries out important research on thermomechanics of laser material processing in collaboration with Tshwane University of Technology (Pretoria, South Africa) in the framework of a joint RFBR–NRF grant. Here the focus is on theoretical and experimental problems of laser spraying and fusing. Manzhirov has established strong collaboration with leading Indian scientists. He participates in a joint project of RFBR and the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology involving up-to-date theoretical and experimental studies on electrolytic molding. Note also many years of fruitful collaboration with the Institute of Fundamental Technological Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the framework of the RAS–PAN Cooperation Agreement, whereby coordinated research of thin coating technologies is carried out. The traditional collaboration with the Institute of Mechanics of National Academy of Sciences of Armenia in the framework of the RAS–NAS Cooperation Agreement has gained a new impetus by being extended to new fields of mechanics, in particular those related to growth processes.

Manzhirov dedicates much time to teaching activities. He is the founder and permanent head of the branch of the Applied Mathematics Department of Bauman Moscow State Technical University at the Institute for Problems in Mechanics. He is also Professor of National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI" (Moscow Engineering Physics Institute) and Moscow State University of Engineering and Computer Science. He works on a constant basis with postgraduate students and doctoral candidates at the Institute for Problems in Mechanics, Bauman Moscow State Technical University, and Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Computer Science. His students successfully defend their theses at the leading Dissertation Councils and form a core of his department, where they make up about 70 percent of the staff.

Currently Manzhirov is a member of Mathematics and Mechanics Expert Council of the Higher Certification Committee of the Russian Federation. Íå was a Vice Chairman of this Council responsible for the activities related to mechanics for over a decade. He is also Vice Chairman of Solid Mechanics Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences who has organized about fifty international and all-Russia conferences and seminars.

Manzhirov was a Coordinator of the Integrated Long Term Programme (ILTP) of Cooperation in Science and Technology between Russian Federation and Republic of India in the area of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics during seven years. He has put much effort in organizing a collaboration of scientists in both countries for solving important theoretical and applied problems in the framework of projects sponsored by ILTP, RFBR, and the Indian Ministry of Science and Technology. He, together with the Indian Coordinator, Professor N. K. Gupta, organized a permanent Russian–Indian seminar attended by leading scientists of the two countries.

Currently, Manzhirov is an Editorial Advisory Board member of about a dozen important scientific journals, including Mechanics of Solids; News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia, Mechanics; Computational Mechanics of Continua, and of the scientific and educational website "EqWorld — The World of Mathematical Equations." He is member of the Russian National Committee on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, European Mechanics Society (EUROMECH), American Society for Mechanical Engineers (ASME), American Mathematical Society (AMS), International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), and the International Association of Engineers (IAENG), Award Winner of the First Competition of the Science Support Foundation (Moscow).

Main publications:
  1. N. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. V. Manzhirov, and V.E. Naumov, Contact Problems in Mechanics of Growing Solids, Nauka Publ., Moscow, 1991, 172 pp. (in Russian)  mathscinet
  2. A. D. Polyanin, A. V. Manzhirov, Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scientists, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, London, 2007, xxxii+1509 pp.  mathscinet  zmath
  3. A. D. Polyanin, A. V. Manzhirov, Handbook of Integral Equations. Second Edition, Chapman & Hall/ CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, 2008, xxxiv+1108 pp.  mathscinet
  4. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mechanics of growing solids and phase transitions”, Key Engineering Materials, 535-536 (2013), 89–93  crossref
  5. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mechanics of growing solids: New track in mechanical engineering” (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 14–20 November 2014), ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 9, Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids (2014), IMECE2014-36712, pp. V009T12A039, 10 pp.  crossref  scopus

Full list of scientific publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Modeling spherical accretion of aging viscoelastic objects under self-gravitation”, IAENG Transactions On Engineering Sciences, Special Issue For The International Association Of Engineers Conferences 2016 (London, UK & San Francisco, USA, 29 June–1 July 2016 & 19–21 October 2016), v. 2, World Congress on Engineering (WCE 2016) & World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS 2016), World Scientific, Singapore, 2018, 14–27  crossref 3
2. S. V. Joubert, M. Y. Shatalov, T. H. Fay, A. V. Manzhirov, “Bryan's effect and anisotropic nonlinear damping”, J. Sound Vibration, 416 (2018), 125–135  crossref  adsnasa  isi  scopus 3
3. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mechanical Analysis of an AM Fabricated Viscoelastic Shaft under Torsion by Rigid Disks”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2017 (London, U.K., 5–7 July 2017), v. 2, WCE, London, 2017, 856–860
4. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Additive Manufacturing of Conical Viscoelastic Parts under Axial Tension-Compression”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2017 (London, U.K., 5–7 July 2017), v. 2, WCE, London, 2017, 934–939
5. A. V. Manzhirov, K. E. Kazakov, “The Interaction between a Coated Foundation and a Rigid Punch with Rough Surfaces”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2017 (London, U.K., 5–7 July 2017), v. 2, WCE, London, 2017, 993–996
6. A. D. Polyanin, A. V. Manzhirov, Integralnye uravneniya, Spravochnik dlya vuzov: v 2 ch. 2-e izd. ispr. i dop. Ch. 1, Yurait, M., 2017, 369 pp.
7. A. D. Polyanin, A. V. Manzhirov, Integralnye uravneniya, Spravochnik dlya vuzov: v 2 ch. 2-e izd. ispr. i dop. Ch. 2, Yurait, M., 2017, 238 pp.
8. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mixed interal equations and their application to mechanics”, IAENG Transactions On Engineering Sciences, Special Issue For The International Association Of Engineers Conferences 2016, v. 2, World Scientific, Singapore, 2017, 8–21  crossref 1
9. K. E. Kazakov, S. P. Kurdina, A. V. Manzhirov, “Contact Interaction between Surface Nonuniform Bases and Regular Systems of Rigid Punches” (Moscow, Russian Federation, 23–27 June 2015), Procedia IUTAM, 2017, IUTAM Symposium on Growing solids, 2015, 201–209  crossref  isi  scopus 12
10. A. V. Manzhirov, N. K. Gupta, “Fundamentals of Continuous Growth Processes in Technology and Nature” (Moscow, Russian Federation, 23–27 June 2015), Procedia IUTAM, 23, IUTAM Symposium on Growing solids, 2015 (2017), 1–12  crossref  isi  scopus 12
11. A. V. Manzhirov, “Advances in the Theory of Surface Growth with Applications to Additive Manufacturing Technologies” (New Delhi, India, 11–14 December 2016), Procedia Engineering, 173, 11th International Symposium on Plasticity and Impact Mechanics, IMPLAST 2016 (2017), 11–16  crossref  isi  scopus 29
12. A. V. Manzhirov, “Fundamentals of Mechanical Design and Analysis for AM Fabricated Parts”, Procedia Manufacturing, 7 (2017), 59–65  crossref  isi  elib  scopus 22
13. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mechanical Design of AM Fabricated Prismatic Rods under Torsion” (Shanghai, China, 21–23 October 2016), MATEC Web of Conferences, 95, 3rd International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering, ICMME 2016 (2017), 12002  crossref  isi  scopus 11
14. A. V. Manzhirov, K. E. Kazakov, “Contact problem with wear for a foundation with a surface nonuniform coating”, Doklady Physics, 62:7 (2017), 344–349  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
15. K. E. Kazakov, A. V. Manzhirov, “Axisymmetric contact between an annular rough punch and a surface nonuniform foundation”, Mech. Solids, 52:4 (2017), 444–451  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
16. P. S. Bychkov, V. M. Kozintsev, A. V. Manzhirov, L. L. Popov, “Opredelenie ostatochnykh napryazhenii v izdeliyakh pri ikh additivnom izgotovlenii metodom posloinoi fotopolimerizatsii”, Izv. RAN. MTT, 2017, no. 5, 63–69  mathscinet  elib
17. A. V. Manzhirov, K. E. Kazakov, “Modeling of the contact interaction between a nonuniform foundation and rough punch”, Math. Models Comput. Simul., 10:3 (2018), 314–321  mathnet  crossref  zmath  elib  scopus
18. A. V. Manzhirov, M. N. Mikhin, E. V. Murashkin, “Torsion of a growing shaft”, Vestn. Samar. Gos. Tekhn. Univ., Ser. Fiz.-Mat. Nauki [J. Samara State Tech. Univ., Ser. Phys. Math. Sci.], 21:4 (2017)  mathnet  crossref  zmath  isi  elib
19. A. V. Manzhirov, “A mixed integral equation of mechanics and a generalized projection method of its solution”, Doklady Physics, 61:10 (2016), 489–493, Pleiades Publishing  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  isi  elib  elib  scopus
20. A. V. Manzhirov, “A Method for Mechanical Design of AM Fabricated Viscoelastic Parts. Chapter no. 17”, Transactions on Engineering Technologies: The World Congress on Engineering, The World Congress on Engineering 2015 (London, U.K., 1–3 July 2015), Springer, Singapore, 2016, 223–235  crossref  isi 7
21. A. V. Manzhirov, “Integral Equations with Several Different Operators and Their Application to Mechanics”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2016 (London, U.K., 29 June–1 July 2016), v. 1, WCE, London, 2016, 10–15
22. A. V. Manzhirov, K. E. Kazakov, “Contact Problem for a Foundation with a Rough Coating”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2016 (London, U.K., 29 June–1 July 2016), v. 1, WCE, London, 2016, 877–882
23. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Accretion of Spherical Viscoelastic Objects under Self-Gravitation”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2016 (London, U.K., 29 June–1 July 2016), v. 1, WCE, London, 2016, 1131–1136
24. A. V. Manzhirov, “Fundamentals of surface growth of solids in nature and technology”, Proceedings of The XXIV ICTAM (Montreal, Canada, 2016), IUTAM, Montreal, 2016, TS.SM08-5.03
25. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Application of Prestressed Structural Elements in the Erection of Heavy Viscoelastic Arched Structures with the Use of an Additive Technology”, Mech. Solids, 51:6 (2016), 692–700  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
26. A. Manzhirov, N. Gupta, “Fundamentals of continuous growth processes in technology and nature”, Materials of the IUTAM Symposium on Growing solids (Moscow, Russia, 23–27 June 2015), eds. A. Manzhirov, N. Gupta, IPMech RAS, Moscow, 2015, 73–76 pp.  elib
27. K. Kazakov, S. Kurdina A. Manzhirov, “Multibody Contact Problems for Discretely Growing Systems”, IUTAM Symposium on Growing solids (Moscow, Russia, 23–27 June 2015), eds. A. Manzhirov, N. Gupta, IPMech RAS, Moscow, 2015, 39–42  elib
28. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mechanical design of viscoelastic parts fabricated using additive manufacturing technologies”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2015 (London, U.K., 1–3 July 2015), v. 2, WCE, London, 2015, 710–714  elib
29. A. V. Manzhirov, “Integralnye uravneniya smeshannogo tipa i ikh sistemy v mekhanike kontaktnogo vzaimodeistviya i tribologii”, KhI Vserossiiskii s'ezd po fundamentalnym problemam teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhaniki, Sbornik dokladov (Kazan, Rossiya, 20–24 avgusta 2015 g.), Kazan, 2015, 2458–2460  elib
30. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Arch structure erection by an additive manufacturing technology under the action of the gravity force”, Mech. Solids, 50:5 (2015), 559–570  crossref  adsnasa  elib  elib  scopus
31. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Influence of the erection regime on the stress state of a viscoelastic arched structure erected by an additive technology under the force of gravity”, Mech. Solids, 50:6 (2015), 657–675  crossref  adsnasa  elib  elib  scopus
32. A. V. Manzhirov, “Multi-body contact problem for a nonhomogeneous elastic coated foundation with wear”, 5th World Tribology Congress (WTC 2013), Vol. 1 of 4 (Torino, Italy, 8–13 September 2013), Politecnico di Torino (DIMEAS), Curran Associates, Inc., Torino, 2014, 2309–2312
33. A. V. Manzhirov, S. A. Lychev, “Mathematical modeling of additive manufacturing technologies”, Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering 2014 (2–4 July, 2014, London, U.K.), v. 2, WCE, London, 2014, 1404–1409
34. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mechanics of growing solids: New track in mechanical engineering” (Montreal, Quebec, Canada, 14–20 November 2014), ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, 9, Mechanics of Solids, Structures and Fluids (2014), IMECE2014-36712, pp. V009T12A039, 10 pp.  crossref  scopus 11
35. A. V. Manzhirov, “Kontaktnye zadachi dlya osnovanii s proizvolno neodnorodnymi pokrytiyami”, Vestnik Chuvashskogo gosudarstvennogo pedagogicheskogo universiteta im. I. Ya. Yakovleva Seriya: Mekhanika predelnogo sostoyaniya, 2014, no. 3(21), 3–13  elib
36. A. V. Manzhirov, S. A. Lychev, “An approach to modeling of additive manufacturing technologies”, Transactions on Engineering Technologies, The World Congress on Engineering 2014, eds. G. C. Yang, S. I. Ao, L. Gelman, Springer, Dordrecht, 2014, 99–115  crossref  elib 8
37. A. V. Manzhirov, K. E. Kazakov, S. Kukharskii, “Sistemy smeshannykh integralnykh uravnenii v probleme mnozhestvennogo konformnogo kontakta”, Razvitie idei L. A. Galina v mekhanike, Institut kompyuternykh issledovanii, M.-Izhevsk, 2013., 280–305
38. S. V. Joubert, M. Yu. Shatalov, T. H. Fay, A. V. Manzhirov, “Brayn's effect and isotropic nonlinear damping”, J. Sound Vibration, 332:23 (2013), 6169–6176  crossref  adsnasa  scopus 15
39. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mechanics of growing solids and phase transitions”, Key Engineering Materials, 535–536 (2013), 89–93  crossref  elib  scopus 21
40. A. V. Manzhirov, K. E. Kazakov, S. Kucharsky, “Conformal contact between a system of punches and a covered foundation taking into account the actual shape of their surfaces”, Topical Problems in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, eds. N. K. Gupta, A. V. Manzhirov, R. Velmurugan, Elite Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013, 128–147
41. P. Kumari, S. Kapuria, N. K. Gupta, A. V. Manzhirov, “Mixed-field extended Kantorovich method for accurate prediction of boundary layer stresses in composite and piezolaminated structures”, Topical Problems in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, eds. N. K. Gupta, A. V. Manzhirov, R. Velmurugan, Elite Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013, 268–278
42. A. A. Baryshev, S. A. Lychev, A. V. Manzhirov, “The equilibrium equations of shells in the coordinates of the general form”, Izv. Saratov Univ. (N.S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 13:2(1) (2013), 44–53  mathnet  crossref
43. A. V. Manzhirov, S. A. Lychev, S. I. Kuznetsov, I. Fedotov, “Analiticheskoe issledovanie protsessa teploprovodnosti v rastuschem share”, Vestnik MGTU im. N. E. Baumana. Ser. Estestvennye nauki, 2012, 130–137  elib
44. A. V. Manzhirov, S. A. Lychev, “The mathematical theory of growing solids: Finite deformations”, Doklady Physics, 57:4 (2012), 160–163  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  elib  elib  scopus
45. A. Manzhirov, I. Fedotov, M. Shatalov, “On the resonance oscillation of longitudinally vibrating growing rod”, Aktualnye problemy mekhaniki sploshnoi sredy, Trudy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, posvyaschennoi 100-letiyu akademika NAN Armenii N. Kh. Arutyunyana (Tsakhkadzor, Armeniya, 8–12 oktyabrya 2012 g.), v. 2, EGUAS, Erevan, 2012, 255–259
46. A. V. Manzhirov, “Kraevye zadachi naraschivaniya trekhmernykh tel dvumernymi poverkhnostyami”, VI Sessiya Nauchnogo soveta RAN po mekhanike, Materialy Vserossiiskoi konferentsii (Barnaul, Belokurikha, Rossiya, 26–31 iyulya 2012 g.), Izd-vo AltGTU, Barnaul, 2012, 15–16
47. A. V. Manzhirov, “Advanced in mechanics of growing solids”, Abstract Books of 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. ICTAM 2012 (Beijing, China, August 19–24, 2012), ICTAM, Beijing, 2012, 300–301
48. A. V. Manzhirov, S. P. Kurdina, S. Kukharskii, “O soglasovannom kontakte shtampov i tel s pokrytiyami, imeyuschikh slozhnyi profil poverkhnosti”, Izv. Sarat. un-ta. Nov. ser. Ser. Matematika. Mekhanika. Informatika, 12:4 (2012), 80–89  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  zmath  elib 2
49. A. A. Baryshev, S. A. Lychev, A. V. Manzhirov, “Non-stationary vibration of growth circular cylindrical shell”, Izv. Saratov Univ. (N.S.), Ser. Math. Mech. Inform., 12:2 (2012), 42–48  mathnet  crossref  elib
50. A. V. Manzhirov, “Matematicheskaya teoriya rastuschikh tel: uravneniya, zadachi, prilozheniya”, Sektsionnyi doklad na X Vserossiiskom s'ezde po fundamentalnym problemam teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhaniki, Vestnik Nizhegorodskogo universiteta im. N. I. Lobachevskogo, 2011, no. 4, 1603–1605  elib
51. S. I. Kuznetsov, A. V. Manzhirov, I. Fedotov, “Heat conduction problem for a growing ball”, Mech. Solids, 46:6 (2011), 929–936  crossref  mathscinet  adsnasa  elib  elib  scopus
52. A. V. Manzhirov, “Smeshannye integralnye uravneniya i ikh prilozheniya”, Vtoraya mezhdunarodnaya konferentsiya “Matematicheskaya fizika i ee prilozheniya”, Materialy Mezhd. konf., ed. chl.-korr. RAN I. V. Volovich, d.f.-m.n., prof. Yu. N. Radaev, Kniga, Samara, 2010, 209–214
53. A. V. Manzhirov, “New results in mechanics of growing solids”, Aktualnye problemy mekhaniki sploshnoi sredy, Trudy II mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii (Dilizhan, Armeniya, 4–8 oktyabrya 2010 g.), v. 2, EGUAS, Erevan, 2010, 311–315 pp.
54. A. V. Egorov, A. V. Manzhirov, A. D. Polyanin, A Concise Handbook of Mathematics, Physics, and Engineering Sciences, eds. A. D. Polyanin, A. I. Chernoutsan, Chapman & Hall/CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, 2010, xxviii+1097 pp.  zmath
55. F. L. Chernous'ko, A. V. Manzhirov, I. V. Simonov, “Results of the XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics”, J. Appl. Math. Mech., 73:1 (2009), 109-112  crossref  mathscinet  elib  scopus
56. A. V. Manzhirov, “Osnovy mekhaniki naraschivaemykh tel”, III sessiya Nauchnogo soveta RAN po mekhanike deformiruemogo tverdogo tela, Tez. dokl. Vseros. konf., ed. prof. L. Yu. Kossovich, Izd-vo Sarat. un-ta, Saratov, 2009, 29
57. A. V. Manzhirov, “The wear contact problem for an elastic foundation with an inhomogeneous coating”, Proceedings of World Tribology Congress 2009 (Kyoto, Japan, 6–11 September 2009), Japanese Society of Tribologist, Kyoto, 2009, 157
58. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mekhanika naraschivaemykh tel: novyi podkhod”, Trudy XIII mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii (Rostov-na-Donu, 12–15 oktyabrya 2009 g.), v. 1, YuFU, Rostov-na-Donu, 2009, 142–147
59. A. V. Manzhirov, K. E. Kazakov, “Proektsionnyi metod resheniya smeshannykh integralnykh uravnenii mekhaniki i ego prilozheniya k kontaktnym zadacham dlya tel s pokrytiyami”, Aktualnye problemy mekhaniki: mekhanika deformiruemogo tverdogo tela, Sb. trudov, ed. R. V. Goldshtein; In-t problem mekhaniki im. A. Yu. Ishlinskogo RAN, Nauka, M., 2009, 238–263
60. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Vozvedenie tyazhelogo polutsirkulnogo svoda”, Aktualnye problemy mekhaniki: mekhanika deformiruemogo tverdogo tela, Sb. trudov, ed. R. V. Goldshtein; In-t problem mekhaniki im. A. Yu. Ishlinskogo RAN, Nauka, M., 2009, 382–421
61. A. D. Polyanin, A. V. Manzhirov, Handbook of Integral Equations. Second Edition, Chapman & Hall/ CRC Press, Boca Raton, London, 2008, xxxiv+1108 pp.  mathscinet
62. K. E. Kazakov, A. V. Manzhirov, “Conformal contact between layered foundations and punches”, Mech. Solids, 43:3 (2008), 512–524  crossref  adsnasa  elib  scopus
63. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mathematical theory of accreted solids and its applications”, XXII International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Abstract Book (Adelaide, Australia, 24–29 August 2008), eds. J. P. Denier, M. D. Finn, and T. Mattner, Adelaide, 2008, 271
64. A. V. Manzhirov, K. E. Kazakov, “Conformal contact between foundations and punches”, Topical Problems in Solid Mechanics, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, 2008, 92–104
65. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Erection of a heavy semicircular arch structure”, Topical Problems in Solid Mechanics, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, 2008, 245–265
66. A. D. Polyanin, A. V. Manzhirov, Handbook of mathematics for engineers and scientists, Chapman & Hall/CRC, Boca Raton, London, 2007, xxxii+1509 pp.  mathscinet  zmath
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68. A. V. Manzhirov, “Mekhanika naraschivaemykh tel: sostoyanie, problemy, perspektivy”, Aktualnye problemy mekhaniki sploshnoi sredy, Trudy Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, posvyaschennoi 95-letiyu akademika NAN Armenii N. Kh. Arutyunyana (Tsakhkadzor, Armeniya, 25–28 sentyabrya 2007 g.), EGUAS, Erevan, 2007, 243–246 pp.
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71. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Modeling the Accretion of Cylindrical Bodies on a Rotating Mandrel with Centrifugal Forces Taken into Account”, Mech. Solids, 41:6 (2006), 121–134  elib
72. A. V. Manzhirov, K. E. Kazakov, “Contact problems for coated solids with real surface shape”, Indo-Russian workshop “Problems in nonlinear mechanics of solids with large deformation”, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, 2006, 63–70 pp.
73. A. V. Manzhirov, D. A. Parshin, “Accretion of solids under mass forces”, Indo-Russian workshop “Problems in nonlinear mechanics of solids with large deformation”, IIT Delhi, New Delhi, 2006, 71–79
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77. A. V. Manzhirov, M. N. Mikhin, “O kruchenii naraschivaemogo ellipticheskogo brusa”, Problemy mekhaniki deformiruemykh tel, Izd-vo “Gitutyun” NAN RA, 2003, 216–224
78. A. B. Manzhirov, “Metod resheniya integralnykh uravnenii kontaktnykh zadach dlya tel so slozhnymi svoistvami i formoi poverkhnosti”, Vosmoi Vserossiiskii s'ezd po teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhanike, Annotatsii dokladov (Perm, 23–29 avgusta 2001 g.), UrO RAN, Ekaterinburg, 2001, 417
79. A. B. Manzhirov, “Kontaktnye zadachi dlya neodnorodnykh stareyuschikh vyazkouprugikh tel”, Mekhanika kontaktnykh vzaimodeistvii, eds. I. I Vorovich, V. M. Aleksandrov, Fizmatlit, M., 2001, 549–565
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81. A. V. Manzhirov, A. D. Polyanin, Spravochnik po integralnym uravneniyam: Metody resheniya, Faktorial Press, M., 2000, 384 pp.
82. A. V. Manzhirov, A. D. Polyanin, Metody resheniya integralnykh uravnenii: Spravochnik, Faktorial, M., 1999, 272 pp.
83. N. Kh. Arutyunyan, A. V. Manzhirov, Kontaktnye zadachi teorii polzuchesti, Izd-vo NAN RA, Erevan, 1999, 320 pp.
84. A. D. Polyanin, A. V. Manzhirov, Handbook of Integral Equations, CRC Press, Boca Raton, New York, 1998, xxvi+787 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  zmath
85. A. D. Polyanin, A. V. Manzhirov, Handbuch der Integralgleichungen: Exakte Lösungen, Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg:, 1999, xv+586 pp.  mathscinet  zmath  zmath
86. A. D. Polyanin, A. V. Manzhirov, “The model solution method in the theory of linear integral equations”, Doklady Mathematics, 55:3 (1997), 444–448  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
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89. A. V. Manzhirov, V. A. Chernysh, “Zadacha ob usilenii zaglublennoi arochnoi konstruktsii metodom naraschivaniya”, Izv. AN. MTT, 27:5 (1992), 25–37
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91. A. V. Manzhirov, “Kontaktnye zadachi teorii vyazkouprugosti naraschivaemykh tel”, VII Vsesoyuznyi s'ezd po teoreticheskoi i prikladnoi mekhanike, Annotatsii dokladov (Moskva, 15–21 avgusta 1991 g.), M., 1991, 239–240
92. A. V. Manzhirov, V. A. Chernysh, “The contact problem of the discrete fitting of an inhomogeneous viscoelastic ageing cylinder with a system of rigid collars”, J. Appl. Math. Mech., 55:6 (1991), 901-909  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
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94. A. V. Manzhirov, V. A. Chernysh, “Contact problem for a layered inhomogeneous aging cylinder reinforced by a rigid ring”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 31:6 (1990), 894–900  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
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99. V. M. Aleksandrov, A. V. Manzhirov, “Two-dimensional integral equations in applied mechanics of deformable solids”, J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 28:5 (1987), 781–786  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  scopus
100. V. M. Aleksandrov, E. V. Kovalenko, A. V. Manzhirov, “Kontaktnye zadachi teorii polzuchesti neodnorodno-stareyuschikh tel”, Analit. i chisl. metody resheniya kraevykh zadach plastich. i vyazkouprugosti, Izd-vo UNTs AN SSSR, Sverdlovsk, 1986, 3–13 pp.
101. S. A. Grishin, A. V. Manzhirov, “Contact problems for a thin in nonlinear stabilized creep”, Mech. Solids, 21:6 (1986), 111–117  mathscinet
102. A. V. Manzhirov, “On a method of solving two-dimensional integral equations of axisymmetric contact problems for bodies with complex rheology”, J. Appl. Math. Mech., 49:6 (1985), 777–782  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  scopus
103. V. M. Aleksandorv, E. V. Kovalenko, A. V. Manzhirov, “Nekotorye smeshannye zadachi teorii polzuchesti neodnorodno-stareyuschikh sred”, Izv. AN ArmSSR. Mekhanika, 37:2 (1984), 12–25
104. A. V. Manzhirov, Issledovanie napryazhenno-deformirovannogo sostoyaniya neodnorodno vyazkouprugikh tel pri ikh vzaimodeistvii s kontsentratorami i zhestkimi shtampami, Dis. … kand. fiz.-mat. nauk, MIEM, M., 1983, 209 pp.
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108. A. V. Manzhirov, “Kolebaniya neodnorodno-stareyuschego vyazkouprugogo armirovannogo sterzhnya”, Izv. AN ArmSSR. Mekhanika, 35:3 (1982), 31–37  zmath
109. E. V. Kovalenko, A. V. Manzhirov, “Contact problem for a two-layer aging viscoelastic foundation”, J. Appl. Math. Mech., 46:4 (1982), 536–542  crossref  zmath  scopus
110. N. K. Gupta, A. V. Manzhirov, R. Velmurugan (eds.), Topical Problems in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Elite Publishing House, New Delhi, 2013, xiv+427 pp.
111. A. V. Manzhirov, “Razvitie idei N. Kh. Arutyunyana v sovremennoi mekhanike”, Aktualnye problemy mekhaniki sploshnoi sredy, Trudy mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii, posvyaschennoi 100-letiyu akademika NAN Armenii N. Kh. Arutyunyana (Tsakhkadzor, Armeniya, 8–12 oktyabrya 2012 g.), v. 2, EGUAS, Erevan, 2012, 5–13
112. A. V. Manzhirov, N. K. Gupta, D. A. Indeitsev (eds.), Topical Problems in Solid and Fluid Mechanics, Elit Publ. House, Delhi, 2011, 4111 pp.
113. N. K. Gupta, A. V. Manzhirov (eds.), Topical Problems in Solid Mechanics, Elite Publishing, New Delhi, 2008, xiv+413 pp.
114. E. A. Godin, A. V. Manzhirov, Yu. N. Radaev, E.Sh. Shteingold, Sposob opredeleniya mekhanicheskikh svoistv biologicheskikh myagkikh tkanei, A.s. # 1644029. Byul. izobr. i otkr. SSSR # 15 ot 23.04.91, 1991, 3 pp.  zmath
115. E. A. Godin, S. A. Grishin, A. V. Manzhirov, Yu. N. Radaev, E.Sh. Shteingold, Sposob opredeleniya mekhanicheskikh svoistv kozhnogo pokrova, A.s. # 1586679. Byul. izobr. i otkr. SSSR # 31 ot 23.08.90, 1990, 3 pp.

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