Lyapin, Alexander Petrovich

Total publications: 30 (30)
in MathSciNet: 11 (11)
in zbMATH: 13 (13)
in Web of Science: 15 (15)
in Scopus: 13 (13)
Cited articles: 12
Citations: 53

Number of views:
This page:5847
Abstract pages:1748
Full texts:535
Lyapin, Alexander Petrovich
Associate professor
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2009)
Speciality: 01.01.01 (Real analysis, complex analysis, and functional analysis)
Keywords: multi-dimensional difference equations, GF-function, amoeba of characteristic polynomial, asymptotics.
UDC: 517.55


The methods of the theory function of several complex variable in the combinatorial analysis.

Main publications:
  1. A. P. Lyapin, S. Chandragiri, “Generating functions for vector partition functions and a basic recurrence relation”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25:7 (2019), 1052–1061
  2. A. P. Lyapin, T. Cuchta, “Sections of a generating series of a solution to a difference equation in a simplicial cone”, The Bulletin of Irkutsk State University. Series Mathematics, 42 (2022), 75–89
  3. S. S. Akhtamova, V. S. Alekseev, A. P. Lyapin, “Discrete Generating Functions”, Mathematical Notes, 114:6 (2023), 1087–1093
  4. S. S. Akhtamova, T. Cuchta, A. P. Lyapin, “An Approach to Multidimensional Discrete Generating Series”, Mathematics, 12:1 (2024), 143

List of publications:
| scientific publications | by years | by types | by times cited | common list |

Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)

1. S. S. Akhtamova, T. Cuchta, A. Lyapin, “An Approach to Multidimensional Discrete Generating Series”, Mathematics, 12:1, Special Issue Analytical and Computational Methods in Differential Equations, Special Functions, Transmutations and Integral Transforms, 2nd Edition (2024), 143 , 10 pp.  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
2. A. A. Grigorev, E. K. Leinartas, A. P. Lyapin, “Polinomialnye resheniya mnogomernykh raznostnykh uravnenii”, Sovremennye problemy teorii funktsii i ikh prilozheniya, Materialy 22-i mezhdunarodnoi Saratovskoi zimnei shkoly, posvyaschennoi 300-letiyu RAN. (Saratov, 28–31 yanvarya 2024 g.), Saratovskii natsionalnyi issledovatelskii gosudarstvennyi universitet, 2024, 77–80  elib
3. A. B. Leinartene, A. P. Lyapin, “Applying Computer Algebra Systems to Study Chaundy-Bullard Identities for the Vector Partition Function with Weight”, Programming and Computer Software, 50:2 (2024), 176–179  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus

4. A. P. Lyapin, E. N. Mikhalkin, “Algorithm for Computing the Truncation of the Discriminant of a Polynomial”, Programming and Computer Software, 49:1 (2023), 49–53  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
5. M. S. Apanovich, A. P. :Lyapin, K. V. Shadrin, “Solving the Cauchy Problem for a Three-dimensional Difference Equation in a Parallelepiped”, Programming and Computer Software, 49:2 (2023), 61–68  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
6. Andrey A. Grigoriev, Evgeniy K. Leinartas, Alexander P. Lyapin, “Summation of functions and polynomial solutions to a multidimensional difference equation”, Zhurn. SFU. Ser. Matem. i fiz., 16:2 (2023), 153–161  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus;
7. S.S. Akhtamova, V.S. Alekseev, A.P. Lyapin, “Discrete Generating Functions”, Mathematical Notes, 114:6 (2023), 1087–1093  mathnet  mathnet  mathnet  crossref  crossref  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

8. M. S. Apanovich, A. P. :Lyapin, K. V. Shadrin, “Algorithm for Solving the Cauchy Problem for a Two-Dimensional Difference Equation with Initial Data Defined in a “Strip””, Programming and Computer Software, 48:4 (2022), 286–292  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
9. A. A. Grigorev, E. K. Leinartas, A. P. Lyapin, “Diskretnyi analog formuly Nyutona-Leibnitsa i operatory s summiruyuschim effektom”, Sovremennye problemy teorii funktsii i ikh prilozheniya, Materialy 21-i mezhdunarodnoi Saratovskoi zimnei shkoly. Saratov, 2022 (Saratov, 31 yanvarya – 04 fevralya 2022 goda), eds. A.P. Khromov (glav. redaktor) [i dr.]., Saratovskii natsionalnyi issledovatelskii gosudarstvennyi universitet imeni N.G. Chernyshevskogo, Saratov, 2022, 118-121  elib
10. А. П. Ляпин, Т. Кучта, “Сечения производящего ряда решения разностного уравнения в симплициальном конусе”, Известия Иркутского государственного университета. Серия Математика, 42 (2022), 75–89  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

11. M. S. Apanovich, A. P. Lyapin, K. V. Shadrin, “Solving the Cauchy Problem for a Two-Dimensional Difference Equation at a Point Using Computer Algebra Methods”, Programming and Computer Software, 47:1 (2021), 1-5  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  elib  scopus
12. A. P. Lyapin, S. S. Akhtamova, “Recurrence relations for the sections of the generating series of the solution to the multidimensional difference equation”, Vestn. Udmurtsk. Univ. Mat. Mekh. Komp. Nauki, 31:3 (2021), 414–423  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus

13. M. S. Apanovich, A. P. Lyapin, K. V. Shadrin, “Calculating the sequence of main minors of the Toeplitz band matrix”, Applied Mathematics & Physics, 52:1 (2020), 5-10  mathnet  crossref  elib
14. Alexander P. Lyapin, Sreelatha Chandragiri, “The Cauchy problem for multidimensional difference equations in lattice cones”, Zhurn. SFU. Ser. Matem. i fiz., 13:2 (2020), 187–196  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 6
15. C. C. Akhtamova, V. Yu. Grishunov, A. P. Lyapin, S. A. Tikhomirov, “O secheniyakh proizvodyaschikh ryadov v zadachakh o reshetochnykh putyakh”, Prikladnaya matematika & fizika, 52:2 (2020), 146-151  mathnet  crossref  elib
16. S. Chandragiri, A. P. Lyapin, “On fundamental solutions to difference equations in lattice cones”, Sovremennye problemy teorii funktsii i ikh prilozheniya, Materialy 20-i mezhdunarodnoi Saratovskoi zimnei shkoly. (Saratov, 28 yanvarya – 01 fevralya 2020 goda), eds. A.P. Khromov (gl. redaktor), B.S. Kashin (zam. gl. redaktora), Yu.S. Kruss (otv. sekretar) [i dr.]., Saratovskii natsionalnyi issledovatelskii gosudarstvennyi universitet imeni N.G. Chernyshevskogo, Saratov, 2020, 449-452  elib

17. A. P. Lyapin, S. Chandragiri, “Generating functions for vector partition functions and a basic recurrence relation”, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 25:7 (2019), 1052–1061 , arXiv: 1907.12073  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus 8

18. A. A. Kytmanov, A. P. Lyapin, T. M. Sadykov, “Evaluating the rational generating function for the solution of the Cauchy problem for a two-dimensional difference equation with constant coefficients”, Programming and Computer Software, 43:2 (2017), 105–111  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus 8

19. S. A. Tikhomirov, A. P. Lyapin, “O stabilnykh 2-rassloeniyakh s klassami Cherna s1 = 0, s2 = 12 i c2 = 13 na kompleksnom proektivnom prostranstve”, Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Matematika. Fizika, 36:19 (2014), 105–111  elib

20. S. A. Tikhomirov, A. P. Lyapin, V. M. Rostov, “Kombinirovannyi vychislitelnyi metod v sravnitelnom analize komponent Khartskhorna i Vedernikova stabilnykh 2-rassloenii na kompleksnom proektivnom prostranstve”, Yaroslavskii pedagogicheskii vestnik, 3:4 (2013), 12–19  elib
21. S. A. Tikhomirov, A. P. Lyapin, E. V. Kazantseva, “Spektry stabilnykh 2-rassloenii s nechetnym pervym klassom Cherna na trekhmernom proektivnom prostranstve”, Yaroslavskii pedagogicheskii vestnik, 3:4 (2013), 21–23  elib
22. S. A. Tikhomirov, A. P. Lyapin, O. A. Voilokova, “Invarianty stabilnykh 2-rassloenii na kompleksnom proektivnom prostranstve i adaptatsiya vychislitelnoi tekhnologii Barta”, Yaroslavskii pedagogicheskii vestnik, 3:2 (2013), 33–38  elib
23. S. A. Tikhomirov, A. A. Kytmanov, N. N. Osipov, T. L. Troshina, A. P. Lyapin, “O mnogoobrazii modulei M p 3 (2;0,15) stabilnykh 2-rassloenii s klassami Cherna s ;=0 i s 2=15 na kompleksnom proektivnom prostranstve”, Yaroslavskii pedagogicheskii vestnik, 3:4 (2013), 50–55  elib
24. S. A. Tikhomirov, A. P. Lyapin, A. V. Zhigareva, “Mnogoobraziya modulei stabilnykh refleksivnykh puchkov ranga 2 s nechetnym pervym klassom Cherna na kompleksnom proektivnom prostranstve”, Yaroslavskii pedagogicheskii vestnik, 3:3 (2013), 68–74  elib

25. S. A. Tikhomirov, A. P. Lyapin, E. A. Ruzanov, “O mnogoobraziyakh modulei M p3 (2;0,10) i M p3 (2;0,11) stabilnykh 2-rassloenii s klassami Cherna c 1 = 0, c 2 = 10 i 11 na kompleksnom proektivnom prostranstve”, Yaroslavskii pedagogicheskii vestnik, 3:4 (2012), 13–18  elib

26. A. P. Lyapin, “Ob odnom preobrazovanii kratnogo ryada Lorana”, Nauchnye vedomosti Belgorodskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Seriya: Matematika. Fizika, 5:18 (2010), 99-108  elib

27. Evgeny K. Leinartas, Alexander P. Lyapin, “On the Rationality of Multidimentional Recusive Series”, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Math. Phys., 2:4 (2009), 449–455  mathnet  zmath  isi  elib
28. Alexander P. Lyapin, “Riordan's Arrays and Two-dimensional Difference Equations”, J. Sib. Fed. Univ. Math. Phys., 2:2 (2009), 210–220  mathnet  zmath  isi  elib
29. A. P. Lyapin, O ratsionalnosti z-preobrazovaniya reshenii mnogomernykh raznostnykh uravnenii i ikh asimptotike, Diss. … kand. fiz.-matem. nauk, SFU, Krasnoyarsk, 2009 , 78 pp.  elib

30. A. P. Lyapin, “Asimptotika koeffitsientov Teilora meromorfnykh funktsii s lineinymi osobennostyami”, Vestnik KrasGU, 6 (2006), 93–97 Ssylka na publikatsiyu

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