Semakov, Sergei Lvovich

Total publications: 32 (32)
in MathSciNet: 6 (6)
in zbMATH: 8 (8)
in Web of Science: 15 (15)
in Scopus: 11 (11)
Cited articles: 10
Citations: 53

Number of views:
This page:1323
Abstract pages:1733
Full texts:625
Semakov, Sergei Lvovich
Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences (1996)
Keywords: random process, probability of reaching a level, moment of first reaching the level, landing of an airplane, forecasting, control


Mathematical modeling, theory of random processes, theory of control and decision-making and their applications.The main efforts were aimed at solving the practically important problem of finding the distribution function of the moment of the first output of a vector random process on the selected part of the boundary of a given region in multidimensional space. This problem appears in studying stochastic systems in situations when normal system operation corresponds to a position of a point depicting the system in a certain region of the systems phase space, and consequences of the point leaving this region depend on which part of the regions boundary it will leave through. The scheme is proposed that allows one to find estimates of the probability of events associated with level crossings and level achievements by a non-Markovian smooth random process. The results obtained are used, in particular, in aviation to solve the problem of ensuring the safety of aircraft flight.


He graduated from the Kolmogorov Physics and Mathematics Boarding School No.18 at the Moscow State University, and only with all fives except one four in the certificate. He graduated from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Thechnology, and only with excellent marks in the grade book. In 1986, he entered the full-time postgraduate study at the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, defending in 1988 a Ph.D. thesis in 01.01.09 specialty - mathematical cybernetics. In the same year, he became the winner of the competition of scientific works of young scientists of the Computing Center of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. In 1996, he defended his doctoral dissertation at the Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the specialty 05.13.18 - theoretical foundations of mathematical modeling, numerical methods and program complexes. In 1998, he was awarded the title of professor in the department of higher mathematics.

The results of this period of scientific activity are collected in the monograph “Outliers of Random Processes: Applications in Aviation”, published in 2005 by the Nauka publishing house, the publication of which was supported by the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The methods proposed in the monograph and in it software implemented on a computer were used for the probabilistic assessment of the accuracy of landing real aircraft, in particular, ship-based aircraft.

In 2009-2014, he was engaged in the tasks of forecasting and managing sales of goods in retail chains. The results of these studies, supported by the RFBR grant (number 12-01-00906-a), were published in the monograph “Forecasting and Sales Management in Retail Networks”, published by Fizmatlit Publishing House in 2012. The algorithm for introducing discounts on the price of goods proposed in it when actual sales lag behind planned ones, it has been introduced and is used in a large trading network that includes about a thousand stores.

In December 2018, he was invited to make a presentation entitled “Estimating the probability that a random process first reaches the boundary of a region on a given time interval” at the flagship conference of the Control Systems Society (CSS) of the International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) - Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), which is the most representative and most status regular conference on a planetary scale in decision theory and control theory for both deterministic and stochastic systems. The article of the same name was published in the proceedings of the CDC-2018. In December 2019, he was invited to make a presentation entitled “Estimating the probability of safe landing for aircrafts” at the CDC-2019. The article of the same name was published in the proceedings of the CDC-2019.

In 2019, at the initiative of the well-known English publisher Cambridge Scholars Publishing, the monograph "Crossings Problems in Random Processes Theory and Their Applications in Aviation" was published.

Main publications:
  1. S. L. Semakov, “The probability of hitting of a level by a component of multidimensional process within prescribed interval under restrictions on the remaining components”, Theory Probab. Appl., 34:2 (1989), 357–361  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
  2. S. L. Semakov, Outliers of Random Processes: Applications in Aviation, Nauka, Moscow, 2005 , 200 pp. (in Russian)  elib
  3. S. L. Semakov, I. S. Semakov, “Estimating the probability that a random process first reaches the boundary of a region on a given time interval”, Proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2018) (Miami Beach, Fl, USA, December 17–19, 2018), 2018, 256–261  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus
  4. S. L. Semakov, Crossings problems in random processes theory and their applications in aviation, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, 2019 , 200 pp.
  5. S. Semakov and I. Semakov, “Method of calculating the probability of a safe landing for ship-based aircraft”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58:6 (2022), 5425–5442  crossref  isi  scopus
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. S. L. Semakov, I. S. Semakov, “The first achievement of the level by a random process”, Avtomat. i Telemekh.  mathnet

2. S. L. Semakov, M. V. Semakova, “Thrust control for aircraft landing on a carrier”, Autom. Remote Control, 84:3 (2023), 294–304  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  isi
3. S. L. Semakov, “Estimating the probability of falling share price below the minimum level”, Proceedings of the 2023 9th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT) (Italy, Rome, July 3-6, 2023), 2023, 142–144  crossref  isi
4. S. L. Semakov et al., “The first achievement of a given level by a random process”, Proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2023) (Singapore, Singapore, December 13-15, 2023), 2023, 3820-3825  crossref  isi 1

5. S. Semakov and I. Semakov, “Method of calculating the probability of a safe landing for ship-based aircraft”, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 58:6 (2022), 5425–5442  crossref  isi  scopus 3
6. S.L. Semakov, A.S. Semakov, “Management of price discounts in retail trade networks”, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications (CCTA) (Italy, Trieste, August 22-25, 2022), 2022, 522–527  crossref  isi

7. S.L. Semakov, “Aircraft landing strategy”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR2021) (Singapore, Singapore, April 23–26, 2021), 2021, 184–188  crossref  isi  scopus 2

8. S. L. Semakov, M. V. Semakova, “Probabilistic estimation of aircraft landing accuracy”, Russian Aeronautics, 63:4 (2020), 635–642  crossref  scopus
9. Sergei Semakov, Ivan Semakov, “Probabilistic estimation of aircraft landing accuracy”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Control, Automation and Robotics (ICCAR2020) (Singapore, Singapore, April 20–23, 2020), 2020, 450–454  crossref  isi  scopus 3

10. S. L. Semakov, I. S. Semakov, “The probability of first reaching a desired level by a random process on a given interval”, Autom. Remote Control, 80:3 (2019), 459–473  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
11. S. L. Semakov, Crossings problems in random processes theory and their applications in aviation, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle, UK, 2019 , 200 pp.
12. S. L. Semakov, “The information technology related to the management of sales in trading networks”, Vestnik komp’iuternykh i informatsionnykh tekhnologii, 2019, no. 3, 35–39 (in Russian)  crossref  mathscinet  elib
13. S. L. Semakov, “On one approach to the probabilistic estimation of a civilian aircraft safety landing”, Proceedings of the Moscow Aviation Institute, 2019, no. 104 , 11 pp. (in Russian)  zmath  elib
14. S. L. Semakov, I. S. Semakov, “Estimating the probability of safe landing for aircrafts”, Proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2019) (Nice, France, December 11–13, 2019), 2019, 2568–2573  crossref  isi  scopus 6

15. S. L. Semakov, I. S. Semakov, “Estimating the probability of an event related to the moment when a random process first reaches a given level”, Autom. Remote Control, 79:4 (2018), 632–640  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
16. S. L. Semakov, I. S. Semakov, “Estimating the probability that a random process first reaches the boundary of a region on a given time interval”, Proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC2018) (Miami Beach, Fl, USA, December 17–19, 2018), 2018, 256–261  crossref  mathscinet  isi  scopus 9
17. S. L. Semakov, I. S. Semakov, “New technology of estimating the probability that a share price will fall below the minimum level”, Vestnik komp’iuternykh i informatsionnykh tekhnologii, 2018, no. 4, 52–56 (in Russian)  crossref  mathscinet  elib

18. S. L. Semakov, “Estimating the probability that a multidimensional random process reaches the boundary of a region”, Autom. Remote Control, 76:4 (2015), 613–626  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus

19. S. L. Semakov, A. S. Semakov, “Management of price discounts in tradings networks”, Proceedings of Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, 6:2 (2014), 158–161 (in Russian)  elib

20. S. L. Semakov, A. S. Semakov, “Algorithm of introduction of discounts on the price of the seasonal goods in trading networks at backlog of actual sales from the planned”, Mat. Model., 24:9 (2012), 70–78 (in Russian)  mathnet  mathscinet  elib
21. C. L. Semakov, A. S. Semakov, Prognozirovanie i upravlenie prodazhami v torgovykh setyakh, Fizmatlit, Moskva, 2012 , 148 pp.  elib

22. S. L. Semakov, Elements of Probability Theory and Random Processes, Fizmatlit, Moscow, 2011 , 232 pp. (in Russian)  elib

23. S. L. Semakov, Outliers of Random Processes: Applications in Aviation, Nauka, Moscow, 2005 , 200 pp. (in Russian)  elib

24. S. L. Semakov, “The application of the known solution of a problem of attaining the boundaries by non-Markovian process to estimation of probability of safe airplane landing”, J. of Computer and Systems Scienes International, 35:2 (1996), 302–308  zmath  elib  scopus

25. S. L. Semakov, Traction control when landing aircraft, Computing Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1995 , 28 pp. (in Russian)
26. S. L. Semakov, Problems of level crossings by a random process and their application in aviation in the study of landing safety problems, thesis … doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Moscow, 1995 , 286 pp. (in Russian)  elib

27. S. L. Semakov, “The probability of hitting of a level by a component of multidimensional process within prescribed interval under restrictions on the remaining components”, Theory Probab. Appl., 34:2 (1989), 357–361  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi
28. S. L. Semakov, Probability of the first approach of a level by a stochastic process in a prescribed interval, Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1989 , 34 pp. (in Russian)  zmath

29. S. L. Semakov, “First arrival of a random process on the boundary”, Autom. Remote Control, 49:6 (1988), 757–764  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi
30. S. L. Semakov, Probabilistic estimate of the exactness of aeroplane landing, Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1988 , 68 pp. (in Russian)  zmath

31. S. L. Semakov, “Estimation of the probability of an aircraft landing on a given surface area subject to restrictions on phase coordinates”, Scientific Notes TsAGI, 18:2 (1987), 54–61 (in Russian)  elib

32. S. L. Semakov, “First achievement of a level by a random process in flight dynamics problems”, Soviet Aeronautics, 29:4 (1986), 61–65  isi  scopus

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