planar normal section,
helical submanifolds,
Differential Geometry.
B.Sc. (1977–1982): Midlle East Technical University , Department of Mathematics, Ankara.
M.Sc. (1986–1988): Uludağ University, Department of Mathematics, Thesis: "Submanifolds with pointwise planar normal Sections" (supervisor: Ertuğrul ÖZDAMAR).
Language Course (1988) Reading University.
M.Phil (1988): University of Lancaster, Department of Mathematics, (supervisor: Kit DODSON).
Ph.D. (1989–1993): University of Leeds , School of Mathematics. Thesis: "Isoparametric Submanifolds with pointwise k-planar Normal Sections" (supervisor: Alan WEST).
Main publications:
Arslan Kadri, West Alan, “Product submanifolds with pointwise 3-planar normal sections”, Glasgow Math J., 37:1 (1995), 73–81
Arslan Kadri, West Alan, “Submanifolds and their k-planar number”, J. Geometry, 55:1-2 (1996), 23–30
Arslan Kadri, Deszcz Ryszard, Ezentaş Ridvan, “On a certain class of hypersurfaces in semi-Euclidean spaces”, Soochow J. Math, 25:2 (1999), 221–234
Arslan Kadri, Lumiste Ülo, Murathan Cengizhan, Özgür Cihan, “2-semiparallel surfaces in space forms I, Two particular cases”, Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Phys. Math., 49:3 (2000), 139–148
Arslan Kadri, West Alan, “Non-spherical submanifolds with pointwise 2-planar normal sections”, Bull. London Math. Soc., 28:1 (1996), 88–92
Yu. Aminov, K. Arslan, B. (Kiliç) Bayram, B. Bulca, C. Murathan, G. Öztürk, “On the solution of the Monge–Ampere equation $Z_{xx}Z_{yy}-Z_{xy}^{2}=f(x,y)$ with quadratic right side”, Zh. Mat. Fiz. Anal. Geom., 7:3 (2011), 203–211