Main publications: |
- 1. I. Coanda, G. Trautmann: The Splitting Criterion of Kempf and the Babylonian Tower Theorem. Communications of Algebra 34 (2006), 2485-2488.
- 2. I. Coanda, G. Trautmann: Horrocks Theory and the Bernstein-Gelfand-Gelfand Correspondence. Transactions of the AMS 358 (2005), 1015-1031.
- 3. H.G. Freiermuth, G. Trautmann: On the Moduli Scheme of Stable Sheaves Supported on Cubic Space Curves. American Journ. of Mathematics 126 (2004), 363-393.
- 4. I. Coanda, A. Tikhomirov, G. Trautmann: Irreducibility and Smoothness of the Moduli Space of Mathematical 5-Instantons over P3. Intern. Journ. of Mathematics 14 (2003), 1-45.
- 5. J. M. Drezet, G. Trautmann: Moduli spaces of decomposable morhpisms of sheaves and quotients by non-reductive groups. Ann. Inst. Fourier, Grenoble 53 (2003), 97-107.
- 6. G. Ottaviani, G. Trautmann: The tangent space of a special symplectic instanton bundle on P2n+1. manuscripta math. 85 (1995), 97-107.