Kruglov, Vasilii Igorevich

Total publications: 33 (33)
in MathSciNet: 12 (12)
in zbMATH: 3 (3)
in Web of Science: 2 (2)
in Scopus: 4 (4)
Cited articles: 10
Citations: 31
Presentations: 2

Number of views:
This page:1527
Abstract pages:5316
Full texts:2138
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2009)
List of publications on Google Scholar

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)
1. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “On coincidences of tuples in a binary tree with random labels of vertices”, Discrete Math. Appl., 26:3 (2016), 145–153  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
2. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “Statistical characteristics of weight spectra of random linear codes over $\mathrm{GF}(p)$”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 5:1 (2014), 27–38  mathnet  crossref  elib
3. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “Moments of codeword weights in random binary linear codes”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:4 (2012), 55–70  mathnet  crossref  elib
4. V. I. Kruglov, “On coincidences of tuples in a $q$-ary tree with random labels of vertices”, Discrete Math. Appl., 28:5 (2018), 293–307  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
5. Vasiliy Kruglov, Andrey Zubkov, “Number of Pairs of Template Matchings in $q$-ary Tree with Randomly Marked Vertices”, Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 10684, Springer, 2017, 336–346  mathnet  crossref  scopus 3
6. V. G. Mikhailov, V. I. Kruglov, “On the asymptotic normality in the problem on the tuples repetitions in a marked complete tree”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 12:4 (2021), 59–64  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
7. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “On quantiles of minimal codeword weights of random linear codes over $\mathbf{F}_p$”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 9:2 (2018), 99–102  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  elib 2
8. V. I. Kruglov, “Limit distributions of the number of vectors satisfying a linear relation”, Discrete Math. Appl., 18:5 (2008), 465–481  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  elib  elib  scopus
9. V. G. Mikhailov, V. I. Kruglov, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 13:3 (2022), 93–106  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
10. V. I. Kruglov, V. G. Mikhailov, “On the rank of random binary matrix with fixed weights of independent rows”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 10:4 (2019), 67–76  mathnet  crossref
11. V. I. Kruglov, “Otsenki dlya raspredelenii rangov sluchainykh dvoichnykh matrits, sostoyaschikh iz strok s zadannymi vesami”, Materialy II mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Teoreticheskaya i prikladnaya kriptografiya” (Minsk, 19–20 oktyabrya 2023g.), BGU, Minsk, 2023, 127–131
12. Kruglov V.I., “A goodness-of-fit Lempel–Ziv test for equiprobable binary sequences”, Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Stochastics and Data Science, Proceedings of the XIII International Conference (Minsk, September 6-10, 2022), Publishing Center of BSU, Minsk, 2022, 100–103
13. V. G. Mikhailov, V. I. Kruglov, “Asymptotic normality of number of multiple coincidences of chains in complete $q$-ary trees and forests with randomly marked vertices”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat. Suppl., 2022, no. 15, 8–11  mathnet  crossref
14. V. I. Kruglov, “Limit theorems for number of block $C_N$-equivalent pairs of chains in random equiprobable sequence”, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 29:2 (2022), 61–64
15. V. G. Mikhailov, V. I. Kruglov, “Asymptotical normality of number of pairs of identically labeled chains in q-ary tree with randomly labeled vertices”, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 28:2 (2021), 142–145  mathnet  mathscinet
16. V. I. Kruglov, V. G. Mikhailov, “On the rank of random matrix over prime field consisting of independent rows with given numbers of nonzero elements”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 11:3 (2020), 41–52  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
17. Zubkov A. M., Kruglov V.I., “Number of pairs of identically marked templates in $q$-ary tree”, Computer Data Analysis and Modeling: Stochastics and Data Science, Proceedings of the XII International Conference (Minsk, September 18-22, 2019), Publishing Center of BSU, Minsk, 2019, 348–351
18. Kruglov V. I., Mikhailov V. G., “Neravenstva dlya ranga sluchainoi dvoichnoi matritsy s nezavisimymi strokami zadannykh vesov”, Veroyatnostnye metody v diskretnoi matematike, X Mezhdunarodnaya Petrozavodskaya konferentsiya (22-26 maya, 2019 g., Petrozavodsk, Rossiya), KarNTs RAN, Petrozavodsk, 2019, 93–95
19. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “Unextendable to the root coincidences of tuples in a $q$-ary tree with randomly labelled vertices”, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 25:3 (2018), 249–251  mathnet  mathscinet
20. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “Chislo par odinakovo pomechennykh vkhozhdenii zadannogo poddereva v $q$-ichnoe derevo so sluchainymi metkami vershin”, Analiticheskie i vychislitelnye metody v teorii veroyatnostei i ee prilozheniyakh (Moskva, 23–27 oktyabrya 2017 g.), eds. A. V. Lebedev, RUDN, Moskva, 2017, 735–740
21. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “On coincidences of tuples in a binary tree with randomly labelled vertices”, Computer Data Analysis and Modeling. Theoretical and Applied Stochastics, Proceedings of the XI International Conference (Minsk, September 6-10, 2016), Publishing Center of BSU, Minsk, 2016, 189–192
22. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “Probabilistic characteristics of weight spectra of random linear subcodes over $\mathrm{GF}(p)$”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat. Suppl., 2014, no. 7, 118–121  mathnet  elib
23. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “On the vectors' weights in random linear spaces over $\mathrm{GF}(p)$”, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 21:4 (2014), 366–368  mathnet
24. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “Weight spectra of random linear codes”, Computer data analysis and modeling, Proceedings of the Tenth International conference (Minsk, September 10–14, 2013), v. 2, Publishing center of BSU, Minsk, 2013, 20–22
25. V. I. Kruglov, “Poisson approximation for the distribution of the number of “parallelograms” in a random sample from $\mathbb Z_N^q$”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 3:2 (2012), 63–78  mathnet  crossref  elib
26. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “On distributions of weight spectra for random linear binary codes”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat. Suppl., 2012, no. 5, 10–11  mathnet  mathscinet
27. V. I. Kruglov, “Poisson approximation for the distribution of the number of “parallelograms” in a random sample from $\mathbb Z_N^q$”, International conference “Probability Theory and its Applications”, in Commemoration of the Centennial of B. V. Gnedenko, Abstracts (Moscow), 2012, 49–50
28. A. Zubkov, V. Kruglov, “On the Distribution of Weight Spectra of Random Linear Binary Codes”, Proceedings of Workshop on Current Trends in Cryptology (Nizhny Novgorod), 2012, 29–31
29. A. M. Zubkov, V. I. Kruglov, “On the distribution of weight spectra of random linear subspaces”, Review of Applied and Industrial Mathematics, 19:4 (2012), 564–566  mathnet
30. V. I. Kruglov, “A goodness-of-fit test for uniform distribution on a finite group”, Computer data analysis and modeling, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference (Belarus, Minsk, 7–11 Sept 2010), v. 2, Publishing center of BSU, Minsk, 2010, 40–42
31. V. I. Kruglov, “Exact formula for expectation of number of pairs of coinciding $s$-chains in a random binary sequence with fixed number of zeroes and ones”, Prikl. Diskr. Mat. Suppl., 2024, no. 17, 9–11  mathnet  crossref
32. V. G. Mikhailov, V. I. Kruglov, “Conditions for asymptotic normality of the number of multiple repetitions of chains in marked complete trees and forests”, Mat. Vopr. Kriptogr., 14:1 (2023), 85–97  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet
33. V. I. Kruglov, “Two Lempel – Ziv goodness-of-fit tests for nonequiprobable random binary sequences”, Matem. vopr. kriptogr., 14:2 (2023), 97–110  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet;

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Об эквивалентности непредсказуемости и неразличимости псевдослучайных последовательностей
V. I. Kruglov
Seminar by Department of Discrete Mathematic, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
May 11, 2010 16:00
2. Предельные теоремы для числа конфигураций, удовлетворяющих линейным соотношениям (кандидатская диссертация)
V. I. Kruglov
Seminar by Department of Discrete Mathematic, Steklov Mathematical Institute of RAS
January 27, 2009 16:00

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