Alexander Kolpakov, Alexey Talambutsa, “Growth rates of Coxeter groups and Perron numbers”, Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, 2022:19 (2022), 14675–14696
Alexander Kolpakov, Alexey Talambutsa, “On free semigroups of affine maps on the real line”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 150:6 (2022), 2301–2307
Alexander Kolpakov, Alexey Talambutsa, “Spherical and geodesic growth rates of right-angled Coxeter and Artin groups are Perron numbers”, Discrete Math., 343:3 (2020), 111763–8
A. A. Kolpakov, “Volume formulae for fibred cone-manifolds with spherical geometry”, Mat. Sb., 207:12 (2016), 73–89; Sb. Math., 207:12 (2016), 1693–1708
A. A. Kolpakov, A. D. Mednykh, M. G. Pashkevich, “A volume formula for $\mathbb Z_2$-symmetric spherical tetrahedra”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 52:3 (2011), 582–599; Siberian Math. J., 52:3 (2011), 456–470
A. A. Kolpakov, A. D. Mednykh, “Spherical structures on torus knots and links”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 50:5 (2009), 1083–1096; Siberian Math. J., 50:5 (2009), 856–866