Treyer, Alexander Victorovich

Total publications: 21 (21)
in MathSciNet: 6 (6)
in zbMATH: 5 (5)
in Web of Science: 8 (8)
in Scopus: 12 (12)
Cited articles: 6
Citations: 40
Presentations: 2

Number of views:
This page:3147
Abstract pages:3031
Full texts:722
Candidate of physico-mathematical sciences (2010)
Speciality: 01.01.06 (Mathematical logic, algebra, and number theory)
E-mail: ,
Keywords: group theory, model theory, combinatorics, limit systems
UDC: 512.544.43, 512.544.33, 512.547.4б, 512.5
MSC: 13A99


group theory, model theory, combinatorics, limit systems

Main publications:
  1. V. N. Remeslennikov, A. V. Treier, “Structure of the automorphism group for partially commutative class two nilpotent groups”, Algebra and Logic, 49:1 (2010), 43–67  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
  2. A. A. Mishchenko, A. V. Treyer, “Commuting graphs for partially commutative nilpotent $\mathbb Q$-groups of class $2$”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 4 (2007), 460–481  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
List of publications on Google Scholar

Full list of publications:
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Citations (Crossref Cited-By Service + Math-Net.Ru)


1. I. M. Buchinskiy, A. V. Treyer, “On graphs that are not equationally Noetherian”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 20:2 (2023), 580–587  mathnet  crossref
2. Treier A., “Equational noethericity for graphs and hypergraphs”, 14th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Applied Mechanics and Systems Dynamics, AMSD 2020 (Omsk10 November 2020 do 12 November), IoP Publishing, 2021, 012088  crossref  scopus
3. Buchinskiy I.M., Buchinskiy I.M., Treier A.V., “On first order definability of equationally noetherian graphs”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 5th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Mechanical Science and Technology Update, MSTU 2021 (Omsk16 March 2021 do 17 March 2021), 1901, IoP Publishing, 2021, 012032  crossref  scopus
4. Daniyarova E.Y.,Mishchenko A.A.,Remeslennikov V.N.,Treier A.V., “On algebraic-geometric and universal theories of Abelian groups”, Fundamental and Applied Mathematics, 23:2 (2020), 101-145  mathnet  crossref  scopus
5. Remeslennikov, Vladimir N.; Treier, AV, “Elementary classes of graphs in a language without equality predicate”, Journal of Physics Conference Series, 4th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Mechanical Science and Technology Update, MSTU 2020 (Omsk17 March 2020 do 19 March 2020), 1546, IoP Publishing, 2020, 012099  crossref  isi  scopus
6. Duncan A.J., Remeslennikov V.N., Treier A.V., “A survey of Free Partially Commutative Groups”, 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Applied Mechanics and Systems Dynamics, AMSD 2019 (Omsk5 November 2019 do 7 November 2019), Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1441:1 (2020), 012136  crossref  scopus 8
7. Treier A., “Universal graph powerset”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 13th International Scientific and Technical Conference on Applied Mechanics and Systems Dynamics, AMSD 2019 (Omsk5 November 2019 do 7 November 2019), IoP Publishing, 2020, 012173  crossref  scopus
8. A. A. Mishchenko, V. N. Remeslennikov, A. V. Treyer, “Canonical and algebraically closed groups in universal classes of Abelian groups”, Algebra and Logic, 58:3 (2019), 232–243  mathnet  crossref  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  scopus
9. Remeslennikov, Vladimir N.; Treier, AV, “Universal classes in the category of simple graphs”, Mechanical Science and Technology Update, MSTU 2019 (Omsk23 April 2019 do 24 April 2019), 022099, IoP Publishing, 2019  crossref  isi  scopus
10. F. A. Dudkin, A. V. Treyer, “Knapsack problem for Baumslag–Solitar groups”, Sib. J. Pure and Appl. Math., 18:4 (2018), 43–55  mathnet  crossref  zmath
11. A. A. Mishchenko, V. N. Remeslennikov, A. V. Treier, “Universal invariants for classes of Abelian groups”, Algebra and Logic, 56:2 (2017), 116–132  mathnet  crossref  crossref  isi  elib  scopus
12. A. Mishchenko, V. Remeslennikov, A. Treier, “Canonical and existential groups in universal classes of Abelian groups”, DOKLADY MATHEMATICS, 93:2 (2016), 175-178 (to appear)  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
13. A. V. Treier, “O vypolnimosti grafovykh formul na chastichno kommutativnykh nilpotentnykh gruppakh”, Vestnik Omskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya matematika, informatika, 72:2 (2014), 42-46
14. A. A. Mishchenko, V. N. Remeslennikov, A. V. Treier, “Generic theories for series of finite Abelian groups”, Algebra and Logic, 53:6 (2015), 471–480  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
15. A. A. Mishchenko, A. V. Treier, “Algorithmic decidability of the universal equivalence problem for partially commutative nilpotent groups”, Algebra and Logic, 52:2 (2013), 147–158  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  isi  elib  scopus
16. A. A. Mischenko, A. V. Treier, “O vypolnimosti grafovykh formul na chastichno kommutativnoi dvustupenno nilpotentnoi gruppe.”, Algebra i teoriya modelei, 8, sbornik trudov pod red. A.G.Pinusa i dr. izd-vo NGTU, Novosibirsk, (2011), 48-59
17. V. N. Remeslennikov, A. V. Treier, “Structure of the automorphism group for partially commutative class two nilpotent groups”, Algebra and Logic, 49:1 (2010), 43–67  mathnet  crossref  mathscinet  zmath  isi  elib  scopus
18. A. V. Treyer, “Two Results for Automorphism Group of Partially Commutative Class Two Nilpotent Groups”, Vestnik, Quart. J. of Novosibirsk State Univ., Series: Math., mech. and informatics, 10:2 (2010), 85–97  mathnet
19. A. A. Mishchenko, A. V. Treyer, “Commuting graphs for partially commutative nilpotent $\mathbb Q$-groups of class $2$”, Sib. Èlektron. Mat. Izv., 4 (2007), 460–481  mathnet  mathscinet  zmath
20. A. A. Mischenko, A. V. Treier, “Struktura tsentralizatorov dlya chastichno kommutativnoi dvustupenno nilpotentnoi $\mathbb{Q}$-gruppy”, Vestnik Omskogo Universiteta, 2007, Spetsialnyi vypusk, 98-102
21. A. A. Mischenko, A. V. Treier, “Vypolnimost E-formul na chastichno kommutativnykh dvustupenno nilpotentnykh $\mathbb{Q}$-gruppakh”, Vestnik Omskogo Universiteta. Seriya matematika, 2006, no. 1, 15-17

Presentations in Math-Net.Ru
1. Новые проблемы алгебры и логики. Юбилейное 900-е заседание семинара
V. N. Remeslennikov, A. N. Rybalov, A. N. Shevlyakov, D. V. Solomatin, L. M. Martynov, G. A. Noskov, A. V. Treyer, A. N. Zubkov, V. P. Il'ev, V. M. Gichev
Omsk Algebraic Seminar
November 12, 2015 16:00
2. Universal equivalence of partially commutative nilpotent R-groups
A. V. Treyer, A. A. Mishchenko
Omsk Algebraic Seminar
May 26, 2011 16:00

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